"Ambrosia!" I scream. My insides feel like they are turning inside out. I'm reminded again how real everything feels. I wish I could logout. Not even my impending death is enough to force me out of the game. Smeme would get a good laugh out of this one. He'd probably remind me this is what I asked for, a visit to the real world.
I place my hands on the Black Knight's face as he grabs the back of my head and starts fidgeting for a dagger from his belt. I feel my tongue bleeding from where I had bitten down on it too hard. The taste of copper spreads in my mouth as I begin to growl. Somehow, I escape his grasp and retreat a few steps, then I cast Catapult, my Tier-1 spell, on a small rock. The item lifts in the air, then accelerates and crashes at enormous force in his face. His head splatters like a piece of abstract art. If it wasn't so morbid it would actually be beautiful.
I take a deep breath. Another Black Knight is running toward me with his war scythe holding it above his arms. He has at least a six-foot reach on me. There is no way I can dodge. I exhale and watch as Ambrosia's dagger flies through his neck and blood sprays the air. He falls dead in front of me.
"Pay attention, pet," the vampiress says from behind me. Reaching down she grabs my crotch. "This isn't over yet," she adds, licking the blood from my lips while she hands me back my sword. I can see her face clear as day with my Dark Vision. She has been sucking the blood of the Black Knights. Her pale skin, lips, teeth all covered in their blood. Her eyes almost look like they are glowing. She has taken minimal damage and her HP is 90% full. "I've had my fill, I think it's time we stop playing and be done," she suggests with a broad smile.
"The merchants still need our help, we can't abandon them yet," I tell her while trying to catch my breath.
"Such a hero," Ambrosia giggles, running her hand across my chest and down toward my stomach.
I turn away from her as I hear one of the merchants shouting. As quickly as she appeared, she's gone again. There are two Black Knights left. They attack the merchants as their companions flee wounded, most likely by Ambrosia's surprise attacks. The entire forest is now lit up by fire from where I had cast Fire Bolt before, against the two entangled knights on the tree. I can't believe a small spark has set the entire thing ablaze.
"Galek, No!" I hear one merchant shrieking, as a young elvish looking man jumps toward one of the knights.
The elf's bones give way to steel and air releases from his back. A gash appears through his spine and lungs while his ribs take hold of the Knight's blade. The second Knight kicks him off and sends him flying backward into the crowd of merchants, including the gorgeous girl who had been fighting earlier.
The two knights wear the crest of a dragon on their armor. Brothers? Trained together, probably. The duo seems fierce. The more violent one, is using a two-handed sword while the other, a sword and a shield. They are unable to give in, to retreat like the rest. Their eyes look almost like they are glowing red below their helmets.
I scan them with my insight and I get their stats. Threat Level 6. HP 30 out of 44 for the more violent one, Threat Level 5. HP 24 out of 44 for the second.
I calm my nerves and charge against them. They may have strength but I have agility, speed, reflexes. I jump up and leap through the air, bringing myself down between them. I grab the second one's shield and cast Bright Light again. The entire area lights up and I move under his arm, grab the back of his helmet, and cast Chill Touch. His entire suit of armor freezes over. I give him a little push toward the stronger, more violent knight, who tears him through like butter. Unstoppable, sharp, violent, uncaring for his comrade. So much for my theory on the two of them being brothers. The knight I face now is a being of pure rage.
Our two swords meet in the air. One, two, three strikes. I manage to knock his HP down a few points without taking any damage. On my fourth strike, I manage to hit the side of his helmet and he tosses it aside. His face is pale white but he's no vampire. I can see black and blue veins running up the side of his square jaw and across his shaved head. He's middle-aged and his scars under his eyes look like they were self-inflicted.
The Black Knight lifts his sword into the air and comes down hard. When I dodge out of the way, he performs a swift move with his hand and knocks my shoulder out of place. I don't have time to pay attention to the pain. Standing three feet away, the Black Knight gives me a moment to plan my next attack. I crack and force my shoulder blade back into place. My regenerative powers help numb the pain. Without my Vampire Ancestry, I would be a goner.
Our swords meet again and I feel the Black Knight pushing me lower to the ground as my knees bend. It feels like he has the power to manipulate gravity around me, but I know that's not the case.
I've used both my Tier-1 spells for the day and I have little magic left, not enough to cause any significant damage to the Knight. I'm pretty sure Ambrosia is done saving my ass too. For some reason, she won't appear in front of the merchants. I'm pretty much fucked I think. Despite that, I'm determined to fight to the bitter end and not die here, at least not while a dozen merchant NPCs watch me suffer.
I cast Fire Bolt but my opponent blocks the projectile with his sword. Beams of light erupt from the collision and I get the opportunity to attack. With a swift movement, I head forward and hit him straight in the jaw. He drops his sword and lets out a growl. I can see he has filed his teeth to sharp points.
"What are you?" I ask aloud.
The Black Knight doesn't answer. Instead, he looks at me straight in the face with eyes filled with hatred. I can feel a chill running up the back of my spine and down my arms. I'm not sure the Knight is really human but nothing tells me otherwise. Still, there is no denying some kind of dark magic has been fed to him. Is he part vampire like I am? None of the others were anywhere near his level of strength and willpower. Not that it matters. Between the two of us, I don't know if I stand a chance. I'm Threat Level 3 while he's 6. I feel my stamina running out. I get the sense that the longer the two of us battle, the stronger he's becoming. The more our swords meet, the more black magic begins pumping through his veins.
I enter into a bow stance. Spacing my feet apart and readying Lush over my head, ready to guard. I'll let the Black Knight come at me. If I can manage to make him stumble, maybe I can get the upper hand. As he moves forward, inching his way toward me, he begins a series of powerful blows with his weapon. I feel my shoulder is ready to dislocate again from the pressure. I won't hold for long. Then, the merchants come to my aid. They begin throwing stones, heavy goods, even arrows at the Black Knight. They divert his attention away from me. He moves toward them like an animal, going after the most immediate threat.
For a moment I'm safe, I can even run away. Not my style. I dig Lush into the back of the Black Knight's neck and cast Fire Bolt with what little magic I have left. Lush heats up and penetrates the Black Knight's armor, sinking down slowly into his skin. The Black Knight falls to his knees, drops his sword, and draws his last breath as he falls face-first into the mud.
I fall to my knees exhausted, holding my sword tight in my hand. My chest heaves up and down as I struggle to catch my breath. My black hair is dripping with sweat. I can't imagine what I look like to the merchants right now. Probably some half-dead thing that just slaughtered their attackers. Am I truly a friend… or something much worse, coming to claim them?
I shut my eyes and exhale slowly. I feel the surrounding fire, smoke, and the smell of death. I can't remember if I ever once felt this alive.
You have reached Level 4, my NCI informs me.