He Is Not a Crap

It was a stirring speech, and it touched the hearts of many who were listening. Every sentence Hu Qingsong delivered was brilliant, and his words influenced many of the disciples. It made them recall the day they took their oaths. They thought about what they had done and realized the difference between what they vowed and how they had conducted themselves.


Elder Zheng lashed at Hu Qingsong again, and the crack of the whip made everyone flinch. Blood flowed down Hu Qingsong's forehead as Elder Zheng snarled, "So, are you the only person with good morals? Are the rest of us corrupted? Who do you think you are? An envoy of the Light Clan? The embodiment of justice? Who gave you the authority to stand on such high moral ground and criticize the disciples of the academy? Do they need your criticism? You are so full of yourself!"