Chapter 32: Demon Against Fiend, Devon vs Doku

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece

Kilnorc: WOW! 100 reviews! I've never gotten that many before! Time for a little celebration!

Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats enter through a door, carrying various boxes.

Zolo: Kilnorc, why are we here? We rarely showed up in this fic at all!

Kilnorc: Well hey, it's not One Piece without you guys!

The Crew set up numerous cannons near windows and roof edges, each one of them holding a lit match.



They all light the cannons and soon the entire sky is lit up with fireworks and candy is thrown to all reviewers, along with numerous plushies and other goods.

Kilnorc: From me, my characters, and of course, the Straw Hat Crew, THANK YOU FOR 100 REVIEWS AND WE HOPE THAT YOU KEEP READING THE HIGH SEA ADVENTURES! NOW ON WITH DA FIC!

Devon and Doku stood still in the room, eyes and flames focused on one another. Devon slowly made his way around the huge warrior, "So what the hell are you? You're not a human that's for sure...I can feel that all the way over here,".

The man in dark armor chortled, "Indeed I am not a human, boy. I am what some people call, a Fiend,". Devon raised an eyebrow, "A Fiend? What the hell is a Fiend?". Doku turned around and laid his hand on the sword at his blade, "A Fiend, is a human being that has been cursed with bad blood. When one performs a great act of evil, they become cursed and they slowly transform into the demon that lies within their very soul...,"

Devon smirked as he gripped his katana, "So you're a cursed soul? I guess I better do you a favor and put you outta your misery,". Doku slowly unsheathed his blade, "I've seen the end of my cursed life...and today will not be the day, boy,".

The blonde swordsman locked his eyes on the sword in Doku's hands. It was about the size of his Water Moon, but it crackled with purple energy and he could feel something dark within.

"What sword is that?" he asked slowly, backing away from his opponent.

Doku chuckled, "This is a of the set of cursed swords in the world. Normally, Kitetsu are used to slay demons, but this one not only slays demons, but it absorbs their souls and their power. Same goes for it's human victims. The body is sucked dry of life as it's soul is taken into the blade. However, this is a double-edged sword...unless I can find a victim for it to feed off of when it's out of it's sheath, it starts to feed on what power I have...,"

"What do you get out of it, in exchange for it's feeding time?" Devon asked as he continued to make his way around Doku.


Within seconds, Devon could no longer see Doku anywhere. He grinned, "Loser," he murmured before bringing up his blade over his head to deflect the Kitetsu.

" you managed to block my attack. That happens on very rare occasions...,"

Devon scoffed, "Well I'm a very rare kind of person, Doku,". A hiss escaped Doku's facemask, "I can see that, boy. This will be quite interesting,".

"Oh, you can count on that,"

The two of them disappeared in a blur and for what seemed like hours, the only thing making their presences known was the clash of their swords. Devon appeared in a crouch in front of the entrance door, breathing heavily and Doku appeared a few feet away looking as though nothing was wrong with him.

"You fight well, boy. What style do you use?"

Devon smirked, "Odin Style...,"

"The God of Death and War...,"

The First Mate looked at him in shock, "You know about Odin?" he demanded.

Doku nodded, " ancient god from an ancient place in time. He was worshipped by tribes of nomads and savages all over the world,".

Slowly rising to his feet, Devon looked at him, "Not all worshippers are savages...some worshippers are noble men and women with honor in their hearts. Some of the strongest warriors in the world use this philosophy and they've the strength to get them through anything,".

Doku let out a mocking laugh, "Words of a foolish boy who knows nothing of true power," he stretched his back foot further behind him, "Although I admire your skills, I'm afraid this is where your journey ends. It's been a pleasure dueling you,".

What happened next, seemed to happen in slow motion. Doku rushed at Devon, the energy of his Kitetsu trailing through the air. As Devon saw it coming, he felt something pulsate within his body. He fell to his knees just as the cursed blade swished over him.

Doku looked down as Devon clutched his sides, his swords at his side. Devon grunted in pain as his knuckles turned bone-white, "No...not now...,".

"What is this...this...," Doku stepped back a few feet, unsure of what he was seeing. Devon looked up at him, his eyes changing into a bright red color, "You woke it up...,".


"You woke...up the creature in me...the true reason I'm called the Demon...,"

Devon roared in pain as a ripping sound was heard. Large, black angelic wings erupted from his back and claws grew out of his nails, and began to poke out from his boots. His skin color changed to a strange color, and light blue veins appeared around his eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, Devon rose to his feet, a wicked smile on his face as he gripped his blades once more.

Doku stared at the entity, "What in the name of Hell are you?". The creature cracked its neck, "I have no name, only a thirst...,". With amazing speed, the creature rushed at Doku, swords crossed in front of him. The Fiend swordsman was barely able to bring up his Kitetsu to block the attack.

"Your's increased at least five-fold! Is this your hidden power, boy!" Doku demanded. The demonic Devon cackled as he wrenched away Doku's Kitetsu away from his grip, "I love this sword...I'll take it off your hands for awhile...,".

With unholy strength and speed, Devon's new form dashed from side to side, the clanging of metal against metal ringing through. After what seemed like a hundred strikes, Devon stopped and knelt down on one leg, sheathing both swords. He slowly reverted to his former self, then he looked over his shoulder.

Doku's armor cracked in numerous places, the purple flame within his helmet seeping through the facemask. The swordsman made a violent cough, causing some of his blood to fly out and dribble down his chin, "Now you know why...I'm called the Demon...,".

With an agonizing shriek, Doku's armor exploded in a blinding flash of light and the pieces fell to the ground, clattering against the floor. Devon slowly rose to his feet, and looked at the Kitetsu at his side, "You're not the Onimaru...but you'll do...,"

Gathering the remaining bits of strength he had, Devon stumbled out of the room, leaving the battle behind him.

Happy that I made an entrance, Devon?

"Shut up...,"

Kilnorc: Well there's that one. I hope this was good. Looks like Devon's got a dirty little secret, huh. Well he aint the only one, mwahahahaha.