Chapter 29: Eye of the Tiger! Dusty vs Katt

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece.

"Have you discovered all three of your forms yet, Kit?"


Katt giggled, smiling widely, "I should know by now at least. Zoan Cursed Fruit users have three forms and only three forms. Each of these have different properties and strengths. I'm surprised you don't know this yet, Kit Kit,".

Dusty huffed and crouched into a fighting stance, "Well I may not know anything about forms or whatever, but I know how to kick someone's ass. Especially a cheery snot like you," she hissed. Katt shrugged and twirled her staff around, "Ok then...let's see how you fare against the PoleFighter!".

She disappeared in a blur and Dusty looked from side to side, hands gripping her scythes. Damn...she's fast. Then again, all cats are fast she thought bitterly as she looked around.

"If there's one thing you must know, Kit. It's that all tigers are..,".

Dusty spun around just as a large paw came at her. She didn't have time to dodge. The paw connected with her face and she went flying backward. Katt landed on her feet as she watched Dusty slide across the floor and smiled widely again, "...very stealthy," she finished.

As she picked herself up, Dusty rubbed her sore face. Blood stained her hands and she growled, glaring at Katt. The Tiger-Woman giggled and flexed her paws, "I hope you don't mind, but I haven't used my claws in ages. All I've done is file then and sharpen them...but it's been so long since I've used them...,".


Katt raised an eyebrow as Dusty charged at her, swinging her scythes from all sides. Unfortunately, Katt was able to block each attack with her polestaff.

"You're young, you know nothing about your power...and I don't think you'll ever learn!"

"SHUT UP AND FIGHT YOU ASSHOLE!" Dusty screamed at her as she continued to wildly swing her blades. Katt shook her head as she continued to let her polestaff protect her, "This is an unfair about this?" she asked before flipping backward. Dusty only had a second to wander what she was doing, until Katt used her feet to kick her scythes away.

Dusty whimpered as she shook her hands, "Ow...that hurt!" she whined. Katt flipped over a few more times before coming to a stop. Dusty glared at her, "Why'd you do that?" she growled, massaging her wrists. Katt looked straight into her eyes, "Because...we're both Zoan-type Cursed Fruit users. Don't you know what this does for us?" she asked quietly.

The kitsune shook her head, "Other than give us a sense of smell and hearing, plus ears and a no I don't," she confessed. Katt crossed her arms, "Zoan-type Cursed Fruit give their users the ability to fight very well in close-combat. Over the years, I'm honed my ability...what have you done with yours?" she questioned.

"I've used it to earn cash in street shows to be honest...,"

"So you fight with weapons instead of your claws and your new strength?"

"Hey, you're fighting with a weapon too!"

Katt shrugged, "I have my reasons for doing that,"

"Such as...?"

"Such as I want to fight someone without killing them too soon. If I kill them to soon...there's no fun in it!"

The kitsune just stared at her, "F-fun? You think it's fun to kill people?" she stammered. Katt shook her head, "No...I think it's no fun to kill someone without much of a fight...," she explained, "Now...since you have no clue what the Zoan fruits can do..allow me to demonstrate!".

Katt doubled over and soon, Dusty could hear a low growl coming from her. Katt's body began to grow and distort as the growling continued. Her arms and legs bulged as striped fur began to grow on her bare skin.

"Wha...what the hell?" Dusty backed away as Katt began to tear and claw at the air around her. Her clothes began to tear and rip as she writhed around.


Katt stood straight and cackled. Dusty couldn't believe what she was seeing. Katt's nose became longer, her eyes became a pair of emerald colored orbs, striped fur covered most of her arms and legs, and her figure became both sleek and somewhat bulgy due to muscles.

"Do you like it?" she asked, flexing her knuckles, "This is what I like to call the powerhouse form of the Zoan fruits. When it comes to strength, this is the most powerful form of the three that we the Zoan users have. What do you think?" she asked calmly.

Dusty gulped, "'re certainly uh...bigger," she stammered. Katt started to advance on her, "Oh...I'm more than just bigger...," she said before charging at the young kitsune.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" Dusty screamed as she climbed up a nearby pole to dodge the tiger-human. She looked down, her eyes wide and the fur of her tail sticking up, "HOLY SHIT SHE'S FAST TOO!".

Katt turned back around and looked up at her, "Come down and fight like the animal you are, Kit," she growled. Dusty waved her off, "Nah, I'm just gonna stay up here thanks...for a small room, you got a lovely view from the tops of these poles," she replied.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the pole, Just gotta stall...just gotta stall...just gotta stall... she said mentally. She opened her eyes and immediately the color drained from her face. Katt was on the pole opposite of her, smiling like a lunatic, "You forget Kit...the poles are my playground...,".

