Large-Scale Explosion

Plunder and kill, all the way!

Xiao Luo had turned into the God of Death harvesting the souls of the Libyan rebels in this small town. Powell and the other three soldiers fought beside him as they kept Sarah Michelle safe.

"I… I can't run anymore. You go ahead, just leave me here…" Sarah muttered while trying to catch her breath.

After a long strenuous run, Sarah was panting and sweating profusely. Fatigue swept over her, so intense that she felt her heart pounding rapidly, and it felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. The strain was just too overwhelming. "I…I can't run any longer, not even if that means the Libyan soldiers kill me," she pleaded.

Xiao Luo took in the surroundings before his gaze fell on a low damaged house beside them with its four walls still intact. "You guys head in there. I'll distract the soldiers who are on our tail!"

These were desperate times, and every second was too precious to waste.