Chapter 33: The Wolfs Prey

"What was that?"

The young man known as Ichigo stopped.

"What the hell you talking about!?" The man in green asked angrily

Looking he seemed to be looking for something. Not seeing anything or anyone he shook his head.

"Nothing let's keep going"

They started to run once again, running I could see he noticed me. I only let out just enough spiritual energy for him to notice me. They kept running, as I watched this Ichigo recognized it again. His eyes dashed back and forth trying to find me. It was then he stopped and finally found me. He gazed into the darkest shadow he found, his friends seemed confused.

"What are you doing Ichigo!?"

"He's there" he answered

"What? Who?"

He gazed into the shadow a bit longer.

"Show yourself" he commanded

His body was tense, but shook. Sweat ran down his face. His eyes focused, but showed fear. He gripped his sword, but didn't seem confident.

It was time I reveal myself. Walking out the dark corner, his friends stared in shock. I was this close, and they knew I could've killed them at anytime.

"Who are you?" Ichigo asked with a strong tone shakily

"I'm Vice-captain Kakashi Hatake, Division 8" I answered

He seemed to let his gaurd just a bit, but he still had tension.

"So you must the Ryoka, trying to free Rukia Kuchiki"

"Yes, and I've fought Vice-captains though you're different" he said

"Renji Abarai? Hmm...I'm going to have train him harder"

"So you're here to stop us too?" He asked

"Yes, I am"

"Fine, then Ganju! Hanataro! Go to Rukia! I'll handle this!" He ordered

"W-what are you sure-!?" Hanataro shouted

"No time to talk!" Ganju shouted picking him up and running the other way

Ichigo then faced me with his sword gripped tight. I watched the two figures leave my sight.

"I won't let you go after them!" He said

"No, I'll catch up when I'm done here" I reassured him

He took a good look at me, seeing my single eye, and black limb. A smile crept on his face.

"Either way, I'm not letting you pass!" He shouted

Charging towards me with abnormally large blade. Raising it high he let it fall, before it could hit me. I caught it with my black limb, immediately stopping the momentum. Both of his hands began to bleed, as he stood shocked at what happened. Holding the blade I could tell his spiritual energy was weak. He must have been knocked out of his thought as the young boy jumped away from me.

"What did you do?" He growled


"Don't screw with me!"

"I'm being honest"

"So tell me how I wasn't able to cut you!?" He demanded

I stared at him unfazed by his outburst of anger.

"It's simple your spiritual energy is weak"

His eyes widen then narrowed at me.

"When two spiritual energies clash the weaker is pushed back thus leaving the stronger unharmed" I answered

Ichigo gritted his teeth regripping his sword. He then charged again slashing continuously, I dodged each attack effortlessly. Dodging the last I moved forward placing my hand on his chest. With a gentle push he was launched slamming into one of the towering buildings. The impact knocked the air out his lungs. Falling down using his sword as a crutch.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked

"Why haven' drawn...your blade?"

"Because at your level, it would be considered overkill" I answered

"Then I'll make you" he growled as he ran towards me

Again slashing at me I dodged again, he was hell bent on me staying. The last came down as I punched him in the gut. Large amount of spit came out as he stumbled away.

"You're exactly what I call you: a boy" I said

"W-what a-are you talking about!?" He gasped as he slashed

As I dodged again I threw a right hook to his face. Then landed a strong uppercut making him stumble.

"You think because you have a blade you know how it works, that's why you don't deserve that Zanpakuto" I answered

He glared at me as if on instinct he ran. I didn't chase after him, knowing he would return. Ichigo as hotheaded, naive child.

As I waited something had gotten me curious, the day Captain Shunsui had told Aizen had died. If that was true then why didn't I feel the seal I placed on him fade. The seal would never leave or deactivate, even if I were to die. If he did die then it would have dissolved the body, thus feeling it fade.

As I was trapped in thought Ichigo returned.

"Oh you're back, good now let's finish this" I said standing up and dusting myself off

"Pull your blade out" he demanded again

I looked him in the eye, he seemed to be determined to make me unsheath my Zanpakuto.

