Shem's Dinner

Accrete private Jet. European Airspace.

December 6, 2011 (8:00 pm. Western Standard time)

Shem caught sight of falling snow from his jet window. His eyes momentarily stared at them in appreciation of nature's unrivaled art. From his humble nation, he had neither experienced nor saw ice-particles, dropped with elegance from its blue sky, like this one.

Mostly, monsoon rain and summer heat are the ones that he encounters every year. Not to mention dreadful typhoons.

Rarely, he does encounter ice, in his home country. But Ice aggregates the size of a fist called hails. That when dropped from a certain height will undeniably kill a person within minutes. Unless medical treatment is readily available near the vicinity, death can be eliminated.

Because of climate change, the atmospheric system in Shem's nation became unpredictable. Even though planetary terraforming machines helped stabilize Earth's atmosphere, the healing still needs time as the pollution from humans' fuck mother Earth.

Deep sigh.

In that small moment, he reminisces about his home. Family. His past life. And every one that he met so far in this plagiarized world.

They weigh heavy in his heart.

He had never imagined that they were very precious until now. Even though silly, painful, stressful, and meaningless---they are valuable by looking at them in a different context.

"I'm going to save everyone and go home for sure!" he determined, "Conquering this world with commerce then collecting knowledge at the same time can be my edge. Heaven can kiss my ass! The entity can eat my shit. The author of this world can drink my piss."

The war back home basically taught Shem many things about life and freedom. Lessons that were far from the classrooms, offices, and the emergency medical room could provide. If you want to be free, Fight! If you want to change, fight! If you want to achieve a goal, use any means necessary! Even if blood must be shed.

"I don't care what means I must use to achieve my goals. But as far as I am concerned this world is wrong and must be corrected. The key to power in achieving this world-wide conquest is information and wealth."

Shem leaned against his soft chair and relax.

"Mr. Shem, our ETA to the Adelmo Compound is within 30 minutes." The pilot of the Jet said to Shem from a speaker. "There is an air traffic sir, due to climate."

"No problem, as long as you can land us safely on the ground." Said, Shem.

"Thank you, sir. With pleasure."

Shem can fly around the world with the use of his anti-gravity thrusters. With his growing asset, however, there is no need for such commando-like flying. If he had a jet then he would use it, at least he could enjoy some of his fortunes.

He closes his eyes and began to review his plans about wealth and information.

"Thanks to money the world goes round," said Shem.

With trade and commerce, had allowed one with money to purchase anything that was sold in the market. From information, technology, resources, assets, and services anyone can buy these products for the right price. If you want to kill the president of the USA you can hire assassins. If you want to stalk celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence and blackmail her for your selfish desire you can buy her information.

Prices for these products cannot be said cheap. They require a lot of capital in order to purchase these expensive goods from the free market.

And that's how the rich become richer pushing the poor to become poorer.

Well, Satan rules the world and he is the cause of this cruel shit. His rebellion from heaven has brought us these fucking sufferings. Deal with it.

Now, what are control and global dominance?

Control is that one man can have a say in a government policy-making; a man hidden from the shadow shaping the world to his liking if it means to achieve his goal.

"Power to direct the potential and future of humanity. Within my grasp." Said, Shem.

Global dominance is that he is present in every part of the world contributing to the economy and leeching out information and influence for his own benefits. So long as the people are happy, he can exert control.


Humans are driven by happiness. These monkeys will do anything to achieve the ultimate comfort that surpasses the promise of heaven. Humanity had been living with suffering ever since they were kicked out of the garden of Eden.

So to survive, they work hard and progress with blood mix with sweat. With that hard work, technological progress and a free society were realized. Ever since then humanity never stop progressing towards the unknown.

Though they never ask, they really need the ultimate comfort from the garden they have lost.

And Shem can sell that to them.

Keeping them happy with products that can make them happy. Thread a path for control.

