The Foreboding Mystery (Part 2)

Somewhere in Europe, January 14, 2011.

A large tent was set up in a forest alongside with the sophisticated technical equipments used for diggings and monitoring. Vehicles for exploration and excavations were also park in lined, right at the large set up tent.

The wind blows against the tent, dancing its sides and crumpled parts.

A Solar and wind generator was also erected beside the tent clear of trees to gain power from nature in order for the camp to work.

Archeologists and other experts in ancient research and exploration can also be seen busily working and roaming around the tent with stacked of papers and a dozen variety of shiny rock samples. In other tables of the big tent was a closed and well protected biological laboratory, testing different exotic plants and animals living in this environment. The laboratory is made with a special composite material wall to prevent sound and other interference that can disturbed the people working inside. It also has the perk of preventing any hazardous elements from going outside when the samples they took may produce the said dangerous substances.

Among all this people that were working hard, their is an old man with a white hair complemented with a white beard. The brown explorer uniform adorn his whole body. He sat at a desk in his private room, head bend as he was doing an important task. The old man was writing something in his book, kind of like a diary or a journal of his posession.

[How did life evolve in this planet? Where did we came from and what is our end game? These heiroglyphics depected on the walls of that ruins are telling us something we must uncover fast. This ancient ruins...]

The old man stopped his writing, as a frowned expression arose on the old man's face. The wrinkled face of this person signified one of those person who lost their thoughts.


"SIR! Professor Adelmo you need to see something in the dig site quick!"

The young blonde haired clothe with an explorer uniform barge in abruptly in the room forcing the metal door to open loudly.

The owner of the room was about to continue writing an another word in his journal, but was cut-off as the young assistant of his, suddenly entered without permission.


"Arghh! How many times I told you to knock in the door kid before coming in!"

"Oh, sorry sir, but its really something important. " The young man insisted to say.

"Important? " the attention of Mr. Adelmo was caught by the young assistant as the word was uttered. It connected something in his mind about the status of the ruins they had discovered six years ago while exploring this place.

"..." The old man was quite and then got up from his desk step close to the young man and walked past him towards the side of the door. He took hold of a key dangling in the key holders beside the door of his private room for the vehicles they had.

"Why are you still standing there, Let's go !"

"Ah, of course Sir!"

Mr. Adelmo then move to open the door of his private quarters towards the outside motorpool of the large tent. He briskly walked fast towards the lined brown painted 4x4 vehicles park beside the tent and chose the fastest one.

'Vrooom!' the car started.

Alongside him was the young man who informed about the ruin's sudden status. They drove fast as the old man finally sense that their hardwork is getting paid off.

This people here discovered an ancient ruins in this far-off civilization in Europe. No one lives here other than the weird fauna, flora, and them who was exploring this place. This place doesn't even exist in the map.

The old man was the leader of this expedition and the main financer. He was also at the same time an archeologist searching for ancient ruins that may have not been discovered by some of the renowned European explorers in their own backyard continent. No records was save and the information about this area was throughly hidden by the old man to avoid the greedy pigs that might take this treasure trove away from him.

"What happened out there David to so urgently pull me out of my study. " The old man said while driving seriously and ask his assitant.

"The temple's radiations and the weird energy levels suddenly spike up sir. The whole building trembled and pulsated from time to time. Also, the flora beside the ancient ruins suddenly lit up glowing like an LED light show."

"Flora? Glowing? Do you mean those unidentified new species of plants we discovered?"

"Yes sir, the cave like interior of the temple was illuminated with these bioluminescent yet alien plants. The fact that this plants deviated from the evolutionary path of the Darwinian evolutionary theory. The DNA sample from these species of plants differs from the other plants currently recorded in our knowledge, it proves that it may have a connection with the temples weird status. It really is fascinating that they suddenly glowed at the same time with the pulsatiin and little trembles that the whole structure makes. It is as if they were in harmony, like a heart beat sir. As the ruins pulsated with the envisible energy alongside its trembles, similarly the plants reacted also by glowing and blooming everytime the ruins pulsated"

"Hmm. that's very intriguing, aside from those plants, that relic also showed something incredible am I right?

"The relic did not move or do something sir its just continued to be just a red colored stone."

The young assistant dissapointedly said as the expectation of his superior's theories about the relic found in the ruins passed his mind.

"Then, what is the importance of me being there, we already explored the damn thing but all we can find is old cups and other ceremonial tools of which may gave a boost on our fundings but gave less additonal relavance to our research study of the structure's origin." The old man frowned a bit as he change the gear of the vehicle. It has been six years since they discovered the ruins but until now they are still stuck in uncovering its mysteries.

"You will see very soon sir, I cannot deacribe it but its something incredible and important just like I said earlier. "

"Hmm, If this thing that your'e talking about turns out to be a joke I'm going to kick you out of here and sent you back to the campus. " Mr. Adelmo eyed and look at David as he emphasize his threat. After, he then focus his attention back to the front direction of their car.

"Heeh, You will never be dissapointed sir, when you see it I'm confident, that You will make a face that will go beyond shocked, Darn good I'm gonnna take a picture of you when that happens and then upload it to FriendsZone. A lot of my followers and friends will really gave you a lot of likes. Haha" David formed a box with his fingers putting the old man into a perspective perfect potrait for his phone picture.

