Chapter 24: Devon's Whooping

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece

"Devon...Devon...DEVON WAKE UP!"


"OW!" the swordsman shouted as he jerked awake. Something had whopped him good over the head, leaving him to rub a giant bump as he woke up. Looking around, he found himself on the ship, with Niri, Dusty and Kirsty sitting around him.

"Ok, who the hell hit me?" he growled, glaring at each one of them. Dusty whistled innocently as she hid a small hammer behind her back. "That's not the point, Demon, the point is that you're up...finally," Niri told him as cracked her neck.

Devon mumbled something under his breath, then looked at his surroundings again, "So how'd we get on the ship?" he asked, "The last thing I remember is that we were flyin' through the air when a green wind came and picked us up...,"

Niri jerked a thumb over her shoulder to the front of the ship. Devon looked behind her to see Axe standing on the front railing of the ship as it sailed through the water. The captain looked over to see that Devon had woken up, and grinned.

"It's about time all of you are up. Now I can get on with the explanations and introductions," he said as he hopped off the railing. Devon picked himself up and dusted himself off, "That'd be nice...hey," he looked around, "Where's Austin and my swords?" he demanded. "Don't worry, they're both ok. They're in your cabin," Axe assured him.

Kirsty waved at him, "May we get on with the explanations, please?" she asked. Axe nodded, "Sure. Where should I start?". Niri crossed her hands, "How about telling us how we ended up here and where the hell we are right now?" she offered.

"Ok...let's do that!"



The newest crewmember ran to the railing of the ship to see Axe running towards her, carrying the rest of the crew. Devon and Dusty were over his shoulders while Kirsty, Niri and Austin were in his arms. She nodded and prepared the sails while Axe ran up the ramp.

"Are they going to be ok?" she asked as she tugged hard on the ropes. "Yeah, they're just out of it," Axe assured her as he placed them all on the deck.

-End Flashback-

Dusty, Niri, and Kirsty nodded, satisifed with the story, while Devon on the other hand, walked right over to his captain and stared him straight in the eyes, "You wanna explain that part about a new crewmate?" he whispered, eye twitching.

"Aw, don't get your undies in a bunch, Blondie,"

The swordsman slowly turned around to see a girl with long red hair leaning against the galley door, an half-eaten apple in her hand.

"Who..the hell are you?" he growled.

Axe patted him on the shoulder, "Devon, relax,". Dusty, Niri and Kirsty turned to the new girl and she waved at them, "Yo," she greeted. The other three murmured hellos, then looked at their captain. "Everyone," Axe stopped patting Devon and walked over to the red head, "This is Chizuru, she's our new navigator!"

Devon sat on top of the crow's nest that night. The sea was calm and the air was clear. He wasn't the one meant for watch tonight, but he felt like he needed to spend a night outside.

Can't believe we got another chick on the crew...pretty soon we're gonna be overrun with 'em. Axe better get some more guys out here to even it out, or I'm gonna go nuts! he thought bitterly as he ran his hands over his katana.

"Got something on your mind?"

Devon jumped slightly and turned to see Axe climbing into the large crow's nest, a large meat covered bone in his hand. "You can say that," Devon murmured as he made room for his captain. Axe hopped onto the nest and sat on the edge, "Does it have it to do with our new navigator?" he inquired.

His First Mate nodded, " mind telling me why most of our crew are girls?". Axe shrugged, "I can't help it. I mean, first off it was Dusty and Kirsty...then I helped out Niri, and we needed a navigator and Chizuru was highly's not like I purposely go around and recruit any chick I find,".

Devon couldn't help but grin, "That wouldn't be so bad if the girls were strippers," he chuckled. Axe slowly shook his head and whopped Devon over the head. The swordsman's eyes bugged out of his skull. He had had people hit him over the head, strong people too, but this...this friggin' hurt! He glared at Axe, "What the hell is your problem!" he shouted.

Axe rolled his eyes and hopped back onto the rope ladder leading down, "I don't have a problem with you, Devon...," he replied. Devon growled and noticed the bone of meat lying next to him. "Oh, thanks for the snack by the way," he said as he reached for it.


Devon fell over, another bump ontop of his first one while Axe climbed down to the deck, munching on the meat as he went.

"My meat...not yours...,"

"Where is she?"

"That little brat...she took the map! Lord Azala won't be happy a bit this...,"

A small girl watched from her hiding spot as a group of men in armor batted nearby bushes with their weapons. She slowed her breathing and clutched a rolled up piece of parchment closely. One of the men growled and rammed his fist into a tree in anger. The girl squeaked as she watched the tree split and fall into two halves.

"Easy, Jax...,"

The little girl watched as the men walked away, giving up their search. She climbed down out of the tree and sighed in relief, " to get some help," she whispered to herself as she made her way down the hill to a large village by the beach.

Mother...Father...please hold on...I'll save you! Azala won't get away with this!

Kilnorc: there's that update. sorry if not so good, had writer's block! ja ne!