Extraction Operation

In a dark warehouse. Where a single light was lit up. Groups of man shape silhouettes was standing still.

"Listen all, our main target is the young miss. All of you should remember to avoid government dogs in this country as much as possible. We are in a foreign land, and if you get caught...the master will have no way to get you back. If you meet some ghouls kill them immediately. Most importantly kill and report any movements from the enemy of the family. Clean and precise is all I needed to achieved in this team, follow the plan and we will go home safe with the young miss. Is that clear!?"

A black haired with a Bob style haircut woman said with a dauntless expression. She look around to the faces focus at her like a scanner and stared at them like an eagle.

"Yes maam!"

Fifteen people announced in agreement with power while standing in casual clothing. As they surround a table enlightened by an L.E.D light. The shout somewhat bend the rays of the L. E. D as if it was affected by the people's shouts.

Serious demeanors painted their expression. Men and women with faces of proficieny and experiences in many combat operation exhibited as thier scars showed up.

The knives, bullets, tranquilizers and handguns strap around their body underneath their casual clothing bulge in starvation for its enemy. Ready for battle anytime and anywhere.

The private force of the Adelmo family 'Hidden Knife'.


Meredith said.


Meredith sighed in worry. The exhaled air signified her desperation in getting back her master's daughter.

Why Worry?

The person she always thought as her very own daughter although they were not blood related.

'Erina why are you doing this?'

Meredith thought.

"Maam. All tactical assets are prepared. The young miss' tracker is already on satellite lock. She is at an apartment, Nerima district 60 km from our position."

A black haired man reported to Meredith interrupting her from her long thoughts. She regained her focus as she jolted, when she heared her adjudant's earnest report. She reach her hand out and picked up a weapon lying on the table with her delicate but callus righthand as if she perceived hope for her young miss.


Meredith pulled her black customize 9mm pistol model Glock 19's loading part and cocked it speedily. She then inserted it at her waist. Safely tuck in.

"Men!, Let's depart!"

Apartment. Night.


The two hands shake as they firmly grasp each other fueled with complicated dilemmas and feelings. A memory burn unto her mind. She cannot go back now. No other choice. A slave.

Erina slipped down to the matted floor after closing the door of her apartment. Lifeless. Powerless. A surreal event that turned her life upside down.

"Its all just a dream right? A bad dream."

She crawled to her bed wearily like a zombie and when she reach the springy soft bed, she layed down and went to sleep praying that all of this is just a dream. Washing all the crazy things that she experienced, she slept. All of this is just an illusion she wished.


Vrooom. An unknown black Van appeared at the back side of the apartment complex.

Vroom. Stop.

As the red light vanish. The van was pulled to a stop. Six men in head mask and black clothing came down from it, holding equipments and weapons. SWAT?

"Erina Adelmo, the daughter of Heinz Adelmo president and CEO of Adelmo Pharmaceuticals. Forty million dollars in cash if we capture her and bring her back to that youngman safely. Hmm, Easy."

The leader said as he mocked his employer. So its not SWAT.

"Ok boys and girl spread out. Lets get the green gold."

The six men began to spread out around the apartment complex looking like ninjas as the boss issued his commands. They tightly secured the exit and compromise points and then stealthily approached a balcony on the fourth floor. All six of them.

The three of them slowly climbed up the building block like lizards using a state of the art grappling gears and climbing tools.They also carried equipments on their back as they climbed.

Climb. Tsup, Tsup, Tsup. The sound of the grappling tools against the tall gray wall.

Money is everything for these men, its the goal on their mind as they execute their plan. Money is the root of all evil and goodness. Sighed. That is the world.

"Javier do it. "

The leader of the six men who climbed up together with the two said in command to Javier.

"Ok doke boss. Preparing the glass cutter."

Javier a spanish black haired man with eyes of green, reach out from his back and pulled a piece of metal contraption and strap it on the balcony's thick glass door carefully.

Strap. Wezzing. The lazer of the glass cutter tool cut a big rectangular shape glass and made a rectangle shape hole.

Javier then set aside the cut glass away from the balcony door and performed a hand sign. Understanding the signs the leader then push himself forward inside quietly followed by a man, to the bedroom where a girl was lying asleep in cloudy dreams.

