You Deserve It

If there was one creed that Xiao Luo had always believed in, it was this: you reap what you sow. Of late, he had been somewhat troubled about how he and the system had merged as a single entity. And on several occasions, it even controlled his actions. Now that he thought about it, his misgivings were justified, and he avoided using it if he could.

"Mie, I want to fight you!"

Just as he pondered the matter, a challenge reached his ear.

Xiao Luo raised his head and saw a man with a buzz cut glaring at him with tiger-like eyes. His sturdy body was muscular, and his mannerism displayed overt aggression. But his face was deathly pale, he had deep-sunken eyes and looked like he was hyperventilating. If one were to only look at his head, this person would easily be mistaken for a seriously ill man.

"Ren Maohua, what the hell you want to do now?" Ji Siying hissed. They filled her eyes with disgust.