What Was She Doing Here?

No. 88!

That was the name of the bar. It was quite a unique name, one that wasn't easy to forget.

The blue stonewalls and dark brown wooden furniture created a grand ambiance, not unlike that of old European castles, and it was more than enough to attract a large crowd of patrons willing to spend their money here.

The moment Xiao Luo and Guan Tong stepped into the bar, a wave of soothing music filled their ears. It was not deafening rave music but a soft piano melody; the piece was a Western one, too, and it quickly soothed frazzled hearts.

"Life, in this day and age, comes with way too much stress. You'll go crazy if you don't find a way to unwind during your free time," said Guan Tong.

Xiao Luo begged to differ. "There are a lot of ways to de-stress. You could try jogging, listening to music, and watching a movie, things like that. Must you choose a place like this?" he said.