
When had his opponent taken his gun away from him?

Terrifying Wolf was shocked. He had come right behind him without making a sound and taken his gun away without him even realizing it. Just what kind of person was he up against? Was this man a ghost?


Xiao Luo did not even hesitate to pull the trigger.

The bullet from the pistol pierced through Terrifying Wolf's head. Blood and brain fluids splashed out from the gaping hole on the back of his head along with the bullet and splattered on the ground. Terrifying Wolf fell back and collapsed in a heap, unable to rest in peace as he did not even get to take a look at his executioner's face. This man was simply too fast and denied him any chance of fighting back.

After getting rid of Terrifying Wolf, Xiao Luo turned his attention to Sarah, who was a short distance away.