Baiyue Nation

Xiao Luo was left speechless. They could not even enjoy a meal without getting into a troublesome commotion. 


The boss and his servant could not convince Ghost and Xiao Luo to leave immediately. So, they prepared their dishes as fast as they could and served them hurriedly. They hoped the both of them would finish eating quickly and leave the place before Zheng Feihan came back with more people. The last thing they wanted to see was another fight breaking out in their restaurant.

"So yummy. The food is so yummy!"

Ghost did not bother to behave like a lady and feasted on the delicacies like a hungry beast. Watching how she devoured the food, one would not imagine that she belonged to the Sucking Blood Clan. 

The Duck Emperor behaved no better and could not resist the temptation of the tasty delicacies as well. He jumped onto the table and started chewing on an oily roasted pig throttle with much relish.