An Elder's betrayal 1

Sega Island. Port.

After wrapping up their primary objectives with Mrs. Mary and Mr. Albert, Erina and Shem went to the island's port for Shem's final appointment and Erina's departure.

Shem bought a ton of electronic machineries and some construction materials.

He wants to inspect personally the quality of the products, if they pass the standards for his secrete plans. Alongside the inspection, was to also meet someone.

"Where are you going to use these things?"

Erina said as she turned her head from gazing at Shem, towards the two massive ships. Her brows went up as her curiosity lit up.

"So…so... Let's say, for our company's future."

Said by Shem Nonchalantly. His mouth then formed a sly smile towards Erina.

"Whatever it is, t-take care of yourself, you have to uphold our agreement and the company needs you."

Erina went red as she said the words; her primary concern with Shem is to find her mother. She does not want any bad things to happen with him. However, it seemed that her tone held another meaning.

"T-thanks, Erina…"

Shem stops from walking. His face filled with awkwardness as he scratches the back of his head. Regret rose inside him as he sighed.


"I'm sorry for putting those medical nanites inside you…I had no choice, you were kind of like difficult to get so, desperation grab me. Rest assured that you are in control now. Not lying."

Shem crosses his heart, as he continued to walk alongside Erina, who was exuding deathly aura.

"Forget it; I already dumped away that horrifying memory. If you ever do that again, I will personally kill you, got that!" She clicked her tongue and went to look at Shem. "My only concern, is that you validate what you promise, and I will do mine!"

Erina said with a serious tone. Her face warp into an angry look, she still remembers the voodoo magic Shem did to her, and only to discover that it was the work of an unknown origin of advance nanomachines assimilated in her nervous axons. Not only that but Erina dearly needs Shem to find her mother.

'My body shivers when I think about that, but thanks to him I found out about mother, he gave me a reason. So I guess, it's even. How ironic."

Erina thought, as she saw Shem painted with an apologetic expression. Seeing the face, she shrugged off any suspicion and anger towards Shem and turned her attention to the most important things.

"I have to go back now; I don't want my deskwork at the company to pile-up with papers the longer I stay in this Island. As the CEO of Accrete Pharma. I must tend to its needs. So, I think I must change my route from you."

Erina said to Shem.

"You can do it remotely you know. Internet has great benefits in terms of working far from the HQ." Said Shem.

Erina smiled and then shared her reasons for not working far from the company.

"I work better when I'm inside that building. I'm more focus. And besides I don't want to relate this island into my working sphere. It is more fitting to my schedule as relaxation island."

Shem agreed, by not associating work and relaxation the full capability of a human to focus increases.

"Let me escort you then."

Hurriedly offered by Shem, to wash away his guilt and to thank her for sharing words of wisdom.

Gladly, Erina approved of Shem's offer, in so doing the two diverted their routes to the island's private runway. In fact, the runway and the port are position just beside each other. Therefore, the travel did not take a considerable amount of time.


A black private Jet with the logo of Accrete Pharmaceuticals roared its engines upon their arrival.

"A pleasant evening to see you again, Mr. Shem and Young miss. The plane is ready for departure!"

Meredith shouted to the two upcoming figures. Her bob style hair fluttered as the wind brush them against her face. The woman wears formal gray colored business attire, this time around.

"Bye, see you next month, boss." Said Erina while she curve her mouth upwards.

"Likewise. Hehe"

After waving her delicate but strong hands at Shem, Erina went up with Meredith to the comfortable insides of the jet. Shem stayed, for an important project he will be doing on this island for a month. So he refuse to go back early.

Shem has a strong confidence towards Erina's strong management skills, so he did not worry.

"The boss isn't coming?" ask Meredith while she gaze back towards Shem.

"He won't", she said. "He will be staying here for a month. He has some project to do."

The planes passenger hatch close in as the beast flew away from the island. Shem wave back and maintained a smiling face.

Inside the plane, Meredith also wave back towards Shem. She then stops after the plane left the runway.

"Hmm… the boss is suspicious?" Meredith formed a questioning face, but then diverted it out of her mind. "Oh! Young miss, as per ordered your quinque tube weapon, has been modified to a more handy type weaponry, it was now reduce to a baton. Dr. Tolek and his associate have done a great Job, in slightly modifying the weapons design, to your liking."

Meredith said to inform Erina of her new modified weapon, the handheld quinque that she use to kill Fist. She had quite taken a liking towards the melee base quinque weapon, after the boat incident on Tokyo bay.

"Very Good, How's Europe by the way? "Erina ask after hearing that her weapon was complete.

"Still good but not much, there are a lot of operations here and there, so it's quite a bit noisy during the night sometimes, ghoul hunting operations were currently conducted. But according to the authorities' it will end after a month."

Meredith assured Erina.

"I doubt that it will be a month." Said Erina while she frowned, conflicts is the reason of economic slowdown.


Sighed. Huu.

"Take care of yourself Erina." Shem muttered as he turned his direction towards the port.

[Brain activities normal, Psychological therapy enhance by 0.087%. Assessing cause…higher levels of dopamine and serotonin detected. Pleasant memory added to Psychological therapy.]

Eliza suddenly sounded to Shem's mind.

After Erina left some caring words, Shem finds that his mood elevated. His happiness index had seemed to be increase through the roof! Having someone to talk and socialize, helps a lot. He feels like he now understands more, the meaning of life.

"No one is an island." Shem sighed in reminisce. "I should have enjoyed and made more friends back in my dimension, not holing myself into watching anime the entire time, at my apartment."


Back in Shem's dimension, after the war concluded, Shem limited himself from getting more friends and acquaintances. He instead distracted himself into the enjoyment of watching more anime as he could watch. It had made his life happy for a moment but if you removed the things such as animes and technology, out from him, loneliness left his being.

He realized that, whatever things he formerly had wasn't enough for him to enjoy. We need to connect and come together and only then we could enjoy life.

"Maybe in this world, I could make that."

He declared with resolute eyes. His boring life became interesting after transferring into this world.

[The cruise ship has unloaded the individuals. They are awaiting your presence at the east side of the port. Shem, do not let your guard down, approach with precaution as this individuals carried a high level Ghoul parameters.]

"Got it."

Shem painted his face with a serious shape. An expression, that only forms towards those individuals who experienced a lot in their lifetime.


"Elder, are you sure that this person, have the means in helping your wife."

A young woman Ask the bald old person beside him, who was waiting anxiously by the looks of his sweats, falling from his bald head.

"Natalie, you know that her condition will be forever like that until she dies. If that man lies to us we can kill him right here, but if he speaks the truth. I had no choice but to compromise to his demands."

"Right, Elder Raul. However, I feel discomforting premonition."

Raul looks towards his secretary. Curiosity filled his body.

"What is it?"

"I feel like we are meeting a demon or some kind."


"I don't care if he is a demon or an angel, as long as he can heal my wife, I will accept the contract.", Raul said to Natalie his trusted secretary.

After an hour of waiting. A figure came out of the dark and showed up towards Raul and his associate. He wears Hawaiian beach attire. He had a face of a young adult, and an Asian islander at that.

"Welcome to my Island! Elder of the North and East Coven. I hope that your sea travel wasn't that unpleasant."

Shem said loudly.


Blood lust emerged from the proud heart of Raul. He hated the person so much that he wanted to kill him. However, he can't muster a strength. The person was the only way.

Huu. A sigh could only got out from Raul.