The Hopping Jia Zhengyi

When the call ended, Su Li couldn't calm herself down. She logged into a few popular news websites and found out that those negative news about her had indeed been removed, along with the ten thousand comments, without leaving any trace, proving that what Shen Qingyan said was true.

Who did this?

Hacker? Do I know a hacker like this?

Su Li searched her memory for the information on just such a man like this, but she couldn't come up with anything after a long time. Other than a few friends like Shen Qingyan, her circle of friends was actually very small. She only had a nodding acquaintance with most people in her life, and her knowledge about them was very superficial. She didn't know any super-hacker who could hack into the backend of the giant internet companies.

Suddenly, her heart jumped, she looked in the direction of Xiao Luo's apartment, "It wasn't… him, was it?"