Life is too short so atleast plan holidays.

The next day after Aditi woke up feeling refreshed, after that she calls Virat and tell him that she is going to bring him lunch, actually she is not worried about him because she no that his injuries are not serious also Avinash is with him, yesterday when she calls him he said he is alright and the doctor will give him discharge in next two days, so today she makes lots of delicious food which Virat like and also pack lunch box for Mihir Mishtu and chinu, she also take lunch for Avinash, after that she goes to hospital.

In the hospital, Virat is really angry because this man is really touching him inappropriately though he doesn't hate it, he just doesn't want to get found, first, he really wanted to become successful, and being strong so he can protect his family and then he will announce about his sexuality that he like men.

But this man is so attractive and he can't control but like himself, After some time Avinash said "Why you go to fight alone can't you tell me?, or I am nothing for you? will you beat them alone?, and what the name of the woman you said ha Adhira, I am going to destroy her career"

"Don't do anything which can harm you, I don't call you because I don't want to make trouble for you, don't misunderstand me but I can't tell about us to my family first my family suffer a lot because of me and also you are also not so successful in your career, I don't know you are really serious about me"Virat replied,

Listening this Avinash frowned, he really like this boy when he sees him in Aditi's house but he doesn't know about if he like him or not but after that he found chances to meet him.

After some time they tuned and he really like him maybe love him, but yes he is not successful right now, he can't able to protect him without his brothers support, his brothers know about him, but still he need to become strong also he is quite famous as playboy actually he is not he literally doesn't like woman, his mom abandoned him when he is little child and get remarried, his father also remarried, even though his step mom never treated him badly, he knows that she can't love him also he doesn't like his granny, he also seen how Samira treated Mahendra so he really doesn't like woman, the image of playboy is just accident.

So he said "Don't you trust me, And if you find any trouble just call me ok, don't get faint like girl"

"So according to you, girls get faint when facing trouble?" Aditi asked coming inside the room, seeing her Virat get panicked. He know right now he is too close to Avinash, if Aditi finds out and hate him it will be too bad, Aditi is just like his mother for him maybe more than that she never judge him and always protect him.

Seeing this Avinash get sad and adjust their posture seeing this Aditi said "I bought food for both of you, eat and take rest if you need anything call me and also remember I will always protect and support you, expect you take drug or wanted to do some self-harm, but first become strong and successful, then you can love whoever you want and yes we are going to join to karate class from next week so get well soon"

After that Aditi put the bag on table, and look towards Avinash and said "If you get tired or have work call me, and don't be too judgemental, also this road is gonna tough so take care" After saying this she left the ward.

Virat needs some time to digest the information, so Aditi know about his secret and she wanted to support him, he thinks that she will hate him, and maybe he has to face accusation, but reality is too different, on the other hand, Avi also got surprised, he thinks this woman must not be so supportive.

First he doesn't have any opinion towards her but as he interacts with her he realized that she is just like a nagging mom and today after her support to their

relationship his respect towards her is increased.

Actually Aditi know this in her previous life, but that time she acts too differently, she tells Virat that he is sick, she doesn't support him, but still Virat never hate her, she decided that in this life she will be more open, and expect people without a prejudice. Virat did lots of thing for her in her both life and now it is her turn.

After leaving hospital, she goes to salon, while she gets done facial, she heard the chit chat of a customer saying that they are going to enjoy their vacation by going restaurant, listening to this she decided to write about the real vacation, because, after her rebirth, she constantly thinking about progress, she doesn't get rest mentally, the real meaning of vacation is getting rid of all the work relayed thought and enjoy. So she decided to write about it after getting home.

She remember that lots of people spend their weekends very busily, people like her who are housewives do not have weekends, she even have to work hard for weekends in her previous life, The people like Kiyara who work spend their weekends at waking up late and then go to shopping or go to movie, or go to hotel for dinner, but lots of the time Kiyara and Ram come home in very bad mood, according to Aditi it is best to spend weekends in home if you go to work whole week, or you travel all the week it is better if you make something light and healthy at home insted going out, it doesn't require to be complex, something simple is okay.

Aditi really respect working woman because they have to tackle on both sides work and house, but yes housewives are also very busy on weekends because there is no concept of vacation for them. Also, she remembers that Raman doesn't really like traveling but all people go so he also wanted to go, Aditi has problem of motion sickness, and also she eat the remaining food and doesn't get proper sleep so she has acidity problem, so long-distance traveling is worse nightmare for her, they already don't spend time together, and because of this traveling issue the remaining time they could spend together is wasted.

For couple communication is must, not only for couple but for every relationship communication is important, Vacation or your weekly leave is important day for your healthy relationship, and also for work you have to plan it very well, everyone is traveling or everyone is hoteling so you don't need to do it, some people think that shopping will help them to burst their stress but shopping mindlessly is only spent your hard earn money, it doesn't help in decreasing stress but also increase your financial problems. Planning the next week, spending time with your family, eating healthy is the best way to spend weekends.

After sharing her thoughts via her blog, she decided that from now on she will take leave on Sunday that means she doesn't make videos and don't think about work she will plan her week, play with chinu, do something which she really like or spend it watching movie or just simply sleep all day.

On the other hand, after reading her article, Mahendra also decided to take leave on some days as a CEO of big industry he really can't think about this concept, first because he wanted to prove his worth and now it became his habit to work all week as much as he can, actually he thinks that there is no need for holiday because his family is all busy, but now he decided to unite them, after all, he is doing all the things for his family.

After all, life is too short so at least plan holidays.