FriendsZone is an online social media platform a counter part to Facebook and twitter in this world. The feature of this platform is all about pics, messages and all others social media you can think of. It is better than facebook I should say as the security system and privacy is top notch and impenetrable from outside hackers and wanna be's. Unless Eliza will take her action, it will be like a child's play.

The car drove in a steep hill of the forest they were situated in. The place consist of grasslands and canopy trees scattered around. Strong winds can also be seen in this place and are accompanied by the blue sky. The whole land that they were driving at is entirely surrounded with rock formations. After traversing and crossing the obstacles they arrived in a big dome of a rock covered with grass and other weird plants. Along the way a checkpoint was set up with a color of grass and rock camouflage to avoid arial and land surveillance from satellites and aircrafts traversing the space above this undiscovered area in Europe.


Car stop.

"Please present your I. D. and biometrics information please... " A uniformed full geared security personnel halted the vehicle of Mr. Adelmo, he proceeded to the window of the 4x4 vehicle. To his surprise he stop and change his attitude as he meet the financer of this expedition.

"Oh sir! Its a pleasant day meeting you Professor Andre Adelmo... Umm please move forward sir. Oi, raise the boom barrier. " The security guy called to his three other companions that was guarding the entrance of the dome rock. The dome rock height could be compared to a 4 floored building, if you look down from the sky it is shape almost like a circle that you see on those grand arenas. The security entrance is at the bottom north side of the rock shape dome, it has a big opening to a long tunnel about 80 meters in distance.

"Thank you." Mr. Adelmo said.

"Your welcome Sir. " The security guard saluted and smiled.

The car traversed the long ancient coral brick made tunnel, and after a few minutes they reach the beautiful highly spacious underground cavern of the plant covered rock dome. The ruins of an ancient tribe came in to the eyes of the Mr. Adelmo and his assistant. Many diggers and two archeologist were seen managing the dig. Bones of humans were being unearth in a crater, jars full of dead mummies and the sophisticated ancient tools were also seen being carried away from the ruins towards the entrance to the base camp far from here.

Ancient writing and drawings are also found surrounding the walls of the cavern and the ruined many buildings.

"David, now where is the 'important' something? " Mr. Adelmo park the car and stop it at the parking area set up by the people working here. He was curios and a bit excited about the important 'something' that his assitant said.

"Well follow me Sir."

The two got out from the car and proceed to the center of the dome. They saw a tower about 9 meters in height. In the top of the cicular tower was a red crystal that kept pulsating with faint lights from the biolumiscent moss.

Just below the tower was a hole. An elevator was prepared going down it. The dome is divided into 3 levels. First level is the unknown tribes home. The second is a spacious underground full of weird flora. The third one is the temple and flora surrounding its limited area.

"The depth of this hole is 60 yards sir. Just below the top tribe ruins is the second level we call the pandora section, we can find many plants and microrganism living their. and the third is the temple."

"Right." Mr. Adelmo responded.

The two made their way to the elevator and met its operator.


"I seek the truth of this world." David uttered a password for them to go down the hole below the tower.

"The lift will take you down to the newly discovered room below the 2nd floor of this ruins. It was already confirmed to be safe by the experts we hired sir, the radiation levels and the unknown energy is determined to be not harmful to us. But to be safe we will have to use our hazmat anti-radiation suits before we go down. " The operator announce to them.

After, equipping their suits they got down the hole and saw the second wide space cavern below the dome. Pulsating lights of bioluminescent flora like those on the movie 'Avatar' unravelled in the eyes of the three people riding down the elevator.

"Everytime I see it just makes my heart beat stop. I mean how did this life forms even survive without the sun. " David commented.

"Well kid its God's power that created this place. I can only compare it to the beauty of my niece, how I miss her."

"..." David smiled to the old man. Signifying agreement.

The two of them pass the flora filled cavern of the second floor below the ruins. Then, they reach the bottom of the ruins the third floor of the dome. And then the lift stop as they reach the ground. Lights were seen everywhere illuminating the dark place. Many experts hired by the old man worked here. Biologist, excavation engineers, and other experts were also seen working deligently. Before the discovery of this part in this ruins inside this dome the people here work before on the second floor of the dome rock.


"Please respectfully the two of you be careful."

"Of course we will!." David said while raising his chest and made a slight punch to his right upper chest with his left hands.

The workers greeted the Professor and enthusiastically got back from their work in thick armor suits. It is to prevent any harmful substances that may harm their body.

The two of them finally reach the black victorian style cemented temple. A lot of words and letters adorn the place. The said plants was also radiating a weird energy as electronic tools continued to analyze the energy the temple leaked out.

David step ahead of Mr. Adelmo to lead the old man to the important something that he said earlier. They entered the temple and saw that it was very well made projecting a strong structure than the modern building present to this world could not even compare.

"Wh-what is that David? "

The old man stop following David and pointed out the statue of a female with a tail like kagune protruding out from the statue's body. The statue portraid a dignified and a strong look of an ancient warrior woman. Just below it is a black egg shape faintedly colored with little red spots and lines lying in an altar below the statue. There is hole just above the egg in which something came out of it.

"We analyze the sample from it Sir and we found out that its an organic in nature. The most wonderful part sir is that this thing contains rc cells."

"My God.This whole thing changes everything. " Mr. Adelmo responded to his assistant.
