Trading of blows

Feeling a chill go down his spine after hearing those words which made it sound as if both of them had a blood feud, Felix realised that there was indeed a blood feud between him and Frank.

Frank had killed his father and threatened Sarah, while Felix murdered the other man's entire family including his precious son.

So in a way, the two of them were destined to go against each other and not rest until the other one died.

"Before you die, tell me who you are and I'll leave with you with an intact corpse."

Snorting coldly in response, Felix didn't say anything and even made a note to destroy his own face if he was about to die so that Frank wouldn't find out the relationship between him and the women of his family.

"Since you don't want to speak, you can die now."

Speaking as if the result was set in stone already, Frank ignored the injury on his chest and summoned a long red spear which had bright orange flames burning at the tip.


Shouting as he rushed towards Felix, Frank thought that maybe the cloaked man had frozen from fear and was getting ready to change the trajectory of his weapon and only cut off his arms, when his enemy finally made a move.

By now, Felix who had used the Sword of Kronos quite a lot of times since the moment he inscribed it was no longer so inexperienced that every time he used it he would be forced to slow the flow of time by four times for everyone other than him.

Instead, due to repeatedly using it, Felix could now control how many times he should slow the time for others, and could even slow time by almost seven times!

However, even though Felix could slow the time by seven times, he literally had no way to use it right now.

After all, he could only maintain such a slowed flow of time for just two seconds and after that he'd faint immediately without any doubt.

Due to this, Felix who was sure that even slowing time by seven times wouldn't give him enough time to kill Frank only slowed time by four times and left himself with enough Astral Force to continue fighting in case the first strike wasn't enough to kill Frank.

So, Felix who now had greater control over time waited until the very last second before taking control over the flow of time.

Reducing the area which would be affected to just a few feet around him, Felix while focussing on saving Astral Force only slowed time by two times since that was enough for him to evade and counter-attack.

Sidestepping at the very last second, Felix behaved smartly and slashed towards Frank who couldn't believe how accurately the masked man dodged.

Unfortunately, against him who was swinging his sword around awkwardly due to never having used any weapon until now, Frank despite being caught off guard for the second time moved his spear with great finesse and used the shaft to defend against the clumsy sword strike.

Still, even after doing this Frank almost ended up dying by the time he realised that the spear's shaft had been cut through and the sword was continuing at the same speed towards him.

"What the...?!"

Jumping away hastily but not before receiving an ugly deep gash which revealed his ribs which were dangerously close to being cut, Frank frowned deeply.

Putting aside that unbelievably sharp sword which seemed to be capable of slicing through anything, that annoying weird power which slowed him down felt like the greater threat to Frank.

After all, he could dodge the sword and not get injured, but that weird power which slowed him down was something he wasn't able to affect in any way.

Was it gravity?

Thinking that Felix was controlling gravity to slow him down, Frank threw the broken spear with had the tip towards Felix to test how strong that mysterious power was.

Throwing the broken spear with all of his strength, Frank's expression turned dark as he watched the spear slow down and the cloaked man easily moved out of the way.


Creating a seemingly small explosion as it almost destroyed the wall it pierced through, Frank was left with even more questions regarding that weird power.

But he didn't fail to notice that when Felix used that power, he wasn't affected by it due to which he thought that maybe there was a limit to the distance the cloaked man could wield that mysterious power.

On second thought, the previous two times he was suppressed was also when that cloaked man was close to him.

Unfortunately, learning of this gave Frank seemingly no benefit because he was a warrior whose all Runes forced him into fighting his enemy at close combat.

Therefore, even though he felt scared of that unknown power, Frank with a determined expression made all of his four runes reveal their abilities.

A pair of boots, the long spear, and armour which covered almost every part of Frank's body other than his head were three items that were materialised. As for the fourth rune, it didn't turn into an object but filled all of Frank's muscles with enough power to kill an elephant with one punch.

Seeing this, Felix turned even more serious while feeling that it was a pity that even when Astral Weapons were destroyed like he did when he cut Frank's spear, they would appear in their original meant to form when they were put away and resummoned.

But, so what?

Since he cut it once, he'll just have to cut it again!

With such thoughts, Felix chose to go on the offensive this time.

Controlling the flow of time only when he was close to Frank, Felix was forced to increase the flow of time he slowed down from two to four because those boots he wore increased the speed at which he could move.

Still, even though this had forced Felix to change his plans, since he had spent so much Astral Force, there was no way he wouldn't draw blood.

Therefore, while slashing his sword, Felix almost cut off Frank's leg while at the same time being stabbed straight through his left arm close to his shoulder and left behind a hole through which one could see what was there on the other side.