"Bull, pack her up. Nice and smooth, it'll be a deduction on the payout if she gets even a tiny scrape or anything. The employer is always right."

The bald man with a pair of thick eyebrows under the mask, who climbed up with the leader responded.

"Roger that cap. Extend your sleep Miss Erina, don't...let the big bugs bite."

Bull pulled a syringe from a sealed bag and then stick it to the skin under her neck slowly so that the drug would flow to Erina's veins and arteries easily. Prolonging her sleep.

Squeeze. Injected.

The three people carefully check the girl for conciousness and was relieved as it was successful. They carried Erina out from her apartment. They carefully and quietly prepared to toss Erina down below the building by tying her with rope.

Sneakily. Toss.

The other three of the group down below the building prepared a catching tool and catch Erina from above. They quickly then ran to the van and place Erina tuckly on the back seat like a princess. While the three who climbed up followed with them towards the van. Mission accomplished. Nice and smoothly conducted.

"Let's go. Drinks with me, when this operation is finished and we succesfully deliver the package. "

The leader said as he take off his head mask after closing the passenger door. Showing a mid thirties age face with a blonde hair and small strips of white colors on his temples as a style. After doing that the others followed through.

Shok. Removed.

Faces of middle age and young adult men and a woman presented themselves. Bald, gold, and black haired people showed under the yellow light of the van.

Vrooom. The van ran away without a trace. Except for the smoke.

"That's what I like from you Capt. Price! You always celebrate with goodies when the mission is indeed succesful. Aah! I can feel the those green paper lying on my hands."

Javier happily said to the leader.

"When I bet with my instincts its always comes right. When the money is big in these kinds of mission I always share what I got. And I can finally retire with this last mission and live on a country side farm."

Capt. Price happily said.


Everyone stared at Price the leader, stiffly. They were like bathed with cold ice. With bewildered eyes they did not move for a second and look at their leader for a moment.


"Hahahaha! Capt. Price, congrats I'm happy sir. Your retiring from this hell of a job."

A female beauty in thirties with a black hair of the six people laugh diverting out the mood. She look back towards the man as she drove and then turn her eyes back to the road. The female driver of the group named Fist.

"Yeah, Fist is right. Congrats sir."

Javier said in support. Complicated feelings arose from each other's chest as their lifelong captain would now retire...

What job?

"...Mercenary life is indeed a dangerous and ugly job sometimes. Its the only thing that feeds us and our families. Its hard to let go. But, for you cap. to be able to quit and live in a peaceful life is an amazing achievement. "

The youngest man named Fred. One of the three along with Fist who did not climb up pronounce his thoughts.

"Nah. Be sure to save a lot and you might be able to escape this life Fred. Your young, you can still get out from this Job."


Capt. Price said to comfort the young man.

"Hick. Capt. Price I love you sir."

Reacted Fred.


Baam. A car hit them.

The van was shook riding in a carnival roller coaster as an unknown car hit them at the right side. It almost rolled out from the road. Fist the woman driving the van hastily balance it by holding firmly on the steering wheel although its taxing, she endured as sweat flowed from her forehead. Everyone's blood boiled after that collision.

"Fist what's wrong!?"

Capt. Price ask. He was thrown out towards the left side and bang his head against the window.

"A black colored car bump unto us. Its trouble you guys. Prepare yourself. I'm gonna shake it of. "

Fist the female of the group said. While crisscrossing the car and accelerating it like a racing car on its final lap. Shaking off the chaser.

On the road with no traffic and fewer car running around. Sounds of metals can be heard.

Clang. Clang. Clang. Baam.

The two vehicles in black collided against each other like swords. Fist the driver press again the accelerator of the van and turned unto a car less road, out from the city towards the shore. Escaping the pursuing vehicle.

Baam. Sounds from aluminum metals. Clang around again.

The unknown car press the van towards a secluded place as it tailed them. Even the road's hightech speed CCTV weren't able to monitor them on that area.

Inside the unknown car. The driver pulled out a glock 19 handgun, aimed and shoot the rear tires of the van.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Of course it has a silencer. Hit? No good.

"Shit!They had guns." Price curse in frustration. He pulled out his submachine gun out. Slide down the right window of the Van and began to fire back at the pursuing black car.

