Bye-bye Chris

The longer Felix continued forcing himself to keep on moving since time was of the essence, the more injured Felix became with almost at least one wound on every part of his body.

In fact, other than his own face, there was no part of Felix's body which wasn't injured.

This however wasn't because Felix was turning careless or sloppy.

After all, even though he was rushing to make sure he would finish before sunrise, Felix didn't forget his previous lesson and made sure to always keep his soul filled to the possible brim with Astral Force.

Unfortunately, the deeper he went towards the core of the entire estate, the stronger the cultivators he encountered inside the courtyards became.

Due to this, Felix who was using his Astral Sense to mark his targets ended up being caught red-handed by a Tier 5 guard who was performing his duty in the earnest.

Luckily, he didn't put Felix, a Tier 3 cultivator in his eyes due to which the young man turned the table and killed the prideful Tier 5 cultivator after slowing downtime.

At the same time, Felix finally realised that while the Sword of Kronos was omnipotent, his own strength was way too low to bring out its true power. Due to this, depending on the difference in cultivation between Felix and the one who was inside the area he was controlling time inside of, the effect of time Felix controlled significantly changed as well.

That is, unless his enemy was of the same or lower tier than himself, Felix despite controlling time and making it flow four times slower, the effect of it would be different depending on much stronger they were than him.

And Felix who went against a Tier 5 Cultivator found out that he wasn't actually slowed by four times like he had intended to do, and instead just by two times.

Though, two times wasn't actually that bad and quite a lot, considering the difference in cultivation between the two of them, Felix's own reactions and power due to being vastly inferior needed to take his enemy down in a single strike.

After all, if they managed to understand what was happening and turned on their Halo after taking a Tier 3 like him seriously, Felix would end up dying for sure. And this time, it would be him who wouldn't know how he died.

Like this, Felix while continuously suffering against enemies stronger than him kept on increasing his own combat skills and experience due to which the rate at which he received new injuries kept on decreasing.

But considering that his previous injuries hadn't healed yet and were all burning the same way meat was roasted when it was thrown on a hot pan, Felix found that due to forcing himself to continue moving and not taking any rest, more than the physical strain his mental strain was what kept on increasing.

In fact, by now Felix's brain was already running on fumes and wanted to do nothing other than faint and sleep for all eternity.

This was how high the strain on Felix's mental energy was due to staying alert at all times, exhausting his Astral Force, replenishing his Astral Force, and repeating the same cycle again and again endlessly.

"Sigh… I don't know if I should praise him for his determination, or scold him for this ludicrous behaviour."

Shaking her head, Anastasi was sure that Felix was going to end up fainting at any time soon and most likely as soon as he achieved his goal. This was because in that moment he'd be filled with relief which would cause his body to succumb into the tiredness which couldn't be recovered by those low-level healing pills he was consuming.

As for the ointment he kept on applying on his wounds, just seeing him do it was enough to send shivers down Anastasia's spine.

The Iron Sand Ointment.

Though called an ointment, it was actually nothing more than a coarse powder that resembled sand in texture and turned into an ointment looking substance after absorbing the blood it came in contact with.

Originally developed as a medicine to stop the bleeding for the soldiers who were fighting since not everyone could afford high-level healing pills, this Iron Sand Ointment was known more for the pain it inflicted than how well it stopped the bleeding.

Being something infamous for making the injured one feel more pain after applying this than before they did, the Iron Sand Ointment and the soldiers who used it possessed a love and hate relationship.

They loved how effective it was, but hated the pain which made it impossible for them to be useful before the pain subsided.

And now seeing Felix who despite being correct to choose the Iron Blood Ointment since he was prioritising the stopping of bleeding, Anastasia found it hard to look at him from just imagining how much pain he was in right now.

Especially because other than his face and crotch, there were very few spots which didn't have the moldy thick red coloured clay-like thing sticking to his skin.

Trembling once again as she ended up thinking if she would be willing to do the same thing, and at the same time felt even more curious to find out the story between Felix and Sarah for whom he was doing all of this.


"This bastard… Haaa….just seeing his sleeping so soundly is making my insides burn more than this fucking sand."

Muttering to himself, Felix who was bleeding so much that the Iron Sand Ointment on his body couldn't absorb the blood flowing out of his wounds and coagulate them, was looking hatefully towards the boy who was sleeping like a king while surrounded by twenty or so women on all sides.

And what was even more infuriating to Felix was how out of twenty women seven of them were girls who belonged to the same class as him.

This meant that not just Alecia, but all of these girls who tried to flirt with him in the past were working for Chris intending to help him take Felix down.

Learning about this made Felix feel that the pride he had in his heaven-defying looks take a considerable hit and understand that at his current stage, just his appearance wasn't enough to make most women truly fall for him.

These thoughts though didn't last in his mind for too long as he weakly raised his hand and one by one killed the twenty-something women and Chris who were sleeping on the bed one by one until no one was left alive.

After making sure that all of them were dead, Felix began reapplying the Iron Sand Ointment of his reopened and new wounds while reaffirming his decision of possessing the biggest harem with the best women in the entire world inside it!

Once he finished doing all of this, Felix removed his current cloak and changed it with a similar looking one for the umpteenth time today and shakily got to his feet.

Almost tripping, Felix used the Sword of Kronos to steady himself as fierce determination shone in his eyes.

"One more… Just one more to go…"