Medicines that can heal anything of disease. Virtual games that can keep people busy in the net disregarding the changes of their society as long as their happiness is satiated. Technology that can help in uncovering more knowledge in science and exploration, will shut-up the mouths of the pesky scientist.

Selling Movies and other forms of entertainment with hyper-realistic special effects that one can become slaves to it. Instead of investing his care to the world he would pour his whole life to fictional characters.

Selling technology and knowledge that can answer mother Earth's needs, can shut up the people who will sniff Shem's activity, especially the activist and government.

Providing services and power to companies can propel Shem for control. Controlling the consumers is not enough, Shem should also include the producers.

Providing more food that keeps starvation in check. By selling GMOs whose yields can feed a hundred million people, can elevate Shem to power. Creating space elevators and powerful ships for space exploration will undoubtedly divert humanity's view from the dark side of the world which Shem conquers and take control.

How about his rivals?

"I will kill them all if they resist!"

Controlling the people and making them free and happy in a world controlled by a single man is not easy to achieve. History is a great example of its failures. The only way Shem can attain his goal without failures was to make the people happy and dependent on his company. Gather a lot of information from his clients and the government. Buy a lot of politicians to sway policies. Answer all the problems with the products!

" A path will be open for power."

In a world of consumerism, producers can put their consumers to an illusion that they will never care about their environment or how their society is shaped as long as his/her needs are met by that Company. Humans have needs and Shem can sell them all their needs in abundance with competitive prices. He can collect a lot of revenue for his plans while his activities will not be strained.

"I will sell them chains." He blinked. "But chains of comfort just like my world."

An illusion is key to control.

Dependency on Shem's company is the way to control.

Happiness and exploiting the psyche of a human brain is the key to global dominance.

Solving the major problems of humanity can lead to Shem's easy picking of the vulnerable world.

Shem smirked after reviewing his plans. Of course, the mentioned scenarios above is just the tip of the iceberg. Similarly, Shem will never become the rebels who fucked his solar system using them. He only wanted to survive and know everything. Most importantly, to fix this world he sees better. With his tool, the Corporation in the future, he can fix this world.

"What a dangerous path." He sighed.

Finally, the jet landed on the Adelmo Compound private runway.


The wheel kisses the asphalt strip that along with friction produces white clouds of burnt rubber tires. It then parks in a zone where the passenger can alight.

The snow lightly covered the runway but thanks to the maintenance of the caretakers of the landing strip. The snow did not cover the whole area. The Black and white motif can still be seen around.

Waiting for Shem on the runway was Erina. She wore a thick winter clothing that emphasizes her beauty. Along with her were Meredith and six heavily armed burly guards of the hidden knife. The sight was like an honorary salute for the arrival of the Datu (monarch).

"Welcome home boss," Erina said smilingly while handling Shem with the winter black-clothed, he got from the guard in Japan. Though Cheap in design, for Shem it held a sentimental value.

"Thanks," Shem look at Erina in surprise. "I never imagine you welcoming me personally."

"Consider it a Job. As your business partner and corporate CEO, I have to ensure your safety upon arrival and also to show respect. You're my employer after all. Don't misunderstand."

Erina went red. But thanks to the cold climate it was never connected to the embarrassment.

"Right…." Shem blush he had never experienced a girl waiting for him. His only experiences are artificial ones from his sims but nothing can compare to reality. "Thank you for the trouble."

Adelmo Manor. Dining Hall.

Erina was wearing her business dress. Shem on the other had his business suit. The two of them were welcome by the servants of the house. Looking around it seems Heinz the father of Erina wasn't home from his expedition.

The two of them reach the wide Dining hall of the manor.

"Mhmm! How I miss these! Oh, white rice, chicken Adobo, Tinola, beef Bulalo!" Shem shouted and gulped his saliva. The Maharlikan food was displayed on a long dining table, it can be mistaken for a buffet. "How did you cook these!"

Shem started to sit at one of the chairs beside the table. Thanks to Eliza, he already downloaded proper etiquettes when eating in a luxurious manner such as these.