Tatatatatata. Of course with a silencer.

Bam! Two more car appeared and pinned down the van side by side. The people inside the Van shook. But, they composed themselves and picked up their guns, then fired back towards the cars along with capt. Price. Escaping from the pinning of the two moving metals.

"Everyone, fire back!, fire back! Damn it! Ammo out. "

Price cried out.

"Here Cap. "

Sam said after giving his ammo to price. One of the six and the new blood of the group. Along with Fred and Fist they did not climb up the apartment building.

Tatatatatatat!. With silencers. They shoot at the cars beside them. Like a porcupine the van was free.

The pursuing cars were push out away from the van, and Fist had taken the opportunity to drove the van safely forward.

But then.

One of the car that bump first. Was now tailing them. Fast and furios and need for speed. Can be descrine in this road action.

The pursuing black auto car. The driver of it, pulled his Glock 19 handgun out again and shoot back. And aimed to the Van's rear tires.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Of course with a silencer.

Rear tires. Hit. Psss. Depressurize.

The van slid out from the road. The area was away from the city. Trees and bushes covered the place. And the Van push itself forwards out of the road towards the forest near a shore.

Vrooom. Mud flew away like thrown cakes. Small trees uprooted. Boom.

The Van was finally stopped by a big tree before it could ravage the whole forest. Fist the driver relax with a sighed as her face firmly situate against the expanded airbag.

"Damn!, Fuck! Who were those guys? Ah! My arm hey Sam help here."

Bull shouted in anger and pain. His right arm was dislocated. Sam then helped the bald man and applied a basic first aid.

Everyone crawled out from the worn out van wearily in pain. Quite indescribable state had happened to the van worth a thousand sack of rice.


"Damn it. A hundred thousand money wasted!"

Price shouted in frustration towards the broken state of the van. Everyone also look at the Van in melancholy.

'Maybe thosr chasers are the dogs from Adelmo family, shit we mess up, fuck.'

Price thought.

"Hey Fist! Fist! Are you ok?"

Javier said in worry. He was thankful to the woman for her driving skills by this much of help.

"Fred get the package! You, new guy Sam right, stand guard! "

Price shouted to the two young members of the group seriously. He then took a look at Fist in worry but then met with a winked from her lively eyes. Relaxing him.

Javier quickly check the driver. After finding out that the driver was safe. Javier pulled her out. Fred also pulled Erina out from the car and task Sam among them to guard after helping Bull.

At the road.

Vrooom. Stop.

The black auto car pulled to a stop. The driver got out wearing a leather coat and a long leather pants. The driver had a bob black hair and a shiny red lips complemented by her brown eyes. She was holding a handgun Glock 19 while overlooking the damage forest and the sideroad barrier.

"Shit! They got away! Robert is the young miss ok! Where is she now?"

Meredith called Robert using her communicator. She had her brows furrowed and bitten her red lips in frustration after asking her adjudant.

"Yes, maam. The young miss is still ok base on her tracker. It seems that the abductors are carrying her towards the shore. I think they will use the boat to get in to the carrier ship set course to Europe."

Robert said.


"Alpha team let's move out. Get all your weapons loaded. And the rest of you take the cars back. Its useless down here. Robert prepare the jet and the boat in case we mess up."

After issuing commands. Four people followed Meredith to the woods. They ran and acrobatically like monkeys followed the escaping abductors on the dense forest.


The sky above the city. A flying man with a black hair, brown eyes and clothed in red suit covering the black t-shirt under it and long black pants under the red suit. Lazily watch all the operation like a movie.

[Erina's overall status, normal. Nanites drug detoxification completed. Location of the patient, eighty kilometers east towards an abandoned fish warehouse.]

Eliza sounded on Shem's mind.


"Huu. Good lets get this done with some weird outside interference. Fuck, I never thought Erina had an admirer that even hired expensive mercenaries to get her back. Troublesome fucking rich admirer delaying my plans."

Shem flew towards the trouble in frightening speed.

Shoooohs. Boom Supersonic.

Shore. Abandoned port warehouse.


Bang. Bang. Bang

Bullets flew over the heads of Meredith and her team. As they were being pinned down by hails of the submachine gun bullets fired at them by thier enemies. They can't rashly move and take out the enemy because if they do Erina's life will be in danger. The abductors ran again leaving only one of them to pinned Meredith and her team with an assault rifle.

