Just A Spare Tire

"Marry me!"

Su Li had not said a thing since she arrived, but when she finally did, Xiao Luo was shocked into silence. It took a while for Xiao Luo to digest those words, and for a time, he simply gazed at Su Li in a stupor. She was wearing a white-colored dress with blue polka dots, which gave her a girl-next-door look. It was a well-cut outfit that accentuated her slim waist and slender legs, and a pair of yellow-colored high heels complimented the look. Her long black hair fell loosely, cascading down over her shoulders, and it gave her a youthful vibrance—but she retained that unmistakable quality that Xiao Luo had come to recognize, the frosty gaze of a woman who always got what she wanted.

"Marry you?"

Xiao Luo blurted out, finally finding his voice. He still couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Are you serious?"