
Ahsan was terrified! He had just seen his partner, Ahsee, whizzing past him like a bullet from a single kick to the chest. He cringed at the thought of the incredible power behind that kick, for Ahsee was a strapping man weighing at least 160 kilos. What kind of a monster were they facing?

Even as Ahsan was still frozen in a state of shock, Xiao Luo's second kick was already coming right at him. In a reflex response, Ahsan instantly pushed his palms out to defend himself, but the moment they came into contact with the sole of Xiao Luo's shoe, he regretted his actions. He immediately pictured his intestines turning green as the force of the blow was overwhelming. It felt like a charging bull had slammed into him, and his body flew backward, trembling uncontrollably.


Ahsan crashed onto the floor, not far from Ahzee, screaming in pain and agony.