Back in time

Her stomach & back are hurting too much, she doesn't even eat from two days, she knows she is going to die but what stressed her is after death even if someone finds her body or not.

Why life plays such dirty joke on her, in her whole life she never troubles anyone not harm anyone still life being ruthless with her?

The people she loves, alredy leave her. Living up to 28 and not having a single dam is her misfortune. Watching her mother & son dying, facing humiliation & hunger make her heartache, she believes in god, until her son's death she never misses a single day without her Pooja( worship of God).

She does every fasting, she does every fast wholeheartedly, then why God gives her this type of life, why? she doesn't know the answer with these thoughts she takes her last breath.

"Is this heaven or hell?" Aditi thinks while opening her eyes, but it quite looks like hospital she thinks again, but at the same time a little boy comes running towards her and ask, "Mama, finally you wake up, I m sorry but don't leave me"

She became quite amazed, she knows this scene, this is exactly what happens after her miscarriage which caused because she accidentally finds out her husband has affair with her stepsister.

He wants to take divorce, at that time because of her stress she can't see the staircase properly and her leg slip and she falls on the ground, her second baby can be saved if she gets treatment timely but her husband doesn't want this child, even if she died he will become happy. Thinking this she laguh self mockingly.

She remembered vaguely that after waking up she starts crying & don't pay attention to her son.

She wants to keep this marriage safe so she just wanted to make her mother in law and husband happy. She doesn't even pay attention to her health and start working after the second day of discharge. This mistake cost her too much in the future, her son feels unloved, & her body suffers a lot. After discharging she cries a lot and beg her husband not to take divorce, but the effect is not achieved even after her crying and suffering.

She even begs her sister but her sister falsely accuse her of her fake fall & her abortion, her sister tells her husband & father that for taking revenge of her lost child she pushes her, but in reality, she doesn't do anything, at that time her sister get the main role in regional TV serial and for that her pregnancy became an obstacle, so by accusing her she achieve both her goals her career & guilt from Aditi's husband. After that, Her husband starts abusing her, not only he starts blaming her but also their child.

After three or four months after this her mother in law gets in an accident she starts nursing her mother in law, does all housework alone and even start to learn new things but her husband doesn't even talk with her.

 After some time her sister and the actor of that serial got in the relationship so her husband started beating her she doesn't know what she does wrong, but still, she never complained, her friend told her that it is wrong, the person who do a crime is indeed a criminal but the person who suffers silently is also a criminal, but that time she never takes her friends advice seriously.

She doesn't have a degree & also talent. She is from village area which is a remote place so she doesn't even know how to use the computer, she can't understand English She doesn't have a home, her mom lives with her aunt and have poor health & also she doesn't have many relatives who can support her, her only aunt who loves her is also in poor condition, her father never liked her & also her stepmother & stepsister are there. She thinks even though her husband doesn't love her he will love their child but it is her biggest misunderstanding.

 She remembered after approximately one year from now her second stepsister found a kidney problem they need a kidney from same blood group & best if it's from a family member, so her father & co & also her husband's family tell her to give her sister her kidney, she is not willing at that time her husband said he will be nicer with her & forget about her sister.

After hearing this she decided it is better to donate a kidney, even though she doesn't like her stepsisters the second sister never treated her badly & also saving a life is a good thing so she tells her husband that she is ready.

But what she doesn't know at that time is that she already has some problems with her body, because of early age pregnancy & her second miscarriage and not taking care of her health in both times her physical condition is not good.

The doctor warns her husband but her husband turns a blind eye to these situations.

After the operation, her husband treats her nicely for some days but after that one day he takes her sign on divorce papers by misleading and using false proof of her character he successfully divorces her & saying that she has a bad character he doest even need to give her high compensation.

After divorce, she started working in a restaurant but because of her busy schedule her only son Rudra became silent in school her sister in laws kids bully him, he doesn't told her anything about this at age of 7 he died because of a high fever that time she doesn't have enough money she asks her husband but that time her sister doesn't let her contact with him, she borrows money from her boss but that time her son already died after that her conditions became worse and she also died after a month.

But right now she is back in time, lots of things can be changed so she decided she will live this life with her son happily, she doesn't want revenge but yes she makes them suffer a bit.

Making her mind, she hugs her son who is crying & makes her sit on her lap right now he is 3 years old but he looks so skinny & has some problems while talking.

She patted his back and said "Don't cry chinu mom is all right & it's not your fault that mom fall OK so don't cry" After listing this her son stop crying but still hiccuping she give some water, at the same time door open & her husband, stepsisters, stepmother & father come.

Watching them again her anger rose she wanted to beat all these people who destroyed her & her son's life, but right now she can't do anything.

When she is thinking her step sister Adhira who has affair with her husband start crying & apologizing but Aditi knows this is just for show, because of her extreme anger she slap her, but after slapping her step sister she feels good so she doesn't stop slapping her the pa sound of slapping make everyone dumbfounded, even Adhira stop crying she never think that her timid good for nothing sister will beat her like this, a true cry come from her mouth, the first one came out daze is her step mother she starts shouting & try to stop her but Aditi dodge her & push Adhira on ground & start pulling her hair while saying " You whore, in the whole world you only get my husband to seduce I will teach you a lesson which your bitch mother never teach you"

At the same time her father & husband come to rescue Adhira, so she has to lose her grip, her husband slaps her hard & she falls on ground and hit her head, she easily can dodge the slap but she knows outside lots of people are watching them & also she wants her son to hate his father so after divorce, it is less painful for him.

After that, she starts crying, & her son who is frightened from all of this drama comes forward, hug his mother & also start crying because of the loud voice people start crowding near the door some people know her sister because she is now working in supporting role in TV drama so they start shooting seeing this Adhira became panic she tells her father to close the door. but how can Aditi makes this happens, Aditi start shouting " help, help my husband has affair with my step sister they want to kill me & my child so they can marry please call the police " at the same time Doctor come watching this mess they call the security and tell people don't crowd here, he also tells Aditi & others to not create family drama in the hospital. Aditi tells Doctor that her husband wanted to kill her & he must call the police, her husband really get pisses off and wanted to beat her but the doctor stops him, he tells him to go & call the police.

Her husband and other family members glare at her & she shows frightened expression. Adhira doesn't want to go police station she doesn't want to destroy her reputation & also her husband & father think the same way so her husband calm down & said to the doctor that they don't need to call the police and turn to her and say " I don't want to kill you I just came here to tell you that I love your sister & let's take divorce, I know you love me & you just lost your child but I love Adhira deeply and I can't live with you I will give you 5 lakh as alimony & rest assured in future if you need any financial help I will help you"