Gu Qianxue arrives

"I must become stronger, I must!"

That was Xiao Luo's only goal. He had been kneeling outside the Tianshan Elder's cave for seven days with no food or drink. He had not even moved, and the look in his eyes remained resolute.

Xiao Quanren worried about him and wanted to give him some water or food. But Elder Long stopped him.

"I will be very disappointed in him if he wants to become stronger, but is unable to withstand something like this!"

Elder Long reached out and grabbed a slice of roasted mutton, clearly enjoying his food. He had a way with words and had even talked Xiao Quanren into building a pergola for him. It was not to block out the wind, but to protect him from the falling snow.


Xiao Quanren looked worriedly at Xiao Luo as he whispered to himself. "Elder Long, will Tianshan Elder agree to help Luo?" he asked.

"It will be tough!"