"Fine" I sighed

Pulling it out he glared at me tightening his grip.

"Release your Shikai"

"Now you're getting ahead of yourself" I said

"If you don't release your Shikai, I'll make you!" He shouted

Seeing me move he instinctively tried to block my attack. The tip of my blade barely touching the black of his Zanpakuto.

"Arrogance...something I despise I usually beat it out my students...seems I'll have to do the same to you" I explained

My went cleanly through not scratch on it, as it pierced Ichigos body. He seemed shocked, as began to move out his body. Blood spilled out onto the floor, as he stumbled. He regained his composure, then struggled to hold up the Zanpakuto.

"I...won't lose" he said

"Have it your way"

Slashes came down as I dodged each strike, not even using my blade. Striking I dodged and sliced his shoulder as blood spurted out. Ichigo slashed up, moving back in two movements I cut his chest and arm. He fell to the floor in a pool of his own blood. Looking down at the individual, I sheathed my Zanpakuto.

"Does he remind you of someone?" Lobo asked

I looked down and immediately a few of my memories came back. A flash of yellow hair and a face of smiling child came to me. Holding my head in pain as they flowed through. I began to make my way to the Senzaikyu.

A massive energy roared as blue light emitted from behind me. Turning it was Ichigo as bright blue energy shot from his body.

"It's finally clicked within him"


"He has finally connected with his Zanpakuto"

Behind Ichigo a hollow mask was shown in the waves of the energy. The pressure grew, as he glared at me.

"Well it seems you do have a trick your sleeve" I said again unsheathing my blade

He growled as he began to rush me, I too charged. It was as if time had slowed down he swung using my black limb to absorb most the impact. I thrusted my blade into his lower body.


We clashed as the dust cleared he was surprised to see my arm had stopped his attack. Looking down my blade had pierced through him. Pulling it out he fell to the ground, looking at my black limb it had drawn out a bit of blood.

"Sorry, but I have a job to do..."

Feeling Rukias energy I knew those two had opened the Senzaikyu.

"Seems they opened it..."


Walking across the bridge I could hear shouting coming from inside.

"She killed my brother!"

"Ganju calm down!" Hanataro said

"No, if I had knew...I wouldn't have..." He began

"Do it" Rukia said almost emotionless

"You're responsible for Kaiens death!" Ganju shouted

Stopping just at the entrance upon hearing that name. It had been a long time since I heard that name.

"If it wasn't for me..." Rukia said


Looking up she saw me, as did the other two. Upon inspection I could see the Shiba resemblance.

"So you're name is Ganju? And you're related to Kaien Shiba?" I asked

"Yes, how do you know?"

"I was his teacher...I was also the one who killed him"

Ganjus eyes widen in anger, and before he could Byakuya came.

"Captain Kuchiki" I said unfazed

"Vice-captain Hatake, I see you've succeeded in stopping the Ryoka" he said monotonous

"Yes, I have but I feel we have a another problem"

His shifted to the side as saw outside the door. Ichigo Kurosaki stood on the bridge still bleeding a bit.

"It seems you missed one" Byakuya said

"Just one" I retorted

"Then I'll correct it" he said as he flashed in behind the young man

Byakuya went for his Zanpakuto most likely to use his Shikai. Before he could a flash of orange stopped him. All our eyes widen, but I was the most shocked.

"Yoruichi" I spoke

"Who?" Hanataro asked

"Yoruichi Shihoin, former heir to the Shihoin Clan and former Captain of the Stealth Corp" Rukia answered

"Who are-"

She chopped Ichigo in the back of the neck knocking him out.

"Time for us to go" she said

As she was about to she glanced up to see me. Our gazes connected for a moment, til Byakuya attempted to slash her. Flashing faster then him she appeared behind him. Digging in her pocket she brought out an artifact. It grew in size and took off, seeing them fly off in the distance. To think I would have to fight Yoruichi again.

"Vice-captain Hatake?"


"Escort Rukia back in her cell, I'll some men to take the two to prison cells" Byakuya ordered

"Yes, sir"

AN: I know how I written Ichigo isn't the best, even though I watched the series and read the Manga.