'No! Not on my watch.'

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Meredith fired a round of bullets against the enemy as she muttered. In the hopes that she can distract them as she will sneakily move inside the warehouse. To take Erina out. Maybe.

"Cover me."

She tapped to her comrade right beside her firing his guns. Her comrade made a handsign after that Meredith move.

Cover. Ran. Hid. Roll.

Meredith sneakily approached a green eyed abductor. The one who heroically remained after the others had run off. She pulled her gun out and brandished to shoot it against him.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Javier hid on the thick rusted iron fish container. He quickly evaded the bullets coming to him with unusual chemical mixture and luster into it.

"Ah! we're not ghouls why is this bitch using rc bullets. What a waste. They should have escape righr about now and I will escape here awaiting their call for pick up. Oh well I guess I should fight back to esca... aah! "

A strong kick was connected to Javiers jaw. He was blown away by the incomprehensible power performed by Meredith. Abandoned fishing tools and buckets were all blown away as Javier landed down from its pile.

Tap. Meredith landed and pulled her quenque knife and aimed for the throat of Javier.

Javier widen his eyes and prepared for a hand to hand combat.

"Hyaah. Die you scum!"

Meredith brandished her knife and began to thrust it towards Javier.

Thrust. Thrust. Shing.

Javier evaded all the killing moves that Meredith did, but fell short as Meredith suddenly made him fall down by kicking his feet by a slide swing from a leg.

Bog. Imbalance. Fell down.

Javier widen his eyes. Its the end of his life. A knife then suddenly appeared on his throat. Thrust.


Blood flowed down. And Javier was killed immediately. Meredith got up, pulled the knife and wipe away the harden blood against Javiers dead body.

On the meantime.

Shore. A boat was prepared.

Huu. Huu. Huu.

"Why is Javier taking so long! His radio isn't responding either. That arrogant hispanic bastard! Didn't he knew that the carrier ship is now on its route out of this country we will be left behind!"

Bull shouted in frustration. Along with him was Fred and the others waiting on the boat set course to an awaiting carrier ship set to Europe. They gasp for air after being overwhelmed by the enemy attack. Thanks to Javier they had escape and breath for relief.

"Yeah where is he, he said that he will follow after covering for us."

Fred ask anxiously.

But then.

Bang. Bang. Tatatatata.

"Its nothing personal boys, I had to retire quickly and your all on my way. Really sorry. If you see Javier in hell tell him thanks for sacrificing himself."

Bull widen his eyes. Betrayal. They were all shot down dead along with Sam the young mercenary and Fred. All of them received the bullets from thier own captain and comrade. The leader of thier mercenary band for years. And the queen of thier group.

"Priceeeee! Fisssst! Fuck youuu twooo! Damn you traitors! Wh-Why... "

Bull shouted hoarsely as he cough blood from his wounded chest. Fred was quiet as he was shot at the head but the widened eyes clearly shows his bewilderement. While Sam has a questioning expression, the youngest mercenary was also shot at the head ending his puny life instantly. Without enjoying life they died by the hands of thier lifelong partners.

"Sorry men, its just that my retirement is my top priority right now. The money is too sparkly for me and my beautiful wife here. I'm sick with this job, all I want was to enjoy life with you as your brother but plans do not always follow its creators. Don't worry your sacrifices will not be in vain. I will cherish all our memories together. Your bodies will be preserved...on my stomach."

Price smiled.

"What a bad boy sacrificing his men for a girl like me.Huu. But that's what I like about you."

The two flirted for a while and began to kiss while closing both of thier tired eyes. They savored each other while the boat depart. Fist opened her both beautiful eyes and a black and red pupil showed up. Price followed and opened his eyes and also they are in black and red motif.


Meredith ran in full speed and his team followed. But it was too late. The boat carrying Erina departed.

"Fucckkkkkkk! "

No wait. She search for a boat around and quickly found one and began to toss it at the sea in her full strength. But, it sanked due to time. Useless.

She then hastily called Robert. On her communicator lying safely on her ears.

"Robert fly that Jet right now and follow Erina. Use the miniguns and shoot the boat on her tracker and cripple it, before its too late. Send the rent ship for pursuit."

