Su Canye's Affair

With barely any effort, Xiao Luo had Guo Qinghe sprawled on the ground wailing in pain, bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth, and clinging on for his life. Qiu Yuanjie and his subordinates were shocked as they stared at Xiao Luo in horror. This NSA-trained man was literally a killing machine, was he even human? Before they met Xiao Luo, they had never thought that crippling a person would be this quick and simple.

Was he getting justice for me?

Zhao Mengqi was startled, and Xiao Luo's actions left her pondering. Suddenly, she couldn't contain herself any longer and burst into tearful sobs as she became weighed down by an unspeakable sadness and grief.

Xiao Luo glanced at her impassively, then turned and walked away without lingering any longer.

"Luo, thank you…"