What Is He Capable Of

There was no way that Xiao Luo could not have heard what Luo Shuang said. It had been a while since his hearing ability had been enhanced to such a heightened level, way beyond ordinary people's abilities. He could even hear mosquitoes beating their wings three meters away. With calm confidence, he amicably greeted Tian Zhenxing, "Nice to meet you, Chief Tian!"

"Mmm, not bad, neither obsequious nor arrogant. People from the NSA are indeed different. Your temperament is extraordinary."

Tian Zhenxing's eyes were filled with admiration. He turned to smile at Qiu Yuanjie and said, "Yuanjie, this is a joint operation between the police force and the NSA. As this is cooperation, there will be no difference in rank. You and Mr. Xiao are of the same position, but if the team encounters a critical situation, Mr. Xiao's orders must be given priority, do you understand?"
