Breaking Free From the Shackles

Xiao Luo's hands were tied behind his back, and they brought him into a six-seater military vehicle. Two fully armed soldiers were in the back guarding him, along with Zhuo Yuze and Zhuo Wei.

"I've always respected soldiers because they're a group of people who contribute without asking for anything in return, and they silently protect this country and its citizens. But you guys are the black sheep of the military," Xiao Luo said.

The faces of the two soldiers beside him changed a little. They knew what they were doing, and all the more understood what their commander Zhuo Yuze's motive was. There was nothing to be proud of having mobilized a fully armed platoon just to deal with a mere citizen, as well as taking his girl as a hostage. It was just despicable and shameless. But as soldiers themselves, they didn't have a choice either as following orders was something they had to do.