
Hamis was surprised at the reaction speed of Xiao Luo and the Special Operations troops. It was time for the next phase of the assault. Hamis gave out the orders to his subordinates hiding around the factory premises waiting to ambush Xiao Luo and the team. "Kill all those dogs and spare no one!" he yelled.

The moment Hamis gave his order to kill, hundreds of rebel soldiers rushed into the factory through the main door with assault rifles at the ready. They were planning a two-prong attack on Xiao Luo and the team, attacking them from behind while the rebel soldiers already entrenched inside formed the second front.

There was the distinctive report of a high-velocity rifle shot, then a bullet tore right through the head of a rebel soldier as he exposed his head. The round pierced through his head and continued in its trajectory to hit the heads of two more rebel soldiers behind him.

A single bullet ended three lives in an instant!