Nether strikes

Curisa's eyes moved down toward his chest. To his horror, Curisa saw that Xiao Luo's hand had pierced right through the right side of his chest. He could not believe it. His eyes were wide open and the look of surprise on his face said it all—how could a mere mortal have impaled him with his bare hand. What the hell was going on?

He lifted his head and stared at Xiao Luo in confusion. "You... what kind of monster are you..."

All Curisa heard was a heartless grunt as Xiao Luo lifted him with his right hand. Xiao Luo was preparing to give Curisa the final blow, like a lethal viper striking at its prey. He was going to yank Curisa's heart out.

Immediately, Ming, the man in white, moved in.


He unsheathed his long sword and slashed mercilessly at Xiao Luo.