Raman doesn't believe that the woman in this photos is Aditi, his ex wife who is not so beautiful how can she turn like this, If she look like this always they might not..., thinking this he feel suffocated, anyway things can't be turn even though she look beautiful what she is doing, making videos of cooking unlike Adhira he thinks, even though he know in his heart that Aditi is perfect wife for him, After their divorce at first month he get married with Adhira he is very happy, but after some days Adhira start quarlling with him on small topice, sometimes she fight with family members especially his mom, he know his mom has foul mouth, but compare to Aditi she treats Adhira very well, during one fight her mother accidently push her, and they lost their child, or this is what he thinks that time, but later he find out that she got a movie and to work in that movie she do these things, he really feel angry, if she tell him, he might give her permsion for abortion, for this child he take the divorce decision quickly otherwise he doesn't need to give 1 Billlion to Aditi, even after doing this her career is not successful, and he also realized that the so called gentle facecade Adhira show earlier is all fake, she is just a sweet talker, and don't do any house work, his mom get in an accident she even don't ask about her health, he really feel disappointed, their home is mess, Kiyara and Ram also wanted to live separately, the money they required in home, is increased, nobody wanted to work so they have to hire lots of people. Now he understands how much work Aditi does, but still, he doesn't love her, not feel respect towards her. In there home when Adhira see the photos, she is so angry that she wanted to kill someone, because of this marriage and abortion, her body shape change, even though she doesn't work at home there are still some responsibilities, her father is also angry on her, and she doesn't know why but she is not getting any movie, not even a single side role, which already enough to make her angry and seeing her good for nothing, and ugly sister of her looking so good, she can't help but get angry. But she forgot that there is Karma there what you do you will get, She really wanted to snatch everything from Aditi but in the end, who gonna lose is clear. Also, Nisha and Kiyara also feel amazed, Nisha never like Aditi, before marriage Aditi doesn't gain weight so she looks so beautiful also she is intelligent at school and Neha found out that her husband admires her, so she starts getting jealous of her and seeing her in misery make her happy, but now after Aditi's divorce she has to do work in home when Aditi is in home, she doesn't need to do anything at home at also get a person to vent her anger, but now that person is gone, and nobody can tolerate her, for Kiyara she doesn't have any feeling for Aditi for her Aditi is just a maid, she doesn't like Aditi who is so dumb and doesn't have self-respect, but now seeing her transformation she feels respect towards her, anyway they are not crossing road so she doesn't mean anything Kiyara thinks. while on other hand, After watching Aditi's photos Mahendra doesn't feel right, he feels angry about her showing her body, but he thinks that as a friend this is the way he feels after all he cares for her, he thinks. but still, he sends her a message. "You are not looking good in these photos, I mean not as good as you look in your regular clothes" "hmm I know, it is just for one day you know and just for showing off my hard work and proving that I am not a good for nothing," Aditi replied. "You are never good for nothing you are Chinu's supermom" replied Mahendra and after a pause, he asks "Do you still have feelings for your ex-husband" he doesn't know why he asking such a question and maybe asking this he will hurt feeling still he asks, Aditi chuckled and replied, "Not really, Right now I am in neutral state, I don't love him but can't hate him, because I am also the reason of our divorce, lots of small things I neglect which latter turn into big things I just want to give him answer for the humiliation, nothing else, actually not proving him, but to prove myself that if I work hard I can possibly achieve anything I want and become a successful person whom everyone should respect" "You don't need to become successful, because you already have success, and yes lots of people respect you including me" Listening this Aditi's heart flutter, she always think that this man is good with her only because of his children but now their relationship turn like real friends, in these two months she remember him lots of time, also send him simple good morning messages or some jokes, she know that she wanted something wrong, but she still wanted to try but now she thinks that she needs to reflect on her feelings, this person is too good for her. After that they talk for some time, and then Aditi tell him too take care, and give some instruction like eat on time, smoke less, etc and said that this instruction is given by his children. But Mahendra know she cares about him. It is not like Mahendra never get a person who really love him or who can provoke his interest but that is all temporary, he also know that lots of people attract towards him because of his money, his looks, and his achievement, he also knows that Aditi first attract towards him because of his looks, but now he also realized that they both like each other's personality what he really like that she never speak harshly about her husband in front of anybody, according to him, Raman really treat her badly but she still forgives him because once she loves him. In reality, Aditi say yes to Raman because of her Dadu's wish and the second reason is he is stable and have good look. Actually she never in love with him, she knows that her timid and not leaving comfort zone nature makes him less interested in her. She keep thoughts in her mind, she never try to ask or do something for things she want, she adjust with everything, she doesn't want to do something extra for their relationship, according to her good relationship need 50-50 efforts, but in reality, it needs 100-100 efforts, you have to do lots of the things without thinking about the outcome, if you really love someone then their happiness is your happiness. Someone said that 'Everything is fair in love and war' but this is not the truth, if this is true then government doesn't need to arrest the people who harras girls because they also in love with that girl same thing for acid attackers, and in war, if everything is fair then any person or country who have more force can attack any other country, also then the way one country's solider cutting heads of other countries soiders is also acceptable, but it is not acceptable, a solider should be treated like soldier and not like criminal. Same in love, you can love anyone it is your choice but you can't force someone else to love you. Actually love is very divine feeling, and if you really love someone else then you also love your self, you will respect yourself, you want to become your better version, you want give your loved ones the best life and the best of you. If it is not happening then it is not love, its adjustment. Also, Aditi can't blame Raman for chinu's death, the only culprit for his death is she, so she doesn't have any right to judge or punish people in this life for their past life crimes. According to her Karma is not a bitch, but it is like mirror of your souls mistake, no matter how you want to hide it it can't leave you. Karma is not the punishment, but it is reminder of your souls true self, Karma give you back what you give others. Thinking their own thought they both go to sleep, tomorrow is gonna big day for Aditi.