Meredith said and after that bit her red lips again. She ordered for the other teams to quickly prepare a boat. Waiting on the seas if the plan mess up.

On the mechanized boat.

Erina opened her eyes. She was aware the whole time of what had happened to her. Its just that her body did not bow down to her commands again but only her ears. She quietly stand up as she regained control. She can feel a different power from her body. She felt her body free.

Above Erina. Blood splattered to the deck of the ship.

The two mercenary was eating the body of thier comrades. To them it was wasteful to just throw them out of the sea. Its more benefecial if they just digest them. No evidences. Smooth Escape.

"Human flesh is really delicious than those synthetic process meal it cannot compare with this. Aah! "

Fist said in delight as she was craving for human meat until now. They held their grumbling stomach since the beginning of the operation.

"Your right my love, I've been holding back for years with my patience on not eating these people. Huu. But now I can finally taste them! Those precious memories I had with them will now be seasonings for my taste. Hamuhhh!"

Price said as he lick the blood out from his hands.

But then.

Clang. Tak. Tak.

Falling noises came out from the bottom of the boat. The boat hull comprises of two levels, the deck and the bottom. Erina was held inside the bottom part of the ship near the engine room.

Could it be she was already concious? Impossible, she had been injected with the tranquilizing drug. It should make her sleep for 24 hours.

"I'm gonna check our gold, Price. Please watch around baby for some nuisances."

Fist said as she volunteers to check Erina. A black kagune came out from her back and wrap her delicate left arm.

With a nod from Price. Fist move in to check the girl on the bottom part of the boat. After going inside, Price on the other look around. And took a stick of cigarette to blew out some stress as the blood of his comrades drip from his mouth.

Light. Inhaled. Exhaled. Smoke wafted around Price's head. And then it was blown away by the sea wind. Price smiled in satisfaction.


A sound of a rubber shoes landing on a plank of wood was heard. Price stop,widen his eyes and reach about slowly to his knife lying on his chest. He relaxed.

Tap. Squek of the wood. Tap. Tap. Tap.Stop.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Ask Price. How can someone on the middle of the sea came on this boat. A ghoul maybe.


"Hello. Mr. Price. I would like to take a person back. It seems that she was aboard on this ship. Have you seen her?"

Shem said sarcastically in direct.

Price as provoked widen his eyes. He quickly held his knife and pulled it out. He then move for a kill by swinging his arms to a side arc towards the back.

Hitting Shem? Maybe.

Shem quickly landed a punch towards Price.

Bog. Crack. Jaw bone.

A punch carrying a tonne of force was recieved by Price rendering him unconcious, barely alive as the electricity flowed to his body making him unable to pull his kagune out.

Bend. Grinned.

Wait. Price seems to be just acting. His body then vanish in quick speed. He appeard at the back of Shem smiling. His right arm was covered by a black armor holding a knife. Winter soldier vs captain america? It looks like it.

Shem punch again using the famous kali martial arts. Price was also able to level with Shem as he also knew this hand to hand combat martial arts.

The two exchange skills for a while. Punching each other but it seems Shem landed a punch more everytime than Price. It looked like princess of luck was not on the side of Price.

Shem got hold of Price's iron arms and then fried it with electricity to ripped it off.


Price shouted in pain. His kagune state was cut off. He widen his eyes. Its the end. A palm came to his face like the buddha. It had a blinding light ball congregating at its center and after that...

"Plasma cannon. Full power. Condense."

Shem said in command. A light erase Price out of existence as shem move his palm from up down below. Leaving only his tactical gear. And some burnt flesh.

"Goodbye captain Price of the wingless Dragon mercenary."

Shem said.

The light was visible to the eyes of Meredith. Her heart shook and bit her lips its a foreboding scene for her. She called again Robert for the jet and the boat. She is now worried as her young miss is in trouble.

Shem closed his eyes and sat down on the railings of the boat waiting for Erina. The sound and light made by him and Price was Erase by Shem's stealth shields. It means Fist did not hear or notice his husband's last words and the light. Sigh. A sad good bye.

Down below the deck. Fist had her gun readied with her left arm covered with kagune. He opened her lights and proceed to the engine room. She slowly check the surroundings for Erina's presence.


