Chapter 51: Resurreccion

Barragan stood glaring at the Captain-Commander, his axe unwavering. Yamamoto stared and removed the cane facade around his Zanpakuto. Unsheathing his blade prepared to fight.

"Prepare Barragan!" Yamamoto spoke

Toshiro V. Harrible

The young Captain stood breathing heavily. Tier seemed confident in her ability, not showing fatigue. Toshiro frustrated gritting his teeth, and his hold tighten.

"Your holding back..."

Tier straighten up and made little expression.

"Your looking down on me" he growled glaring daggers

Keeping focuse Harrible sighing as she held her blade firmly.

"Hunt, Tiburon"

Her spiritual pressure rose, with no signs of stopping. A giant orb of water formed around. As it swirled in it's current form, Toshiro anticipated her resurreccion. As the water slowed it burst showing a different Tier Harrible. Her sword was a giant bone pata, her outfit consists of the same make.

"Ola Azule!"

A mass of yellow energy formed around her blade. Then with one quick thrust it was shot. Toshiro barely dodged the projectile. Exhausted he could now finally get serious.

"Finally, now I can truly not hold back!"

A heavy presence set in the air as a cold breeze swept in.


A thick fog of frost covered the area. Ice began to form around Toshiro's limbs resembling dragon claws. Then wings emerged out his back and three crystal petals above.

"Daiguren Hyōrinmaru"

Harrible glared as did the young captain.

Captain-Commander V. Hollow King

Barragan swung his axe down as it clashed with Yamamoto's blade. Sparks flew as the two elders fought struggling to get the upper hand.

"It seems age was not wasted on you, Genryusai" Barragan spoke

"It would seem the same for you" He retorted

Breaking Barragan defended against Yamamoto's assault of strikes. Using his axeman skills from any going past the Zanpakuto. The head Captain was challenged by an equal. Stopping Yamamoto's assault with a swipe, then followed with slash. Blocking Yamamoto was pushed back.

Stopping for a moment the two saw lights in the distance. As each one shot into the air, both stared back at each other.

"Children are so eager these days, they don't have the good fortune of savoring a battle" Barragan spoke

"Agreed, but under these circumstances they are unfortunately don't have a choice" Yamamoto said raising his blade

Toshiro v. Harrible

Toshiro crashed into Harrible blades clashing. Pushing her back as she stayed calm then redirecting his attack.

"La Gota!"

Shots of water were fired Toshiro dodged each swiftly. Her aim seemed to be off, but Toshiro suspected something more. Still able to dodge as each blast filled an entire street with water.

"Watch where you're going"

Shocked as he turned to see Harrible herself in front of him.


A yellow energy covered her blade, as a slash variant of the technique was shot. Half of Toshiro's wing was caught in the blast. As he was barely escaped, his wing regrowing as he recovered. She flew to his level as they stood off.

"'re waiting"

Listening she saw his eyes refocus, as she awaited.

"You're waiting for this place to fill with water, that way you can land a finishing blow" he guessed

"How are you so sure?"

"Cause it's what I would do" he answered

Not saying a word she held out her blade. Toshiro responded first as pointed his blade.

"Sennen Hyoro!"

Ice pillars pierced the sky circling the Espada. Speeding up they soon closed in on her sealing her within a massive block of ice. Toshiro stood waiting to see if it had worked on the hollow. Staring the solid liquid cracks formed as he widen his eyes in shock. Watering bursted from the cracks that continued to grow in size.

"Is this the best you can do!?" She asked

As more poured out and the ice melted.

"You'll have to do better than this!" She spoke

Completing exploding turning to water. The now melted ice circled around her. Streaming inside her blade, as she glowed with yellow energy. Condensing the water she then aimed it at the captain.


The large orb of water shot towards Toshiro.

"I can't let hit nor can dodge it in time"

As it came rushing he thought quickly, and finally came to an conclusion.


Charging first into the water tunnel, ice began to form. Only freezing small amounts.

"The water is to large to freeze, such a pathetic attempt won't help" she spoke

"Argh!" Toshiro roared

Pushing past his limit as little began to change. The water showing no sign of stopping. Pulling one more burst yo freeze the whole technique in it's tracks. As it turned into one block of ice, soon falling as it shattered onto the street.

"You shattered my cascada, but it did nothing... sacrifice should forward your plan not save your comrades" she spoke flying above them

Gripping his sword, Toshiro rose up and took in deep breaths.

"Maybe so, but I can still fight"

"...not while you're in that state"

"Then I'll have to rely on what strength I do have" he answered

Taking in a deep breath, a blue glow shrouded him. His ice armor regrew, but the sky had gotten dark. Harrible took notice and stood on guard.

"Hyoten Hyakkaso"

The dark clouds intensified and shook with thunder.

"My Zanpakuto is the strongest ice type that can control the weather, Tenso Jurin is a basic skill, but the strongest"

Settling, white snowflakes began to fall. Dancing beautifully in the wind, Harrible still in search of it's danger. As one landed on her blade, a bloom of ice rose. Widening her eyes in shock, attempting to flee. Only to be caught by another, one after the other. A tower of ice consumed her, as stood in her frozen prison.

"That should keep you there"

In the distance within a spiralling fire storm, Aizen awaited. It would end by his will.

"I've waited long enough"

Outside a Garganta opened, crackling and stretching. As darkness released, a hollow stood with a massive creature by side. The hollow didn't seemed to understand what was happening. Inhaling extensively a screech deafened those around.

"Prepare for the rides to change" Barragan declared