Good things happen when you smile.

The next morning Aditi wake up late, because of all the events. After completing her morning chores she tells the children to wake up, today they need to go police station, so they need to hurry up, after waking Aditi help them to wash up and other things, after that she makes pohe, Mihir and Mishtu never eat pohe, in their house morning breakfast are always decided, it always oats, sandwich, omelets or conflex, sometimes they also have porridge, but they never eat simple breakfast like pohe, so they really really like it.

  At the same time, Aditi gets a call from her mother and mauma. After she talks with them Mihir asks her who is mauma Aditi tell her that mauma is her mother's sister which we called masi and she is just like a second mother for her so she called her mauma, after listening to this Mihir said then I will also call you mauma, after he says that he jump and hug Aditi while shouting mauma, she doesn't know why he got so excited but she doesn't ask and urged them to hurry up.

  After eating breakfast Aditi and all other sets off to go police station, but before going to the police station they go to the mandir, when they go to the mandir after taking darshan, Aditi bow down and take ashirvad from panditji, chinu also follow her and seeing this Mihir and Mishtu also follow her, they also bow down and take ashrivad, seeing this the panditji smiled at Mishtu because she looks so clumsy that he wanted to reassure her, but seeing this Mishtu run and hide behind Aditi seeing this the panditji laugh, this is the small issue, but Aditi realized that Mishtu even if she is not traumatized she feels insecure.

Aditi knows that it is not okay to speak with a stranger and it is very dangerous, but not open up with people, not believing people is also not good, so she asks Mishtu "baby, why don't you smiled back at panditji?" " Why should I smile?" asks Mishtu confusingly, "baby if someone said hello to you, can't you say hello back"

"I say sometimes",

"Hmm, but you know if you smile more you look beautiful you know"

" My father doesn't smile but he looks so handsome even when he doesn't smile"Mishti replied.

  This is the same sentence heard by Mahendra he also can't help but smile and his brother and secretary who are near him listening to this also start laughing, they think that young miss is so quiet and doesn't understand his father's love and also they act like Samira who doesn't care about Mahindra but now they realized that this is not the case, children also love their father too much otherwise why they agree to their father's remarriage.

Aditi after listening to this can't help but laugh and said" yeah, yeah I know Your father is too handsome, but you know good things happen when you smile"

"how?" This time all the three children ask in unity, not only that but Mahendra and co also wanted to listen how this woman answer this question, listening this Aditi smiled, she remembers a story or you can say poem from 'chicken soup series' it is the series she loves a lot, she decided to share it with children, she doesn't remember the words exactly but she knows a little bit " okay listen I will tell you a short story ok"

"okay" children replied

"Once a day, a man is walking on the street, he gives a smile to a man who is passing near to him. The man feels so good that he gives a call to his friend. 

The friend due to this call and heart full conversation feels too good. 

that he give a large tip to the waitress. 

The waitress, who is in worry feels too good by this tip. 

and in good mood, she served many customers happily, 

due to her cheerfulness, she got more tip,

she decides to give some part of it to a poor man

The man on the street feels too blessed by this money 

as he doesn't anything for two days, 

after eating his dinner 

he left for his small room.

On the way, he picked up a shivering little puppy

and decided to take him home, 

he feeds him some biscuits 

The puppy was very grateful

to be in out of the storm and also to get to eat

That night the whole building caught on fire." Aditi paused

"What happens then," Mishtu asked

"The puppy-like another dog can sense the danger early 

so the little pup started to bark loudly,

He barked until he woke the whole household

and saved everybody from the fire

One of the boys that he rescued

grew up to be a businessman, 

the boy who now become a businessman 

remember that he is saved due to a puppy

and started to donate a large amount of money 

for start animals and also for other good cause

and All this is because of a simple smile

that hadn't cost a cent. so now you understand what will happen when you smile, even if you can do a little thing for others do it you don't know how will they help them" 

After listening to this Mihir said, "Wow, you are best mau & why we bow down today?"

"to take ashirvad, so when you see someone whom you respect you must bow down, okay?"

"okay" they all replied

"and tell me I m more best than your father?" asked Aditi

"no, he is a little better than you" Mihir replied

"no, my mom is best" Chinu replied

"ok, ok don't fight everyone is best now let's go to the police station," Aditi said.

"mau you said we can do little things, but how can I help my father, I m too small, "Mishti asked,

"umm, simple do you know in Ramayana when Ramji is building setu in sea everyone is helping, so a little squirrel also decided to help and seeing this Ramji get so happy and patted to squirrel so back, so it doesn't matter how small you are what matter is intentions, and you can help your father by giving him water, you know if don't drink enough water we will get a headache, my chinu always help me in this, and also you can tell your father that you love him, but my chinu doesn't say this" listening this chinu shout"muma, muma I love you so so so much"

"so so so much means how much?" Mihir asked "means too much "Chinu replied

"Okay, I also love my father too much," Mihir said,

"Me too, "Mishti said

"tell this to your father when you meet him, right now walk fast" while talking like this they reach the police station.

And in the car listening to all this chit-chat, Mahendra can't help but laugh loudly, all the stuffiness in his heart, all the anger, all the sadness in his heart is gone. Right now he wanted to hug his children, smile at them, and tell them that he also loves them so much.