Authors note. END.

Hello, Vicarma here.

Sob. Sob. Sob.

I am an anime only before but due to their moderate and sometimes yearly gaps of anime release I turned to manga. And then that also didn't satiate my hunger for entertainment then finally I turned to novels and that's the start of my flaming desire to write Tokyo Ghoul: rewrite.

A big thank you to all who are reading this. You have been a wonderful inspiration to me. I enjoyed the series very much more than anyone else. And with that enjoyment my story was produce. But…

APOLOGIES! Hands clasp. "I will no longer continue this story."

To hone my writing skills, I use this novel to practice writing and because of that I think I became good (maybe) at writing novels. I have an original story prepared so I will be turning my attention to that one.

I know I promise that I would continue this until the end but this work is for practice writing only. Lost my energy to write this one.

My plan about Tokyo Ghoul: rewrite is that the world of Tokyo ghoul is about eliminating this ghoul traits and turn ghouls back to human biology. Shem would diversify his company into many industries and take over the world by controlling the powers above using nanites and the consumerism culture. He would produce a lot of innovation that will eventually create a good and perfect peace other than the ending of Tokyo ghoul as the original. Along the way ghouls with powerful backgrounds and biology will hinder Shem in his plans but he will take control of them using the nanites.

The world that was created by the USB was actually created by an interdimensional being created by the explosion of the antimatter bomb, that being took the role as the world God. That world was a pocket universe it only contained the earth. It was like a terrarium. The sun, stars, moons etc. are created by the being to fool his creations. Plot twist that being is the AI that was created by a scientist to destroy the UNSC. Plot twist Alicia Fjord is that scientist. She was also eaten by the black hole but thanks to Shem she survives. With her control to the AI, she planned to use the AI to create large biomass monsters created by the 7 one eyed kings and use them all to kill UNSC government.

The seven one eyed kings are people who were created by the AI being using the USB data. And with that the fanfiction world was created. Shem finds out about the plan and stops Alicia. However, plot twist the AI gained sentience and became out of control. It opened a gate way using its organic techs to invade Shem world and blah blah. Sigh…

Erina and Shem will marry each other have kids and live happily ever after. Blah blah

The ancient ruins are the kingdoms of the 7 one eyed kings. Who are plot twist created by Alicia. Alicia has deep anger to the UNSC because they answer to the powerful individuals not the people and blah blah. Alicia wanted to create an army using the creations of the AI who consequently gained sentience and is actually the planet itself.

My plan is that TOKYO ghoul earth will be like the dead space Brethren moons. They consume all life they can't be killed by anything unless one can use antimatter bomb. Shem's planet is invaded but thanks to his quick thinking he saves the day. Plot twist he didn't have any parents he was actually a organically produce machine who is program to have a memory that he belongs to a family and has live as a simple soldier. His very existence is like a nuclear weapons stockpile against the enemies of the UNSC who wanted full control.

Alicia and Erina will have a mother daughter moment that will turn Alicia back to goodness and AI will be antagonist. ALL of the ghouls are actually weapons that when consumed by the brethren moons will make these creatures much more powerful. The RC cells gene parasites are there to become as a controlling device for the brethren moon in order to use humanity as food supply for its invasion and to consume more humans. Shem using his technology healed the world. All ghouls follow him and Kaneki as well as the other one eyed kings and their ghoul followers follow him to prevent the disaster.

The brethren moon was able to invade the dimension of Shem and began its evil survival instincts. Billions of people die but thanks to Shem it did not escalate to total annihilation.

Eliza is not Eliza but the AI the entity who gained sentience. It killed the original Eliza and took its place to monitor Shem and learn this human. After Shem conquered the world and learnings, Shem provided to the puppet avatar of the AI antagonist, Eliza became powerful and easily took over tokyo ghoul earth and betrayed Shem. Leaving him paralyze and puppet. Plot twist thanks to Alicia and Erina they were able to save Shem. Eliza's construct was then removed out from Shem.

Eliza is the enemy all along. All of Shem's assets will be used for its goal. Annihilating life on UNSC and advance to Godhood.

Sigh! So many possibilities. I could have made them to words but sigh…well that's the story. Lessons do not make AI smarter but make humans much smarter. Humans would be better to develop dumb AI that will assist them. Not to develop consciousness on AI.

I Apologize for this sudden ending but that's the story flow. That's how it was, thank you for reading.