Think Big (PART : 2)

When Aditi return at home Raman is waiting for her with a cold face, seeing her he said I wanted to talk with you alone, she said okay and then they both go in the bedroom, Naina knows they are going to talk about divorce so she and Suman take chinu with them and go outside.

"What the hell is this? you want 1 billion rupees are you trying to make me a beggar, just because I don't like you anymore you are going to do this, do you know how much 1 billion is, how much hard work I have to do for this, what qualification do you have? I marry you because grandpa want it, just by appointing a good lawyer doesn't mean you are going to win in, this five year is your mom give you even a single rupee, you don't want to get divorced you so you are just playing, You know I have no money, You are nothing but just a good for nothing, don't think I will ever like you" Raman said, he is in so much anger now that he wanted to kill Aditi.

Aditi calmly look at the person whom she loves so much & even sacrifice her kidney for him "You marry me just for grandpa, you must be kidding you want the 5 lakh at the time for your business, do you say what qualification I have I waste my five years on you, I work like ox for your family, I give you a son, I bear an abortion for you which cost my health, do you know my body became so weak that I should also die that time, what future will I have after the divorce tell me? What future my son will have? It's you cheated on me, and with whom, my own sister, how much mental loss occur to me, how are you gonna compensate that, oh you must not have time to think about that, you must be busy in taking care of your new wife and the child in her stomach, do you remember my child also died 3/4 days ago, you doesn't even ask me how I m, the five year I spent with you are jock for you, are you heart or not?"Aditi asks while sobbing she doesn't think she will start crying but these tears are from both life, even though he loves her step-sister, doesn't he feel any pity towards their child, she also his wife, she does lots of thing for him, but he never appreciated that thinking about all the betrayal, pain and suffering she can't help but start crying, she doesn't know but at the same time her mother and son, they don't want to eavesdrop but listening to Raman's shouting they don't go sit there, right now there hate for Raman increased, Chinu know his father doesn't love him, the only person who loves him was his mother, so now decided he will act as good child and try to protect his mother.

Inside when Raman heard the word pregnant, he froze, he know Aditi know about their relationship but they take next step is not known by her, if she know this he feel too guilty but Adhira is not pregnant so why she accusing him so he ask her annoyingly that " who tell you she is not pregnant don't talk nonsense, Aditi realized that she misspoke, Adhira is indeed pregnant , but right now she must doen't know about this, but what make her amaze is that she doesn't even tell this to Raman so there are chances that she will use the same trick of her previous life on her, no she cant let this happen, Aditi laugh and asked " You are lying, i got pregnant two times and i also see others, u must doesn't want to tell me ok no problem, time will tell the truth, and you misunderstood i don't want to live with a person, who doesn't even have single ounce of respect for me and the alimony i asked is nothing much after your child born are you going to do something for chinu, or your good wife are you going to allow you that, and also don't tell me you don't have money i know you buy her new house & car, you also invested in movie for her, and you are telling me you don't have money, stop saying that husband the money i asking are which i work if not for me your sister's child might died, it's me who work hard for his health, your mother get hospitalize who nurse her you? and if you don't wanna give me money then it's ok I also don't want divorce, but what will happen if she gets pregnant before marriage also what will people think about you and her if they know a husband and sister cheated on me what reputation will remain for her, I will get sympathy but her career may be destroyed, you don't want this right"

After listening this he get both angry, happy and guilty, angry because the wife who always act pitiful right now acting like she owns him, happy because he is going to be father and guilty for chinu so he decided it is best if he gives the money to Aditi in this way he will not feel guilty also he doesn't get criticized and can live happily with his love, even though 1 billion us much it is not too much he can earn this, now his business is flourishing also his father in law promise him that they will invest in his business, even though he's father in law doesn't show interest in Aditi if she goes to him there effects might be worse so it is better to lose some money, even Adhira can earn a lot of money in future which Aditi can't so "Okay I will give you one billion but don't think about the home, also remember after taking this money there will be no contact between us, even not for chinu remember this, see you in court after saying this he leaves immediately.

When he got outside he sees Chinu, but ignore him and start his car right now he wanted to meet his love & want to confirm the news. After Raman gets out all people came inside, Suman hugs Aditi and said" bacha (same as baby )don't cry everything will be fine" chinu & Naina also hug her. Aditi feel relaxed she think chinu will start crying after knowing this and she has to comfort him but to he is comforting her. after wiping her tears she said she will rest for a while, they say okay. Aditi returned to their only bedroom and sit down.

System think that she is feeling low so it said " don't be sad, you will get the best husband in future"

Listening this Aditi can't hold her laugh she said "I m not sad, but I just want to do something big, you know just because I m housewife doesn't mean I m good for nothing, I want to earn so much money, I want to become so famous so all of them realizes that if a housewife want she can do anything"

"yes, if you wanted to do something do big, think big" the system replied.

" Yes, I will think big, now I m too relaxed that I forgot I have to work hard on my future I will certainly make him feel regretted to saying me all this, "Aditi replied with confidence.

Right now she needs to use her knowledge for the future, she can't settle with less, she has to think big.