The Distance Between the Two of Them

As the sun rose from the eastern horizon, Xiahai City stirred like a giant monster waking from its slumber.

It was likely due to the excruciating pain emanating from his mangled arm, but Zhuo Wei was the first to wake up from his coma. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked! The view in his vision entirely disoriented him, and he needed some time to find his bearings.

Why was the sky beneath and the ground above his head?

Two to three seconds later, he finally regained his senses and realized that someone had tied his legs up, and he now hung him upside down on the outer face of a 52-story high building! Besides him, everyone else had also been hung upside down on this high-rise building. Even if one didn't suffer from a fear of heights, it was more than enough to cause all the hair on one's body to stand on ends at this kind of elevation.

"Help me... help me...!"