A Curious Pheonix

Entering his room through the window despite the risk of being further injured due to his own circumstances, Felix once again swore that he'd definitely take revenge for how he was suffering today.

Locking his room's door after entering it, Felix was already completely out of energy and close to fainting.

But, since he knew that falling asleep right now gave him no benefits and only through inscribing the True Dragon Astral Rune did he stand a chance in both healing himself and not let the injuries lead to hidden injuries which would limit his potential, Felix gritted his teeth and hit himself in his stomach and used the pain to stay awake.


Letting out a muffled scream of pain, Felix pulled out the huge square brown chart which he had hidden under the mattress and placed it on the floor while he there his blood soaked t shirt away as well.

After that, he threw the golden flower which looked like it was close to crumbling at any moment carelessly on it and moved towards the cupboard.

Not showing the usual proud look in his eyes despite looking at the close to fifty boxes which were made of Jadewood inside it, Felix started throwing the boxes which he had drawn '1' on top of near the brown chart.

Once he finished throwing all the twenty-six boxes, Felix could no longer even stand since the pain in his legs was now too much for someone like him to bear with.

"Fucking hell....! I'm... "

Coughing blood once more and this time staining the wooden floor, Felix moved near the brown chart on all fours and sat cross-legged in the middle of the star on it.

Barely keeping his eyes open and open the boxes he threw out one by one, Felix kept on taking out the items inside it and placed then on the chart around him.

Some were parts of plants, some were parts of animals, and some even minerals.

Adding together with the golden flower, Felix let out a small sigh of relief since there were now a total of twenty-seven ingredients around him.

If there was even one less, then it meant he left one box behind inside the cupboard and therefore needed to get up and bring it.

Luckily, Felix who knew that he didn't have the strength to do so didn't need to do so either.

Pushing the boxes of Jadewood which were used to store special ingredients and keep their essence from leaking out and being wasted to the side, Felix began suppressing his body's urge to cough even more blood since he knew that doing so would definitely end up interrupting what he planned on doing.

Taking deep breaths to calm himself since he was too excited and anxious, Felix began controlling the array drawn on the brown chart he was sitting on top of.

Once he did so, the star symbol began shining brightly following which all of the items on it started to float and soon began letting out smoke from being burned.

Next, the smoke kept on increasing until all of the physical items turns into floating liquid balls which then fused together and turned into one substantial golden ball.

But the process of burning didn't seem to be finished because the ball of liquid kept on boiling as black and grey coloured particles were being expelled from it little by little until the liquid compressed and turned into the size of a football which was also bright gold in colour right now.

Seeing this, Felix brought up the Astral Library and inspected the Ruse Designs of the True Dragon Rune one last time and went back to closing his eyes.

At the same time, the still boiling liquid flew towards the centre of his exposed chest and began burning his skin while his body very slowly started absorbing the liquid inside it.

Now as long as Felix managed to not faint from the additional pain and absorbed the Astral Ink inside him, all he would need to do was use it to inscribe the Rune on his Nascent Soul.

Once he did so, he'd be considered as having successfully inscribed the True Dragon Rune.

"Just you wait bastards... I'm definitely going to teach you an unforgettable lesson!"


While all of this was happening, in a location not too far away a woman was staring in the same direction that Felix was at.

Having just arrived in this lower dimension because she was here to meet someone, Anastasia who was also known as the Pheonix Empress couldn't understand why she felt as if there was something precious and essential to her in that direction.

No.... It wasn't her who was feeling like this.

Instead, it was one of the Runes she had inscribed which was showing a sense of longing towards whatever it was in the distance.

As for the Rune, it was the very Astral Rune which made Anastasia famous and gave her the title of Pheonix Empress.

The Tier 9 Astral Rune - Nirvana Pheonix Rune!

Taking in a deep breath to calm her body which seemed way too eager to find out what was attracting it, Anastasia in a split second decided that she was going to skip the important meeting she came here for.

After all, for someone like her, just a word was needed to rearrange the meeting on a different day.

What she cared more about right now was finding out what was bringing such a reaction out of her Nirvana Pheonix Rune.