Warburton mansion - part 1

"You are in the Arcardian land, my lady" replied Alvin.

Myra nodded her head absently, lost in her own train of thoughts.

"Milady, a maid will come over later with a new set of clothes for you. Is there anything else you need?" asked the butler.

Myra just shook her head in a negative. Alvin, bowed his head at her before exiting the room.

Sighing, she got out of the bed and strolled to the table where her food was arranged. Myra ate quietly, she had never eaten something so tasty. It was a meal fit for a king, making her wonder, what she did to deserve this kind of a treatment.

"Is this a dream?" she asked herself, pinching her skin.

"Ouch!" Myra felt a dull pain radiating from that region of her skin on her wrists.

Just then, someone knocked the door again and she shouted "come in".

A woman, who was a human in her late twenties stepped in. She was wearing a navy blue outfit of half sleeves and skirt with a white coloured apron tied at the front, around her waist. Her brown hair was neatly combed and tied into a bun.

'Maybe she is the maid, the butler was talking about earlier', thought Myra.

She was holding a bunch a neatly folded clothing in her hands.

The maid curtsied at Myra, and smiled. "I have bought you a new pair of clothings, Milady", she said. "If you are done with your dinner, shall I prepare you a bath?"

The woman was looking at Myra expectantly and Myra just nodded at her. The maid, placed the clothes she was carrying on the bed and made her way towards the adjoining room which she assumed must be a bath chamber.

Myra was confused at everything that was going on. As far as she remembered, she was a no-one. A homeless wanderer in search of an employment, but she couldn't understand why she is being treated this way and where she was at the moment. Everything seemed so unreal.

After waiting a minute or two, Myra went in the direction the maid had gone.

It was a bathroom, beautifully designed and decorated. There was a big, built-in pool made of white marble which was filled with water and fragrance herbs.

The maid, saw Myra by the door and smiled at her politely and she returned the smile.

"What's your name?" Myra asked stepping inside.

"Rachel, my lady" said the maid.

Myra smiled, "Rachel, please call me Myra".

It was rather too awkward for Amyra as she had never been in a situation like this before. All her life, she was used to doing household works, such as cooking, cleaning or anything her relatives asked her to do and she was used to doing her things herself and this kind of circumstance was all new to her.

"Your bath is ready, Lady Myra"

Rachel, made a move to help her undress but Myra stepped back. "Thank you Rachel, I'll do the rest myself"

The maid reluctantly nodded and curtsied once again before walking out of the bathroom, leaving her alone.

Myra stared at the closed door and then sighed. 'Is this all real?'

Even though everything seemed like an illusion to her currently, a small voice inside her head told her to enjoy the pleasures while it lasted.

Slowly undressing herself she climbed into the pool. The moment her skin touched the water, she sighed with satisfaction. The warmth soothed her aching muscles and made her feel relaxed. She closed her eyes, resting her head on the rim of the tub.

This had to be the best bath she ever had. Back home, her bath was usually short. Not more than ten minutes. Smiling contently, she took a deep breath and the rich fragrance of lavender and roses wafted around her.

Myra actually enjoyed her time in the bath, and when the water turned cold, she got out. Putting on the robe Rachel had left for her and went into the bedroom.

The clothes Rachel had left behind was on the bed. It was a beige coloured dress with bright floral prints here and there. The dress fit her perfectly. It emphasized her small waist and increased in width from her hips before the dress flowed downwards. The sleeves were puffed and short. This was probably the nicest dress Amyra had ever worn. Even the material was soft and of good quality. Staring at her reflection on the mirror, she wandered how she had turned out be this lucky.

Myra was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door.

Walking over, she opened the door to see Alvin standing out of the room. He bowed saying, "My lady, If you are ready, the Lord wants to meet you".

"Lord??" she asked confused.

"Yes, My lady" he said with a blank face, "I will take you to him, if you follow me"

'What Lord?' wondered Myra.

The butler, started walking forward and Myra followed him behind, looking around with awe.

She scanned the corridors and inhaled sharply. The place was really huge and elegant. The mansion was beautifully designed and artfully furnished. There were so many doors that she couldn't really keep a count. They came down the grand stairs.

Myra noticed that everything around, were artfully decorated with antique furniture, urns and costly items. There were numerous large portraits of Trueborn demons. Many males and females along with children were painted. Some of them looked oddly familiar though.

"Err..Alvin?" Myra called out, to see the Butler slightly turn around.

"Yes, My lady?" he gave her a questioning glance.

"How did I come here?". No matter how much she tried she couldn't remember anything after being attacked by the muggers.

The last thing, she remembered was someone riding a black stallion, before she blanked out.

"Lord Theodore carried you home, Milady" replied Alvin, the butler.

It was then she concluded that the Lord must have been the man in the horse and he must have rescued her from those two men.

She was more than just thankful. There were so many rumours about the Lord being mean and cold hearted, but with the way she was treated so far, she deduced than that the rumours must be false.

The butler led her towards a large open door. It seemed like a study room. She looked around with interest. The room was big and stylishly furnished with thick velvet drapes and heavy upholstery. The walls held beautiful paintings.

In the far corner, stood a man. His back facing Myra and he was gazing out of the window. He was tall and had broad shoulders. The room wasn't lit brightly and there were very few candles burning.

Amyra's heart thudded loudly at the thought of talking to the Arcardian Lord. Personally she had never met him before but she was scared.

"My Lord, the lady is here" announced the butler, before exiting the room leaving her alone with the Lord.

Lord Theodore who was yet to turn around and face her, was holding a glass with amber coloured liquid in it.

"Sit down", he ordered without showing his face to her. Myra who was standing while fidgeting her fingers, gingerly sat down on one of the settee nearby and waited for the Lord to say something.

A minute turned into two, but nobody spoke anything. It was an awkward silence, and before Myra could think of breaking it, the Lord asked.

"Did you have your dinner?"

"Y-yes, My Lord" said Myra,

"Does your head hurt?" Theodore questioned her after a moment. Sipping the drink from the glass.

"No..My Lord", Amyra touched her forehead, there was a small bump there and it did hurt a little, but she choose to ignore it. "Thank you for rescuing me from those men and for taking care of me so well. I don't really know how to repay your kindness".

She heard a humourless chuckle coming from the lord, "Myra, what are you doing here in Terracota all by yourself, unchaperoned?"

Myra frowned. 'How does he know my name?'

As if wanting to clarify her doubts, the Lord turned around and placed the glass on the table top, looking at her with an arrogant smirk.

Myra gasped out in horror, when she saw his face.