Experimentation Facility

As the tram made its way through the tunnel, Xiao Luo felt like he was entering a mine shaft. It was not completely dark as low-intensity lamps were installed along the passageway, providing sufficient illumination to move about, but it was still relatively dark in there. The tram was not completely shuttered, allowing cold gusts of air generated to flow through the carriage as they moved. The frigid draft made the men shiver.

Suzuki Ikuo folded his arms over his chest to stay warm. "This doesn't look like a track to a military installation. It looks more like the road to hell!" he said.

Suzuki Ikuo had fear and anxiety written all over his face. He wanted to believe that everything happening here was nothing but a nightmare, for he had a foreboding feeling he was helplessly approaching death.

"Ah!" The mute man uttered a sound in response.

The deaf man nodded as well.