Chapter 35: Epilogue: A Pirate's Life for Me!

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece.

Kilnorc: Well, this is the final chapter to my One Piece fanfic. But my good fans, friends and reviewers, fear not! I am gonna make a sequel! You think it's all gonna end here for the Axe-head Pirate crew? NOT BY A LONG SHOT! MWAHAHAH! Enjoy the chapter.

Axe sat quietly on the railing of his ship, the others asleep in their quarters. They had left Phlan earlier that afternoon, and they were on their way to the main destination in their voyage: the Grand Line. The young captain exhaled loudly and dangled his legs, thinking about what had happened so far since he had met up with these people.

Devon and his brother Austin, a powerful fighting duo who had more than their share of skills and surprises.

Kirsty, the young doctor who a supernatural ability to heal, but a very natural ability to care and love for her nakama.

Niri, a friend from the past who had been incarcerated for a crime she did not commit. Her skill in shooting was tremendous and her love for money made the voyage more interesting and enjoyable.

Chizuru, the strange red-haired navigator who knew about Axe and some of his past when he hadn't even shed any light about it to anyone. How she knew, he didn't know, but he made it a priority to find out how she knew.

Then there was Dusty. A funny and carefree girl who had the appearance of a fox, as well as the skills of an impressive presdigitator.

Ever since they joined together, things had been fun, and dangerous at the same time, but they managed to pull through. They all had their own dreams and goals, but they stuck together through thick and thin.


Axe was kneeling in front of Nikka whose eyes were leaking tears while two people stood behind her. "Look, Nikka...," he tipped the hat he had placed on her head, "My friends and I must go...we have stuff to take care of out at sea,"

"Stay...please, Axe! You and your friends can stay here as long as you want and you won't have any fear of the Marines coming after you!".

Axe scoffed, "Love the offer, but the Marines don't even know about us yet...,".

Nikka pulled out a rolled up piece of parchment from behind her and handed it to him, "They know of you," she said quietly. Axe frowned and unrolled the paper, then let his eyes scan it. He let out a loud sigh, "Dammit...Nikka, I didn't want you or your family to see this,"

"It's ok. I don't care about that, Axe. You guys helped me out when no one would listen. My family swears that if anyone comes looking for you, we won't say a thing,".

"So the town knows about Azala and his commanders?"

Nikka shrugged, "More or less of them,"

After more awkward goodbyes, Axe and his crew left the village with a ship full of new supplies, clothes and money. Niri declared Phlan a 'good haul of a town' as they raised the anchor. Nikka watched from the shore as they left, waving frantically at them, Axe's hat on her head. She wanted to give it back to him, but he insisted she keep it, as a memory token to remember them by.

-End Flashback-

As the memories of their last stopped went back and forth in his mind, Axe began to hum a song. The song that was heard in about every port, every city, and every country in the world. Some say that it was bad luck to sing this song, but what did they know? It's just a song.

He reached into a small pocket of his jacket and pulled out a journal with a pen attached to the side. After pulling the pen away and checking the ink, Axe began to write in it.

After the rough start of my second voyage, I've already got a strong crew with me. Surprisingly, they were willing to join a pirate on a search to find the greatest treasure that was left behind by the greatest pirate in the world.

We haven't reached the Grand Line yet, but we will soon. Although, we still need a cook otherwise we'll starve of malnutrition before we get too far. I haven't told them about Kairi, or the Cross yet...or the real reason why I have the Wanted poster of Straw Hat. I need to find him, I have questions that maybe he could answer.

Once we climb that mountain, there's no going back for us. The great ocean is waiting for us, dangers, enemies and treasures awaiting us on every island. That's the fate of a pirate crew search the world for every precious thing that it has to offer.

This is it for now, journal. Just needed to get my mind emptied out so I can focus on what lies ahead. Wonder if I should even tell them my real name, or show 'em my Wanted poster...

He continued to scribble in the small book, humming the song from before. That song always put him in a happy place, no matter what the situation.

"You sound like you're in a good mood, Cap'n,"

He turned to see his friends standing behind him, all of them looking a bit tired. Axe sweatdropped, "Sorry...didn't mean to wake you guys up," he apologized rubbing the back of his head. Niri shrugged as Dusty yawned loudly, "No biggy really. It's almost time for us to raise the anchor and get moving eh?"

Dusty rubbed her eyes, "Man...screw this, I'm goin' back to bed," she mumbled. Kirsty shook her head as the kitsune shuffled off into the girl's quarters, "She must still be tired after that fight she had...,"

Devon ruffled Austin's hair, "She's not the only one that should be heading in. So," he looked at Axe, "What are you doing?". The young captain shook his head, "Just writing down some personal thoughts,".

Chizuru walked up to him, and handed him a Log Pose, "I see...well whenever you feel like sharing them, let me know," she whispered with a wink. Axe nodded nervously and looked back to the ocean just as the sun began to rise.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Kirsty gasped.

"Not too bad,"

Niri rolled her eyes, "You're not one for poetic-ness are ya, Devon? What're your orders for today captain?"

Axe looked at the Log Pose in his hands and began to hum the song once more, "...and really bad eggs," he grinned slightly as he looked back at the sun, "Bring me that horizon...,"

"Does that mean what we think it means?"

The captain nodded and stood ontop of the railing, hand holding onto the rope netting nearby, "Let's set sail me hearties, yo ho!"

Kilnorc: well that's the last chapter of THIS part of the Axe-heads journey. Sorry if the ending was kinda BLEH, I tried my best. Sometimes, endings aren't my for'te. Anyhoo, the last few parts of Axe's speech, ya can kinda guess where he got that from. Thought it would fit, so hehehe...I put it in. Again, sorry if the ending sucked and all, but to make up for it, the sequel is coming!