Going Europe 3

[Apostle's Heavenly Garden, a plantation of many variety's of flower mountains and other species of flowers. It is also a vacation destination for people who wanted to relax as the place offer its own unique Spa, Relieving and Soothing accommodations. It was also a historically important place in the German History.]

Eliza reported. And she Continued.

[It is located on Germany's central highlands, the Harz mountains 51 degrees north and about 11 degrees east. It is surrounded by Gottingen, Halle, Erfurt, Salzgitter and Magdeburg cities. There are big congregations of Ghoul organizations on the area, base on this satellite captured images and CCTV footage. ]

Images of rich Ghouls and influential people where all presented to Shem. His eyes were currently flooded with data on the higher rank ghouls with bounties approaching to hundreds of millions in European currency.

Other pictures also cleared up and are dotted, pointing up and down connecting to Erina's mother information. People who Shem did not recognize had a connection with this said region.


The overflowing stream of data was analyze and then arrange to a readable tables and concise conclusions.


Shem stopped reading at the arrange information floating in his retinal interface as his consciousness concentrated on a word.

'Cloning Technology?... Elaborate file Eliza.'

Astounded Shem he said, as he had a questioning thought on this discovery.

Afterwards, commanded Eliza in his mind to open the file.

[Affirmative. Error data files inadequate. Searching, encrypted files found. Decrypting. Decommissioned Human Cloning laboratory files. Opening... EU union and Ghoul Hunters Association joint project. Project head...]

Food aroma.

"Mr. Shem I present this French style Steak and mash potato complemented with a chicken soup and pasta. Please enjoy."

Shem was cut off from the file he read as Meredith serve them with a sumptuous food.

"Mr. Shem? Is there something wrong, are you not liking the dish? If so, I can make another one base on your taste."

Meredith ask as she saw Shem with a daze off expression after she poured a glass of a 10% alcohol red wine. On a crystal clear wine glass.

She had then guided the food servers of the jet and one of her subordinates to put the dishes in front of Erina.

Erina close her laptop after smelling the food's aroma. She had also saw Shem in daze while looking outside the window of the jet.

Why? What's wrong with this guy? Hmm?

Everyone thought of Shem.

"Oh, N-No, I love this food, in fact these are my favorite dish back home. Thank you very much for preparing the food."

Shem smiled and lightly nodded at Meredith's two chefs beside her.

"I was just thinking on some big matters concerning about my business venture in Europe. Considering its a big investment so I wanted to draw out future plans to earn more profit and avoid risk. So that's why."

Fake smile and laugh. Diversion. Shem painted his face with these emotions.

"Don't worry I will make sure your investment would fruit more than gold tremendously. Its a promise for me, if you uphold yours."

Fake Smile.

Erina said as she delicately rolled the pasta with her spoon and slowly munch it soon as she put it in her mouth, savoring the taste as the oil from the pasta shined out Erina's pink lips.

"I apologize for disturbing you Mr. Shem, Well then please enjoy sir and young miss."

Meredith said in apologetic manner.

Shem and Erina ate the food as the sun falls down on the western horizon. Shem look at the site in satisfaction as he slice and munch on the steak in savor.

Adelmo Compound. Poland.


A person with white hairs on his temples and a blonde man with a mustache under his nose was quietly seeping slowly a wine glass filled with dark red liquid.

He was currently glued looking on the family portrait hanging in front of his desk attached to a white painted wall.

Office door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The knocking sound pervades around the office.

"Hmm. Come in."

Chak. Open door.

Tak. Tak. The sound of heels against the floor. Scattered around the room like the beat of stone smash against a wood like a melody band beat.

"A pleasant evening sir, I came to report that the shareholders are now pulling out there shares and sold them. The company's stocks is not in very favorable state sir as the numbers dive down to bottom. We only have a humble share from the company. We are now currently restructuring the assets. The office building in Paris is now liquidated. All funds are saved for the expedition and your personal assets.


Heinz sighed he had known that this would've happen, but was in weary as it happened very soon. It was a risk he wanted to avoid because of his private expedition of the ruins. Considering also his enemy's plans to take him down and his family. His business finally made its dive down to the waters of bankruptcy.

Heinz was quiet and sat still looking at the family portrait of his wife and daughter with him holding them in his arms. He should have made more time with them.

"Alecia our business is finally down to the bottom sorry about that my love, I couldn't protect it. The ruins that you have discovered is our primary focus now. I will carefully protect it with me and our daughter. The enemy has made their move against us, and they numbered to hundreds of people now."

Quiet. Heinz with his eyes in wet.

Afterwards. Sarah continued.

"Mr. Heinz sir, we have found miss Erina. She is now traveling with the Hidden Knife back here. They should be arriving soon."

Heinz look at Sarah having a happy expression she was also worried about his daughter. Heinz smiled alongside Sarah.


"Ok, Sarah set a schedule with Mr. Raúl Fjord for the marriage and business negotiation. I'm sure his son would really jump in joy as my daughter will finally be accepting the proposal."

Heinz put down his wine glass on the office desk made of an expensive wood. He then leaned against his chair to finally calm himself down from worrying out because of his daughter's whereabouts and company status. His company can only rely with his most trusted friend Fjord Corporation.

He was aware that he had made many enemies that might use her daughter for a bargain he can't afford. And it almost happened in Japan as an unknown person hired some mercenary to kidnap his daughter.

Gratefully his fears were for not.

'You all will not get my daughter, I swear it, not again I will lose another one of my family.'


Heinz sighed.

"Why are you still standing here in daze Sarah, proceed now and prepare for the meeting, my time is precious."


"Sir your daughter... is not alone. She had also brought someone with her from Japan."


Change expression mode.

"And who might this person be?"

A frowned was painted in Heinz face as he look at Sarah. He made sure that Erina would not have such acquaintances without his thorough examinations and ample intelligence.

"Meredith reported that it was miss Erina's overseas boyfriend with wealth far surpassing the whole asset of the Adelmo family. A benefactor she added."

Widen eyes.

Stand up.

Spilled. The wine on the wine glass scattered on the desk surface and flow like small rivers. Heinz was surprised for such news.