In Shem's dimension, Schools no longer had a place in society. Anyone can learn through downloading a knowledge bank from the Federal government--- Department of education. They can learn any subject and field through installing them to the brain like software and imprint the wisdom to their enhanced brain or simulate the lesson in a virtual world for the learner to learn in a short amount of time, rather than the real world.

School years were shortened to one year or months, a time allotment for knowledge installation. Children can enjoy life and had more time to play. Teenagers can hang out and make more friends efficiently. Young adults can explore the world without academic stress. It is all thanks to this groundbreaking neural technology, Humanity was able to get back the time they so wish to be abundant.

Huu. What a nice world that is.

What about finding Job?

In order to apply for a job. One only needs to pass a very hard type of examination and practical test. You need to be skillful in the application of your knowledge in order to pass.

Companies and Government need to assess the value of the people who applied for the job if they are worthy than AIs. Though it was easy to learn, practicing knowledge is the most important thing needed to survive in a cruel society. Wisdom is useless without application, Afterall.

Back to Dining Hall.

"I hired a Maharlikan Chef for the company cafeteria. She said she knows about Maharlikan dish so I sent her home to cook for your favorites." Said Erina while sipping a warm- broth from the bulalo (marrow broth) she took a liking. She knew that it was a cholesterol-rich dish but still the taste can never be neglected. "Aah! Perfect for winter."

The beef Umami, chicken, and fish, with the right salt and spices, balance the dish's overall taste. It was perfectly tailored for the winter season.

Shem then smiled at that statement.

The two continued to dine in with the food prepared at the table. They talk about business and the culture of the Maharlika. The dining hall was filled with laughs and words the two of them could produce. Not knowing they are slowly eating the whole dishes on the table.

Due to Erina's enhance body curtesy of the nanites circulating her body, currently, her metabolism was 2x more powerful than a typical human, so eating a lot was never a problem.

The nanites can just break down the lipid build up inside her body and send them for disposal and store enough calories for the body energy needs. Just like Erina, Shem's metabolism is by far stronger. His pseudo-organs are organics that require a lot of energy to function aside from the fusion core he had.

Almost all of the food on the table was consumed by the two person. Either knowing how or when to stop. When a body had a strong metabolism, the brain will tell the person to consume more energy-rich foods for the benefit of the body. Strong metabolism is an indication of a healthy body in the end.

In this situation, they have dined with etiquette in mind. The consumption took 4 hours for them to finish. Chiefly, because of their enhanced metabolism, the waste they will excrete in the morning is basically minimal.

"Haha, that was bliss." Said Shem while drinking a 10% alcoholic wine. "Complement to the chef, I should double her salary."

"I never thought I could eat that much. I don't even feel full." Erina said in surprise while covering her mouth in an elegant way. "Was that because of the nanites?"

"Yep. They can do anything in terms of biological processes, my scientist on the other side of the world tailored them to be efficient than the lipo-reduction medication available in the market."

Shem said a bluff to protect his secrets.

"Huu. You're beyond mystery."

"Good point…Ignorance is a bliss Ms. Erina."

"Right…well anyways. About the company."

"Oh, right what's the news of my beloved firm."

According to the world investment firms and other holding companies. They had valued Accrete Pharmaceutical by around $80 Billion Dollars when the year 2012 comes around. The total asset of the firm can be a total of $60 plus-Billion Dollars, this money is composed of the HQ building in Poland and the secluded Manufacturing and R&D Complex hidden in the shadows of the Great Polish nation. If Shem could list his company public on the stock exchange especially in Frankfurt and London Shem would have a tremendous profit out from his Company.

"No, I know I can earn a lot from putting the company to the public but I will lose control in its direction. I don't want any wolves pricking my Company until she gave up, strength less."

When Shem puts his company publicly, he will be sharing the ownership of the company and its decision-making powers. If some stupid investor swoops in buying about 30% of the Company shares then Shem's control will be weakened. And his beautiful company will be fuck for more money until stagnation.

