Make a Action plan (PART 2)

The next day, in afternoon she goes to her husband's house, Fortunately, her mother in law is taking nap at the time & only her youngest sister in law and father in law is at home. Her father in law is the only person who treat her kindly, he never scold or make things difficult for her, & her youngest sister in law is indifferent towards her, she know that next year she will go aboard for study. Even though she never speak out her feelings, but Aditi knows Neha ( youngest sister in law) is a good person, she always treats chinu affectionately.

After reaching there she quickly go inside, tell her father in law that she came here to take her document & she is going to divorce his son, her father in law get sad after hearing this, & said " I know, this is gonna happen sooner or later but it's good, I will not stop you, and if you have any problem in future, you can call me'

"Okay, I will take my document after that I will go" Aditi replied, her father in law nodded, after that she quickly goes to her room, where she found her & chinu's documents & take her jewelry & her passbook, there are also some money which she saves, she takes out this & put this in system's space,

she wanted to leave quickly but unfortunately, her elder sister in law Nisha come, seeing her she ask her what she is doing here, Aditi tells her that she come here to take her document, her sister in law said "are you fooling me, I know you are going divorce, you must come here to stole money let me call mother & let me check you."

Aditi doesn't know why but Nisha never likes her, from the start she never talks with her kindly, she always looks down on her even though Aditi always tries to make up with her work. Because of this noise her mother in law wake up and come down even father in law also come. He said " Nisha doesn't talk like this, she is your sister in law" " no, papa she is no more, my sister in law she is going to divorce brother, and she must come here to steal the jewelry, let me check" listening to this her mother in law also get excited and wanted to humiliate Aditi, so she also go head and take the purse from Aditi and search but the only document is there, she also searches in her clothes, Aditi never uttered a word whole time, she wanted they act like this so she can get the divorce as soon as possible, she just doesn't want to see their face again. After searching they sneered and tell her to leave this house talk about how Adhira will be a great daughter in law who have beauty, education and career. Aditi just looks at her father in law helplessly and tell her that she is leaving.

In her mind she knows why they hate her, because of poor background, right now Raman and her brothers-in-laws are earning money but five years ago because of her dowry, they can start this business, she knows they also work hard, but she also works hard but all her efforts go in vain, her mother in law & other family member are materialistic, Adhira is now famous in society & their father are proud of her, she also show everyone that how kind & generous she is, she always brought gift to her in-laws and also have some contacts so now making connection with Adhira is too much beneficial than leaving with Aditi who is just a good for nothing, Aditi laugh self-mockingly

After taking the documents she goes to Radhika's office, in the meeting she tells Radhika about her condition show her the divorce paper given by Raman & tells her that she wanted as much alimony she can get & also want to quickly break this relationship. Radhika tells her according to law it needed to be six months to get a divorce but if her husband agrees they can get a divorce in 2 or 3 hearings i.e 2/3 months, but if she asks for higher alimony will her husband will agree she know this is something the troublesome matter. Aditi knows her stepsis & mother doesn't even want to give her dam penny, and also there is her mother in law, and if she dealy the divorce just like her previous life

her sister will falsely accuse her of her miscarriage, an idea flash through her mind she tells Radhika that she knows a way to make her husband agree & make divorce paper ready in two days, her son's bday is only three days later so she has to do something.

She knows that her sister has an ex-boyfriend and she also have ambiguous relationship with the drama's director, so she gets in net cafe make a fake id and send her husband about her sister & the director's ambiguous relationship, she also right about Adhria's ex-boyfriend, lots of the things in the email are fake or made up by her, but she knows that her husband is 7 years

older than her sister, and even though they are some fake things there are some true things she mention. Also, nobody doubts her first because she doesn't have to interact with her sister and social circle and second she cant use English & computer that time, so how she knows about this, in her last life Kiyara talk her with sweetly & also gossip about her sister, Kiyara and even Nisha also are jealous on Adhira, she know after reading this e-mail her husband wants to divorce as early as possible.

In her previous life she doesn't have contact she even doesn't know how much property her husband have, but right now she knows, in her last life after her miscarriage she start learning new things to compete with Adhira for her husband's attention it included western food learning English, using computer, she is not pro in this, but right now she can write & read English very well, yes she have some problem to speak in English right now but she decided she will do something about this also. After sending mail she goes back home, Radhika tells her that the divorce paper will be ready tomorrow morning & after signing the paper they will send it to Raman's office after he signs this paper, they will get divorced in 2 months.

She decided she need to improve her self and must find a way to earn money, she knows that next year 4g will available, and the cost of data pack will reduce, and the number of people watching video increase significantly, she also watch video in her previous life she likes to watch cooking videos and she know that she also has skill in this area, there are lots of traditional food recipes go viral and she is pro in this, but there are also some things she needed to prepare, such as her look she is basically beautiful but because of lack of care and workload her skin has blemishes acne, acne scars and also dark circle, she has the most beautiful hair but she can't even properly oil them, she also gain weight because of unhealthy diet, she takes her notebook and start writing her goals

1) loose weight

2) treat skin damage

3)learn video making & editing skills

4) improve communication skill

5)make her body strong

At that time her mother calls her for dinner so she decided first start from these goals then she will tackle others & start with healthy eating, after dinner she tells her mom about her divorce her mother get panic but she told her that her in-laws behavior, after listening to this her mother and mau agrees about this, her mother knows how it feels after getting cheated & her hate for her husband & others increased. Aditi knows she is making her mom sad, but her mom has to become strong otherwise she will get a heart attack like her last life. There are lots of work that has to do, Aditi sighed but think it's ok without challenge there is no fun in life. Tomorrow she has to do so many things so she needed to take rest thinking about this Aditi hugs her son and sleeps happily.