Chapter 5: Shows and Fights

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece, so HA!

It had been a few years since the raid on Kirsty's village and she was living happily as the town's doctor. That night remained a very fresh memory in her mind, as well as the large scar on her back. When she woke up from passing out, she found herself in the town's clinic with a few of the townspeople nearby. She asked what had happened, and they said that she was bleeding to death on the floor and that the pirates had left the village...with Kyra.

She was brokenhearted when that news reached her ears...and she spent weeks in her bed, recovering, not talking to anyone. But now, she was as lively as ever, helping to treat the injured and sick people of the town. When she finally became more like her old self, she studied her heart out on all the medical books that the town had. Even though she missed her twin sister dearly, Kirsty decided it was best for her to do what she thought was best.

It all started one day as she walked from her home to the clinic. She entered the market and looked around, making mental notes in case she needed anything later. The market, even though the town was small, always had strangers from faraway lands searching for their personal treasures.

As she passed by a girl who was sitting on a blanket, she felt something tug at her hand. She turned around to see the girl smiling at her. "Hiya!" the girl greeted. "Um...hello?" Kirsty replied slowly. She peered closer at the girl to see little fox ears perched ontop of her head. "I love your fake ears, they're so cute!" Kirsty laughed. The girl raised an eyebrow and the ears twitched, "This aren't fake...they're real!" she protested.

"Oh...I'm sorry...," Kirsty apologized. The girl waved her off, "No prob! Now, just let me say, I'm so glad you stopped by to watch my show!" she giggled. Kirsty sweatdropped, " stopped me,". The fox eared girl waved her off, "Now now now, no need to tell lies, miss. I am very well known throughout the world, and I'm always honored to have an audience, no matter how small!" she said with her chest puffed out.

Great...ego-maniac, Kirsty thought to herself.

" I mean it...we can' dammit...,"

Kirsty turned to see a young man, who didn't look much older than her, with slicked back blonde hair being tugged to the blanket area by a young boy with brown hair. "Austin...I mean it, we have things to do," the blonde man said quietly. The boy just smiled and held onto his hand. Kirsty couldn't help but smile, "Cute...your son?" she asked curiously.

The blonde man looked at her, "No...he's my little brother," he explained. Kirsty looked down at the boy, "Hello little one," she greeted nicely. The boy moved back behind his brother, and peeked at her. "Sorry...he's shy," the blonde said quietly, patting his brother's head. Kirsty nodded, understanding that some kids were like that.

"So is this all?" the fox eared girl wondered aloud, looking at the trio. Before they could answer, she smiled, "ALRIGHTY! Everyone, I am Dustine Wenata, or Dusty Fox as some people call me, and this is...," she flipped into the air and threw some smoke bombs at their feet. When the smoke cleared, they saw that she was dressed in a very colorful kimono, "THE FOXXY MAGIC SHOW!".

Kirsty and the blonde man slowly clapped while the little boy clapped enthusiastically. "First off, a personal favorite that I usually save for the big shows...," she paused and pulled out a large curtain with odd shapes on it. She held it up next to her, "Now who would like to be a part of the first act?" she asked the small audience. The small boy ran up to her, despite his brothers protests and bounce up and down in excitement.

Again, Kirsty couldn't help but smile, "I think you have a volunteer, Miss Fox,". Dusty smiled widely, "It seems so! Well little one this is what I want you to-," she was cut off as a dagger flew past her and embedded itself into a nearby wall. Kirsty's eyes widened and whirled around, her hands going to her back while the blonde man pulled out a large sword.

"Dusty...get over here now!"

The fox eared girl frowned at a large group of men that had gathered behind them, "Why won't any of you freaks get it through your skulls when I said no more?" she yelled at them, pushing the little boy behind her. A larger man with a jagged spear in his hands and a mess of tattoos on his face seperated himself from the group.

Frowning, he pointed the sharp end of the spear at the fox girl, "When will you get it through your thick head that there is no quitting! Now get your furry tailed ass over here now or we will drag you by your ears back to Oyabin!" he barked.

"Forget it, I ain't leaving!" the fox eared girl shot back.

The man with the spear and tattooes frowned and looked back at the thugs behind him, "Looks like we get to have a little fun, boys," he said with a wicked grin. Quiet chuckles rippled through the group of men behind him, making the bystanders around them clear the streets, suspecting a large storm on the horizon.

"She said she's not goin' with you...,"

"So she's not leaving with a bunch of petty criminals like yourself,"

Dusty's ears perked up and looked in surprise at the two adults in the crowd. She had just met them today at the beginning of her show, they didn't know a thing about her or her problem, but they'd be willing to help her. "HA!" she grinned and pointed at spear wielding man, "Good luck gettin' to me, Dmitri! I got friends!.

The man with the spear growled, "Doesn't matter...the Silver Fox Pirates always get what they come for, one way or the other!".

Kirsty sweatdropped, Silver Fox Pirates? They couldn't come up with a better name than that? she asked herself as her hands drew closer to the cold objects behind her back.

"Hey girl...what's your name?"

"Eh?" Kirsty looked over at the blonde man who was twirling his blade idly, "Are you talking to me?" she asked, pointing to herself.

"Sure as hell ain't talking to these ladies," the blonde man cracked, nodding to the group of pirates in front of them.

Kirsty smiled, "My name's Kirsty, who're you?" she asked back.

The blonde man stopped twirling his blade, "Some call me Devon...other's call me the Demon," he replied before looking at her, "You got something to help you in this?" he asked. Nodding, Kirsty pulled out a pair of three pronged daggers, and by the looks of it, they were made of gold.

Devon chuckled, "I see...well let's have some fun shall we?"

A lone figure stood on the beach of the island, juggling a book and a map in both hands. "Did I get everything?" he asked, before looking over to the dinghy he had used to row to the island, "Well besides my old ship and gold, I got every thing I owned!". He sighed and kicked the nearest rock, "This frickin' sucks...this place ain't even on the map, and I need stuff to get started again...," he murmured.

Yells and metal clanging reached his ears and made him look around, "Oh now what!" he whined. With a sigh, he reached into the boat and pulled out a large, wrapped object and made his way to the source of the noise.

Dusty and the boy, Austin watched from a nearby alley as Kirsty and Devon ducked and dodged the onslaught of pirates. "Your brother is pretty damn good, kid! Where'd he learn to fight like that?" she asked, grinning from ear to ear. The boy just remained silent and watched as the others continued to fight. She looked down at him, "Cat got your tongue?" she asked. Austin looked up and glared at her. "Um...ok then...never mind, let's just watch the fight," she suggested slowly.

Kirsty ducked as one of the pirates swung a large, spiked chain at her. She barely missed it and it lodged itself into a nearby building. "Missed me!" she taunted, sticking her tongue out. The pirate grinned, "Really?". He tugged hard on the chain hard and with a loud crack, the chain pulled free of the wood it was lodged in. Kirsty whirled around and just as the chain was headed straight for her face.


A loud ringing filled the air as the chain was sliced in half by something. Kirsty watched as the half of the chain that was coming for her fell to the ground in a harmless to a small hatchet. "Who the hell threw that?" her attacker roared, looking around.

"That...would have been me...,"

Kilnorc: there's that one...finally eh? writer's block...hehehehe. hope it's good.