You Bully Me

Chu Yue was immediately turned off by his cheesy pick-up line, and her gut instinct told her to brush him off. But an idea popped up in her mischievous mind—she could use the man to test Xiao Luo, she thought. Chu Yue could not believe that Xiao Luo didn't feel for her.

"Oh? Does it really taste that unique? I must try it then."

Chu Yue moved closer to the man on purpose, lifted the glass of margarita, and took a sip. "Mmm, it is really good!" she exclaimed.

The man was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He was visibly delighted with Chu Yue's reaction. He did not expect that the attractive girl in front of him would take the bait so readily. His brazen eyes pored over Chu Yue licentiously and asked, "This is your first time in a bar, isn't it?"

"How do you know that?" Chu Yue said, surprised.

The man in the Hawaiian shirt chuckled. "Because I am good at physiognomy," he replied.