"You're walking in a path of so much risk," Erina said. "But smart."

"At least I can protect her, maneuver her, and use her to save this world. I have built her to help the people not because of money."

Erina sighed, Shem was partially correct.

The revenue of the company comes around $600 Billion Dollars and counting, for about 4 months after the EU Union shit, the company never stop producing the drugs in order to mitigate the growing demands. The anti-cancer, Anti-degenerative, and anti-allergy are currently dominating the EU Union health market.

The company had already started its export activities to the countries in need of cheap and reliable products. As an example, Shem buying land in Ukraine has helped him export the products to the Asian markets. Ukraine is one of the beneficiaries of the Chinese railway system. Shem can use these railways to transport his products and dump his effective and cheap products to the Asian markets. Freight trains from the Chinese were cheap and fast than transporting through ship and Airplanes.

Shem had gained a lot from choosing the perfect logistic strategy.

"According to the World Health Organization, our products have lessened the death rate of the world by about 40%."

"That is good," Said Shem while sipping his wine. "Anything else."

"You aren't surprise? Our company is like an angel, a god perhaps! It healed the world."

"It is expected, that is how my scientist designs the drug," Shem said nonchalantly. "Ha-ha, I heard you were named as the iron angel nowadays."

Erina frowned she never like the term. The media is always a monster at naming persons. With all that said, she turned to another topic.

"Looking at your formula, our scientist has discovered that all of your drugs target the DNA molecules. Fixing them to a healthy genome…." She looks at Shem who was smiling at her. "Ah never mind."

Erina then sighed and leaned against her chair.

Shem only smirked at that statement. Erina should just shut up and accept the results. She knew that the means use to develop the drugs were bloody and illegal to achieved these heaven-defying products.

In Shem's dimension, all of the cures for any disease was to fix the DNA genome. The DNA is the foundation of a human body, and all of the information needed to function is written on that million of a kilometer-long strip of information.

If there is a problem the drugs can just reset the genome and fix the problem that arises in the body. Using synthetic proteins that can influence the DNA.

If there is a viral infection or bacterial infection the drugs can stimulate the DNA to produce aggressive and smart immune cells.

Nevertheless, nothing is perfectly made without sacrifice. The drug development of course suffered a lot of death during the time of its conception. Before the arrival of the advanced computer simulator, alive and well human test subjects were used to achieve the heaven-defying results.

"Erina, what is the current progress of the anti-viral and anti-bacterial drugs. Had doctor Tolek develop the drug samples."

"About that, he still needs time, his team is still studying the formula of the drug. Additionally, the technology used to develop the ingredients of the formula are in development."

"That's ok we should slowly release these medications so as not to create Techno shock." Shem gulped all his wine. "As for the technology, I will address that."


Erina then smiled at Shem, capturing his attention. Her beauty was unapparelled. Shem could not divert his eyes out from her direction.

"Lately, we already accumulated enough politicians we can use to sway some politics in the Union. I have also managed to form a business connection with wealthy families who had health concerns you have to address in exchange for business shortcuts. We have nothing to worry about if you want to diversify your company and build your stupid Business Empire."

"Nice," Shem said." Thank you for doing this."

Erina then smiled.

"I have done enough right?"

"Beyond expectation." Said Shem wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Where is my mother Shem?"


Erina looks at Shem with a face that she had done her best. "You said I would know if I work hard. Now that I have laid down this foundation can you tell me, please?"

Looking at that expression Shem was taken aback. It felt like Shem had done bad things to her like she was a slave. Zooming her face, Shem could see that there were beads of tears in her eyes. Her heartbeats were also abnormal signifying frustrations.

"Um, If you do something bad it will hinder my plans on this continent. It might kill you." Said, Shem.

"You're underestimating me, I'm smart," said Erina with anticipation in her tone. "I just ...wanted to know."

"All right," Shem got up from his chair and walk towards Erina. He then leaned towards Erina's ears and whispered.

