Chapter 16: Company

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece.

Kirsty walked along the deck of the new ship, taking in the sights and smells of the ocean. She leaned against the portside railing of the ship. Strands of her blonde hair moved in front of her face and she brushed them away, "This is so beautiful. I can't believe I'm really out here...and on a pirate ship!".

"Believe it's happenin',".

Kirsty looked behind her, having heard Devon's voice. "Devon? Where are you?" she asked, looking from side to side.

"Over here,"

She leaned far to the right to see Devon sitting against the outside wall of the kitchen area. "When did you come out here?" she asked, walking up to him. The First Mate glanced at her, then went back to looking forward, "Since dawn,". The doctor slid against the wall and sat down next to him.

"Where do you think that Axe is taken us?" she asked.

Devon shrugged, "Who knows. He just said someplace he knew that had a cook we could use,".

"I know, but-,"

Kirsty was interrupted by a blur of brown color and a furry tail. The two of them watched as Dusty sank her claws into the mast and began to scale it. "Dusty...what's wrong?" Kirsty asked, standing up. The kitsune girl held a finger to her lips, "SHHH! You didn't see me!" she whispered.

Before Kirsty could ask what she meant, Niri stomped into view, a few Beli's clutched in her hands and she had a rather nasty look on her face. "Where. The. Hell. Is. The. Furball?" she seethed. Kirsty and Devon looked at each other, then looked at her, "You mean Dusty?" they asked together. Niri glared at them both, "Yes...Dusty. Where is she?".

They shrugged, "Haven't seen her all day,". Niri stifled a scream and stomped away, cursing under her breath. Dusty let out a loud sigh and slid down the pole, "Thanks guys, owe ya one," she told them. Devon stood up and cracked his neck, then leaned against the wall, "What did you do, Fox?" he asked, a grin appearing on his face.

Dusty shrugged, "I dunno. You know those briefcases Axe and Niri brought on board? Turns out all of them are filled solid with cash! So I thought I'd take some to fill my pockets because Axe used my own money, then Niri came in, saw what I was doing and totally freaked out," she explained. Kirsty sweatdropped while Devon laughed, "Oh man...that's funny, Kit...,".

The kitsune girl glared at him, "Shaddup or I wi-,". A loud growling sound filled the air and the three of them looked down at each of their stomachs.

"I think our guts are tellin' us something, ladies,"

"Yeah...I'm starving!"

"I am pretty hungry...,"

The three of them entered the kitchen area and Devon walked over to the fridge. He opened it up and brought out some chilled fruit with some packaged meat, "We really lucked out. This ship was ready to sail. Full fridge, fully stocked infirmary, and even some maps in the study,".

Kirsty nodded as she sat down, "Yes, I can't believe it either. The captain made a good choice in selecting this ship,". Dusty put her hands behind her head, "All because of me!" she gloated. Devon grunted as he pulled out some plates and a pan, "Yeah. Because of you, we had a whole mob after the others...,".

Again, Dusty glared at him, "Hey, if I hadn't done what I did to get us in that mess, we never would've known about this ship! So bite me, Demon!" she snapped. He turned to her, a knife in his hand, "If you want food, Kit, shut up and make yourself useful. Check the freezer, see if there's anything good for lunch in there,".

Dusty stuck out her tongue, but went to where the freezer doors and pulled it open. In an instant, she was assaulted by an avalanche of ice.


Kirsty turned to look while Devon continued cooking. Dusty's head and one of her hands was sticking out of the ice mound and she didn't look too happy. "Find anything, Dusty?" Devon asked over his shoulder.

"I h-h-hate y-y-y-you," the kitsune stuttered, shivering from the ice mound. Kirsty walked over and was about to help her out, but noticed something. "Dusty, what's that?" she asked, pointing behind her. "Hm?" Dusty turned to see a large yellow eye looking at her.


Axe opened his cabin door and looked around yawning. He had been having such a good nap until hearing a very loud scream. He looked from side to side, trying to find the source of it. "Oi...Niri!" he called out. The ex-Marine leaned out from behind a corner, her father's pistol in her grip.

"Ya hear that?"

She nodded, "What do you think that was?"

"Dunno...sounded like Dusty...,"

Niri grinned and holstered her weapon, "If you'll excuse me, Cap'n...," she trailed off as she disappeared from sight. Axe raised an eyebrow at his friend's behavior, but shrugged.

"I hate knew that was in there didn't you?"

Devon grinned, his back turned, "Yes, I did, Kit...yes I did,". Kirsty had to hold onto Dusty to keep her from attacking the man who was making lunch.

"Just be quiet, Dusty!" she hissed in her ear. Dusty glared at her, "Traitor,". Kirsty sighed and leaned in, "If it'll make you feel better, you and I can both get him later ok?" she offered. A loud clatter of plates made the two girls turn to look at Devon, who was standing very still.

"Devon...? You ok?" Kirsty asked, rising up from her spot. He lifted his head and looked out a nearby window, "We got company...,"

The three of them walked out of the kitchen to see Axe and Niri already out on the deck. "You feel that, Demon?" Niri asked him. He nodded and unsheathed his swords while Axe cracked his knuckles. Kirsty looked at Dusty, "I dunno what's goin' you?".

Dusty's ears twitched and she looked around, "Hang on...something's coming," she whispered. Kirsty walked to the railing and looked around, but she didn't see any boat in sight. "You guys must be imagining things, I don't see anyth-,".

A low rumbling interrupted her and the ship began to vibrate. Kirsty moved away from the railing and Dusty's tail went bushy. "Um...I'm...I'm gonna check on the fish...," she said before dashing back into the kitchen. Kirsty pulled out her sai and looked at her remaining crewmates, "What is that? What's coming!" she yelled over the rumbling.

Devon twirled his katana around a few times as Niri climbed up the ladder going to the Crow's Nest, "It's a Sea King...,"

Kilnorc: hope you like this one, ja ne!