Before she could do anything to stop Katt, Dusty was grabbed by the throat and thrown hard all the way across the room. With a loud smack, Dusty hit the wall and slid downward to the stone floor. Katt hopped off her pole and stalked over to her, "C'mon...I know you're still alive, Kit. I can hear your heart beating. So get up and fight me...your feigning death won't work on me,".

Dusty coughed and looked up at her, some blood escaping her mouth, "Who...said it was a feint?" she asked, breathing heavily, "Just...not being knocked around like that,". Katt reached down and picked Dusty up by her head and held her to eye level, a look of disgust on her face.

"Maybe I was wrong...maybe it's a waste of time to try and teach you about your animality,"

"Aw...too bad, I'm a quick learner,"

Katt smirked, "Too bad you're not fast enough!" she cried before sinking her teeth in Dusty's neck. The kitsune screamed in pain as her attacker's fangs dug deep into her flesh. She could feel the warm blood ooze out of the wounds and dribble down her front.

The tiger-human glanced out of the corners of her eyes and stared into Dusty's wide eyes, "You see Kit...if you had learned your power sooner. You would've survived a lot longer. Although this was short, I'll admit this was fun," she giggled as she pulled out her teeth.

Dusty's head fell forward and Katt licked her bloody lips noisily. With a shrug and a murmur, Katt through the motionless body over her shoulder with ease, "Stupid kitsune...,".

She picked up her pole staff and reverted to her previous form boredly. "That was a major waste of time. I hope Lord Azala gives me a more fun playmate next time...," she sighed as she headed to the door.

"Where...the fuck are you going, bitch?"

Katt stopped in her tracks. It can't be...she should be dead. I bit into a vital area! she thought as she slowly turned around. Dusty struggled to her feet and stumbled around before finally gaining her footing. She had one hand over her wound and the other hand at her side, "That was a cheap didn't even give me enough time to finish with a bang," she gasped, grinning at Katt.

"Finish with a bang?" Katt repeated skeptically, "'re nothing but an insect. What bang could you possibly do?" she taunted.

Dusty coughed and more blood came forth from her lips, "Oh...I can do all sorts of bangs. Let me show you...the one I just learned!". Katt watched as Dusty began to become taller and slimmer. Brown fur grew and soon covered ever part of her limbs, save the elbow length gloves she wore. Her nose became longer and her hair become thicker, much like her fur. The back of her feet rose higher while the front of her feet became wider. (1)

She shook her head and looked deep into Katt's eyes, "Thanks for the lesson, teach!". Katt smiled and she turned into the power form again, "Oh you're quite welcome...,".

The two of them rushed at each other and collided headon. The air around them was pushed back as they locked paws, heads nearly touching each other. The two Zoan users growled loudly as they tried ot push each other backwards to gain the upperhand.

"Wow...this is stronger,"

"Told ya, Kit. Only one problem,"

"What's that?"

"THIS!" Katt let go of Dusty's paws and crouched down. Due to the unforseen move, Dusty fell forward, surprised and Katt used this moment to grab the kitsune by her legs and lift her up off the ground.


"A tiger against a fox ain't fair to begin with!"

Katt jumped high into the air, "Say goodbye, Kit!"


"Eh?" Katt looked down to see that she wasn't holding Dusty anymore, but a dummy.


Katt looked up to see that Dusty was crouched on the ceiling, her claws digging into the stone. "BANZAI FINISHING MISSLE!" Dusty screamed, pushing off hard against the ceiling. She rammed her feet into Katt's chest and they sped to the floor.

With a sickening crunch, Katt's back collided with the floor, which cracked on impact. Dusty flipped over and saw that Katt's eyes were rolled back into her head and that her mouth was wide open. She laughed and reverted back to her normal form, "You were right teach...," she giggled as she collected her scythes and the polestaff. I can use this for later she thought, admiring the staff.

Dusty limped her way to the newly opened door in the back of the room. She stopped and looked back at the unmoving form at the Tiger-Human, "A fight between a tiger and a fox ain't fair at all...,".

Kilnorc: I hope this is I said countless times. First OP fanfic and so this is my first Zoan-type fight. So, Dusty's fight is done. Who's next: Devon, Niri, or Kirsty? ja ne!

(1) ok this form...well think of Renimon from like the third Digimon series. Just a bit altered. Brown furred and no yin yang symbols.