The Black Shirt Guys Appear Again

The look on Su Li and Luo Pingxiang's face changed. They had experienced this sort of situation many times before, and instinctively ran toward the emergency exit. If this horde of frenzied fans surrounded them here, then the consequences would be dire, and they couldn't even imagine what would then happen. While making their escape, Su Li quickly carried Su Xiaobei in her arms.

"You guys go first, I'll be right behind you!"

Xiao Luo ran together with Su Li, and as soon as Su Li and Luo Pingxiang passed through the emergency exit, he immediately closed the door. As there was no lock on the door, he had to use both of his hands to bar the exit.

"You must be mad. There are so many people in there, there's no way you can hold all of them back by yourself. Let's go together!" Su Li, with Su Xiaobei in her arms, turned around and shouted.