Spending time with children.

Mahendra daily come to Aditi's house so Suman and Naina ask her that if there is anything between them, becasue they look like close friend, but Aditi make it clear that there is nothing between them, actually both of them are not opposed to remarry, but there is large distance between them, but if Aditi wanted to do something they will surelay support her, after all, they both don't have a man in there life and know how some bad people try to take advantage of them also Mahendra is person whom every mom will like to marry off her daughter, also after divorce, Aditi shows that she is a quite strong person, right now she is the family head, and after shifting here there mindset changed, they think age is no barrier, and they will support their child, also Suman feel that something is not right between Virat and Avi, but she doesn't ask, after all, they find husband for Aditi which is perfect, still, she is alone without her mistake, so it is better to go with flow.

After taking leave Mahendra decided to spend maximum time with children, first day he wanted to show them museum so he tells them to go ready, but chinu doesn't get ready, seeing this he ask Aditi why he is not ready yet on which Aditi replied "he will disturb Mahendra and children so" he understand what she wanted to say after all chinu is not his child but he said " I will take three of them, and you think that Mihir and Mishtu go without him, I might ask you, but if you come I will not got any attention so hurry up and get him ready" listening to this Chinu got happy, even though Aditi go shopping with them, they never go museum so he wanted to go and he also like Mahendra uncle so he also wanted to spend time with him, after some hesitation Aditi decide it will better if chinu goes, otherwise Mahendra will misunderstand.

In the next 2/3 they go to lots of place even they watch live cricket match also, their schedule is like this wake up eat breakfast get ready go to outing then come eat lunch, take nap at evening play and then eat dinner and go to sleep, while Aditi is quite free so she compete her cookbook also shoot some extra videos, on the fourth day they wanted to go picnic, Mahendra asks Aditi if she wanted to come, he wanted to spend some time with her, Aditi said that they will invite everyone, after that she starts calling everyone, after 2 hours everyone decided to go next day, Mahendra really feel angry he praposes a plan for only five of them but this woman makes these a family trip, what more these people discuss all day on whats up about the plan, today they doesn't have to do anything so he play with children, he will do some work at night, but children will urg him to sleep early also his smoking is reduced, the next day Ani, Praita, Shiv,Shivani, Shanaya, Aarav, Avi and Virat and then these five people also Suman Naina and his father and mother, grandpa and grandma come, Aditi make lots of food yesterday, he wanted to help her so he come to kitchen but ended up breaking her faviourtie plate so he forced to leave kitchen, but he found that Aditi look really beautiful while she cook, he really find this woman attractive, the next day is fun they actually go to there one farm house so there is everything, so at morning they eat breakfast play for some time then take a nap then make groups like old people group, ladies group and men group and start talking then they make lunch together and eat lunch, after that they decided to play a cricket match men vs woman at evening where they found out that Shanya and Mahednra's mom is pro in cricket, and the umpire is Aditi so obiosuly woman team win, at night they will eat remaining food because they don't have any power to do anything. This is one of the best day they spend together, everyone is happy and credit goes to Aditi, the entire Ghosh family like her, but they didn't want to force her because they think that she is still in the shadow of her previous relationship. The next day they leave farmhouse, children are still tired so the next day they take rest, Mahendra also like this cozy atmosphere but after two days he have to go office, today they go to shopping, he also found out that his children are happy when they are at home, so he decided to hire teacher for them, he send them to school because he wanted them to learn how to interact with people he always think that his children are shy but this misunderstanding got clear when he goes to shopping with them, not only his children and chinu know how to interact, they also know how to bargaining, there negotiation skill are more better that him who is a famous businessman, today his bodyguard Akashy with him, seeing the serious expression of children while bargaining for there father, is really great to watch, actually the mall belongs to them, and the clothing store also bleogns to Ani so today they just open this store for Mahendra, and there is nothing to bargaining, but children really like to do it, while they go with Aditi or Suman they always see that they act like this, especially Mishty, Aditi tell her that whatever shopkeeper tell half the price and ask for that then the shopkeeper will give her best price, so she act like that, she also said that " See my father is regular custmor so you must give us discount" all this is recorded by Aarav and send to Ani, seeing this Ani start laughing and texted Mahednra that from now on he doesn't need to come to his shops, because he never see any branded shop have negotiation like this, otherwise his business will face loss, Listening this Mahendra also doesn't know what to say, but he really understand that Aditi really changed their life, the gloomy face of his children, the broken realtioship and most imporatant the way they live all changed because of her, and this is good. He enjoys this feeling, he bought lots of things for Mihir Mishty and chinu and some for Aditi too. This woman do lots of things for him and his family and he really wanted to do something for her, thinking about the future he reached home.