Everything happens for a reason.

The comment is very long so it attracted her attention, the comment is like this "The person I love leave me alone in this world, so what bucket list and other things I don't have any motive to live life then what should I do, live or die"

Reading this Aditi remember her past life after her mother and chinu died she doesn't want to live life, she doesn't find any motivation, so she really doesn't know what to say but this time she remembers the story Radhika tell her, so she decided she will tell this to the commenter.

"I can't understand your pain, and I don't have the advice to give you neither I have the right, but I will tell you a story I hope it will help you, 'There is a family ina city. There are three people in famil;y that is son, mother, and father. The father wanted to become a famous Martial artist but unfortunately, he can't, so he decided that he will make his children a famous Martial Artist and tell this her wife and son too, he already found a teacher for him, but before taking admission he and his father got in accident, his father died while he looses his left hand, her mother loves his father so much that she gets too sad, but after some time his mother remembers his fathers dreams she decided that she will make his son famous Martial artist, but now he doesn't have his left arm, so this dream is somewhat impossible to achieve, but still the boy decided to listen his mother. After that, they go to meet the teacher, the teacher first refuge but after seeing their persistence he agrees. The teacher is a very great and knowledgeable person, he started teaching the boy, he teaches him a move and tell him to practice, after some months passed, the boy thinks that master will teach him new move but that will never happen, his teacher tells him to practice only these one move, he also never complained because he have full trust in his teacher after 12 year passed, his teacher let him take part in one of the very famous competition if he win this competition the chances of becoming master are very high but isn't it impossible because he already doesn't have hands and his teacher also teach him only one move the probability of his winning is so low, but cotradectary to his thoughts, he doesn't lose even a single match, he doesn't know what is happening so after winning the competition he asked his teacher how can he win even though he has lots of shortcomings, teacher smile and said " You become master in the move which I teach you for 12 years and the only way to fight back with you is pull your left hand, which you don't have so the chance to defeat you are so less.

I don't know if this story helps you, but I think the person who loves you or the person whom you love really wanted to see you happy, even if the person died they still have some wish unfulfilled, so try to complete them if possible, for your loneliness try to adopt poor child, I don't know about adoption, if that not possible then take a stray dog or cat at home, even if this not possible try to grow plants, it is not only human which will be our family but animals and plants too, and if you want you can message me anytime, I can understand how it feels to be left alone seeing your loved once die if I can I will help you, if you want to die I will not stop you, but I will say first complete the wish of your loved once.

After saying the person who comment tell her that her husband is in Army and he died while he is doing his duty one year ago and she is proud of him, also her mother died two days ago now she doesn't have a child and she love her husband dearly so doesn't want anyone else in her life, she can't sleep at night she feel too lonely, but after speaking with her she feels somewhat good, also she telel her that her husband love her smile, when they at college once just because she doesn't study, he skip exan while she go and do cheating and get pass and he fails because he thinks that she is gonna fail so it is better if he also fail, she tell ehr about their love story and tell her that her husabnd wanted to do something for soldiers and now she also wanted to do something after competening this wish she will think about what should do with life, after talking for some time she said goodbye to her without telling her name, she said that she will contact with her after she decided her plan, also she tell her that she is greatful that Aditi write this blog.

After talking with her, Aditi can't help but remember the bad things in her previous life there is no one with her after chinu died no one talk if there is anyone who can at least say her that she is not reason of her child's death she might feel good, but that doesn't happen she again feel the bad feeling even though in these days she is happy she still remember all the things in her previous life in night, there are countless night where she wake up dreaming about previous life, thinking that she can't help but cry.

At the same time Mihir and Mishtu come to meet her, with chinu they come in bedroom, but seeing her crying like this the children get worried, they never see her like this, seeing her like this chinu and Mishti start crying and try to call her, but she is too immersed in her past life that she can't hear them even system call her but she can't reach towards her, hearing the noise her mom and Mau come inside but seeing her like this they doesn't know what to do, Mihir who is also on edge of crying decided to call his daddy, so he told his driver to call his father.

Mahendra is busy in meeting but seeing that this call is from Mihir's driver he pick up, listening Mihir's crying voice he got stressed and ask him what happen, Mihir, in short, tell him what happen, Mahendra realized that she must remember something unpleasant, so he tell her to give the phone to chinu's nanima listening this mihir do as he says, after that he tell naina to slap her or do something which help her to gain her conscious listening this Naina slap her after that slap Aditi gain some conscious and seeing chinu in front of her she can't help but hug him and tell him repetedy that he can't leave her her baby can't die, listening this chinu also hug her and tell her that she is not leaving, also that time she realized that she is now back in time and things are changed, realizing this and seeing them worried she said that she is not feeling okay and remember something, other people think that she must remember the child which died some month ago, so they don't ask, Mishti and Mihir hug her and said to her don't cry, realizing that she makes everyone worrying, she can't help but feel guilty, but also thinks that everything happen for a reason, if this rebirth doesn't happen Mishtu and Mihir never meet her, this children are now become really important for her, after telling them she is okay she wash her face and said them that she will make something for them. While all of them forgot about the phone.

And the listener of the phone has complex feelings in his heart.