"Shit! Where are you! Show yourself!"

Erina was never seen tied on the engine room. She was not there. Then where. Only the rope and the bag that held her remained.

Baam. Fist was hit by a metal tube on the head. Blood came out from her head. Her gun was thrown away out of reach. She bowed in pain.


"Who sent you! "

Erina said while in her unusual self, holding a metal tube the size of an average adult arm. A female warrior in an ancient viking martial arts pose was performed by Erina. More powerful before.

"Its not of your concern miss its job. You will know when we get there."

Said Fist.

Fist push herself and punch Erina. A powerful punch covered with kagune. Just like his husband.

Erina did not move for a moment but suddenly vanish.

Widen eyes.

Fist landed her punch on a metal toolbox. She didn't believed how Erina move like that. Even now she did not understand how Erina woke up. Confusion.

Erina move and brandished the tube towards Fist. But it seems Fist was ready to received as she quickly got a hold of it and then kick Erina at the stomach. But her expectation that Erina would roll in pain away from her did not occur. Instead.

Erina endured the kick that landed on her stomach. She then stabbed the tube towards Fist.

Stabbed. Pssst.

"Cough, Ah very... good... mi...Price help... my..."

Fist was stabbed like a kebab by the tube Erina was holding. Blood gush out from her body as it firmly thrust inside her ribbed cage towards her heart. Cutting her life.


Erina again thrust the tube towards the kakuhu organs and ripped it out. Rendering Fist dead.

Outside the boat.


"How's the new power up good right?"

Shem said.

Erina took a look at Shem as if he answered her questions on her new strength and powerups. Her speed and power increased by two. Her brain increased in calculating speeds. A superhuman is the state of Erina.

"Who are you really? What did you really do to me? I demand an answer if you want me to fulfill your stupid dreams."

Shem was flabbergasted. By the sudden reaction of Erina. He stiffend and taken aback for a moment. Her angry yet cute face was overwhelming to look at.

"I... injected you with microbots that had transformed themselves as part of your body miss Erina. They are now residing in your brain assimilated to your nerves. They had also set up a synthetic organ for manufacturing and maintenance bay for themselves. Its an assurance that you will never betray me. As for myself, I am not really from here that's all I can say."

Said Shem vaguely. To answer Erina.

"You, you bastard! "

Erina cried in anger. Her tears began to flow as she cannot understand everything what's happening to her.This things are new to her because of her sheltered life.

Shem understand. If it was him he would also react in the same way. Being controlled and just heard that her body was being injected with something creepy who would not react in that way. So Shem said.

"Alright, alright calm down. Sorry I executed a wicked act. I really am. But I would give you back your body's control if you help me build a fucking business empire...And I can also give you an information about your mother."

Shem said with the last word as if to bait Erina.

"...Bas... Information... of my mother?"

Erina stop widen her eyes. She compose herself and created a serious picture again. A cold expressionless apperance showed up to Shem like she was a panelist for a research proposal.

"Yes, Huu. I will share an information about your mother to you in exchange that you will follow me now and help me create my business empire. Its very simple."

"Stop joking about dead people Mr. Shem Abeles! You are overstepping a personal boundary here. You almost had me to help you, you know, but I think I would not go with our deal. Even if you control my body, I would not help you, you can search for somebody else. My mother is dead for almost fifteen years in a lab explosion please respect that if you have known it on your stalking operation on me."

Erina said while crossing her hands under her bulging chest.


As if provoked. Erina rebutted.

"Excuse me. Mr. Shem..."

Shem raise his right palm. to stop Erina from talking. Shem made his way at the back of Erina and whispered to her ears.

"What happened to your mother is something you will never would have emagined to happen. And of course I will not tell you if you can't willingly follow me as your boss."

Shem discovered something dark about Erina's family. It was all thanks to Eliza's hacking and continuos digestion of information around the world Shem was able to know the hidden secrets.

"...Alright. But why me."

She coldly said and sighed.

Erina was move by the sudden proposal of Shem. After her mother died she always have questions about it. How did her mother died.

"You are a key to something greater miss Erina. And it would greatly benefit the both of us."


Erina was quiet. Key? For something greater.

"Now for a clue why did someone abducted you let's start there."

Shem ask as his plans starts to roll out in steam.