Chapter 15: Changes

A short few years had passed by, my eldest student Byakuya was now about to be Captain. Today was his introduction into the Thirteen Court Gaurd Squads. Though the young Kuchiki was extremely nervous, since he was youngest of the Captains.

Pacing back and forth as we stood outside the Captain Counsel Chambers. Genrei was smiling proudly as his Grandson would be the new Captain of Division 6, the 28th head of The Kuchiki Clan. Seeing him pace was both amusing and a prideful, as his teacher I was proud of him.

"How should I present myself? Should I be stern or calm?" Byakuya asked anxiously

"Calm down Byakuya, you'll be fine" I reassured

"Kakashi is right, you need to show your confidence as both head of the family and Captain" Genrei agreed

Byakuya tried to take a deep breath, as I headed in first.

"Kakashi?" Byakuya asked as if in a whimper

"What? I'm still a Vice-captain, I'll see you inside Byakuya or should I say Captain Kuchiki" I said as I entered the chambers

Upon entering Captain Shunsui smiled as I stood behind.

"Giving your student good luck?" He asked

"Of course as a teacher I'm supposed wish upon such things"

He chuckled as the door opened and everyone stood attention. As the young man came in with a calm face.

"Byakuya Kuchiki, step forward" Captain-Commander Yamamoto ordered

Taking a step to the floor presenting himself to the others. Looking at the young man with careful eyes, he fought the need to stop in his tracks.

"It is by great honor, that you take up the honor of Captain, do you accept?"


"Then I hereby declare that you, Byakuya Kuchiki, are now Captain of the 6th Division" he announced


The ceremony was quick and respectful, everyone stood outside. Byakuya ran over to me as I stood alone.

"I really didn't think I would make it" he said relaxing himself

"I wouldn't relax just yet, being Captain is a lot harder than it is" I informed him with a smile

"That reminds me, could you meet me outside the Seireitei?"

A bit surprised at his sudden request I nodded accepting it.


Walking through one of the many districts, it was one of the more poorer districts. Seeing a few kids pass and a people shopping as well.

"What're we doing in the districts?" I asked

"I like to escape the duties of family and since this could be my last relaxation for sometime I would like to enjoy it" he explained

Walking a bit further in he asked what Captain duties would consist of. I told him he basics daily reports, recruitment every year, and most importantly the Hollows he would have to face. As we continued to walk he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Byakuya is something wrong?"

He seemed to have a slight blush to his face, his eyes focused ahead of us. Turning I saw the someone that had caught his eye. A young woman who had been buying groceries at a vendor.


"Oh sorry, let's continue our stroll"

Moving on we began to pass by the young woman. Just as we did I pushed him, bumping into her she turned to face the young Captain.

"Oh s-sorry I tripped" he said nervously

"That's alright, it was an honest mistake" she reassured

"I'm B-Byakuya" he introduced himself nervously

"I'm Hisana" she greeted with a warm smile

As the two made small conversation, a satisfying smile came across my face. I then left as to make my time to meet Yushiro for his tutor session.


Walking through a spiritual energy, that was dark and cold. Like a snake in a field of grass, waiting to bite. Turning to see those same dark eyes from before.

"Hello Vice-captain Hatake" Vice-captain Sosuke Aizen greeted

Looking at his Haori it was the same ones to identify Captains.

"I didn't know you became a Captain also"

"I did, but you forget that you are still a Vice-captain" he explained as if superior to myself

"Did you need something Aizen" I asked coldly

"Oh I was about to go and do a demonstration of my Zanpakutos capabilities, I hope to see you there" he informed me leaving me with a wave

As I passed by I had heard of another piece of news that was relatively new. Captain Kenpachi Kiganjo was killed in a Trial by Combat, bring replaced by a new Captain. A lot of changes were coming to this old dog.

"You're not that old Kakashi"

My Zanpakutos spirit was walking by me to give me a bit of company.

"It certainly feels that way" I retorted

"You can't stop change, not even if you try and fight it"

"I'm not trying to fight, it just trying to get used to it is all"

Shihoin Clan

Yushiro attempted to strike me, which I blocked. Redirecting his weight he fell to the ground, he then threw a series of punches. Still unable to hit me, not even a graze. Running out of breath, falling to the ground he seemed to be sweating.

"That'll be all for today" I told him

He gripped the grass underneath his hands.

"Can I ask you a question Kakashi-sensie?" The young teen asked


"...Did my older sister?" He asked hesitantly

"I...really don't know, why?"

"She always talked about you, not like how she talked about Kisuke" he answered

I stared down at him his eyes focused on the blades of grass.

"We can't dwell on the past, but I did consider her a valuable friend and am glad to have known her" I reassured him

Division 8

"Yo Kakashi"

"Yes, Captain Shunsui?"

"Interested in taking another student?" He asked slyly

"Sure, I mean if their willing to learn" I answered

"Well I got a request from Captain Isshin Kurosaki, he recently got a new 3rd seat a young one at that"

"What do you mean?"

"The student is just a kid, and has graduated from the academy at a really young age" he answered

"Okay, send him to the training yard"

"Very well then"

Training Yard

Waiting for my new charge I saw a young man with white hair and blue eyes, he had came with a friend as well a young woman I had seen as well she must have been the new Vice-captain under Aizen.

"Hello, I'm Vice-captain Kakashi Hatake"

"3rd Seat Toshiro Hitsugaya" he said with an angered expression he seemed to be a bit cold as well

"Well I'll be your teacher from now on"

"I don't see the point in all this, I proved myself at the academy why should I be taught by some old fool?" He said coldly

"Oh is that so?"

He looked at me as if I had questioned him.

"Then how about you show me your skill then?" I challenged pulling out two practice blades

Throwing one to him he looked at me as if it was a joke. I waved my sword at him as if mocking him.

Without a moments thought, he thrust as I dodged it by a side step. Slashing dodging again redirecting his attack, using his momentum against him. We clashed with out mock blades, struggling to get the upper hand.

"I won't lie, you're impressive, but is this all you really got shorty?" I asked

"Shorty!? You'll pay for that!"

Getting the rise he pushed me back as began to slash in a rage. Easily dodging his swings, his footing was decent, but needed work. His swordsmanship expert, but still had a flaw in the style itself. His emotion, unchecked and easily angered.

Clashing again I used my save ststrength to disarm him. Seeing it flew he came face to face with the tip of my mock blade.

"Now I know why you graduated early, but you still have much to learn" I said

Placing my practice blade on the rack, Toshiro looked down with defeated eyes.

"A little humility will sure to make you humble"

Focusing on his glare at me, a reminiscent of Byakuyas when I first became his teacher.

"And you?" I asked pointing my finger at his friend, but still holding my gaze on the younger

"Yes sir!?"

"Who are you?"

"Momo Hinamori!" She answered

"Get a practic blade"

"But I wasn't recommended!"

"Are you going to be here everyday?"


"Then grab a blade, no gets a free ride!"

"Yes sir!"