Chapter #13: Esteri pt2

I'm ready to make her mine. She unlaces my boots and I kick them to the side. She runs her fingers up to my leg with one hand and with the other unbuttons my trousers. She stops suddenly and I gasp. She's teasing me. As she stands up, she grabs my shaft and pauses momentarily to kiss me on the neck. I feel dizzy as she runs her other hand back down my bare chest. She takes a step back admiring me like I'm a piece of meat. Slowly she begins undressing for me. Her corset falls to the ground along with the white dress she had on underneath.

"I don't normally do this," she says, dropping back down on her knees while pulling down my pants.

She doesn't seem as innocent after all. Her tongue is long and soft, as I feel her pulling every inch of me inside her mouth. She moves my hand to the top of her head and I grab hold of her fire-red hair in the palm of my hand. I continue to swell inside her mouth, wrapped in her warmth until I feel like I am going to cum. My heart is beating faster and faster. When I am ready to burst, her lips wrap themselves around me and I feel her tongue moving back and forth while my seed fills her mouth.

She doesn't stop for another minute making sure to devour every last drop. I feel like I am threaded to the ground, her face buried between my legs until there isn't anything left I can give her. When she finally begins backing away I can see my cum dripping from her lips down across her bare breasts and I notice that she has been fingering herself the entire time.

Esteri stands back up and pulls me towards the river.

"Let me clean you up," she giggles again.

"This is why you insisted on coming alone," I say smiling.

She doesn't answer, instead grabs my shaft again as we approach the water. Despite the cold breeze in the air, the water is as warm as a bath.


We are two hours late and I wonder if Esteri's father or some other merchant will come in search of us. Not that I really care. Esteri won't let me go back to the merchant campsite without making sure I am completely clean.

The rendezvous spot is about half a mile from where the merchants had been attacked. The tree that I had set fire to had burnt out. I am glad it hadn't caught the entire woods on fire. Perhaps if it hadn't been magic, it would have spread but I am unsure. Fire is a chaotic element, unpredictable. I am actually pretty lucky I didn't kill anyone by accident.

Eventually, we get back into our clothes and head to the merchant campsite. Despite being an inky night, Esteri can navigate pretty easily in the woods as if it is broad daylight. It doesn't take us more than half an hour to find them. As we begin walking through their camp, each one stands up as I cross paths with them. There are more here than at the battle. I feel like a king having returned home from war. On a small campfire, they are cooking some kind of rabbit creature that had fangs the size of boar tusks. It looks like we have arrived just in time for a late-night snack. Esteri's father, Immenithes, sits toward the far end of the fire on a stool made of stones. There is a place set up for Esteri by his side, and another next to her empty, that had been prepared for my arrival.

"Eat, I'm sure you must be famished!" Her father insists, handing me a stick with cooked rabbit meat on it. The meat had been tenderized with rosemary and basil, according to my Herbarium. It is a relief to find I am not being poisoned. Something about all of this feels too perfect. Then again, this is a just reward.

"What brings such a fierce sorcerer into these woods?" Immenithes asks.

"My partner and I were on our way to Lycia," I say.

"Partner? Did they die? Flee in the attack? I'm afraid you are the only one that we saw helping us in our time of need," Immenithes says sadly.

"They are very much alive," I say smirking. It is both a truth and a lie but I am not about to scare them away by letting them know my partner is a vampire or that I am half-vampire. I much prefer they think of our encounter as being the right time and place.

"It seems that they have abandoned you, hero," Immenithes jests.

"Father please, I'm sure his partner has a good reason for not being here," Esteri says, defending me.

I am pretty sure Ambrosia would have either torn her apart or made her a thrall had she been with us. She's the kind of person that gets mad when others mingle with her property. And that's what I am for her: a procession, an object to play with. When the time comes, I'll show her I'm not just a pet. I'm sure the plot of this game has other, higher expectations of me.

"We have a very important business in Lycia, I'm sure they went on ahead of me knowing I would catch up. My partner is about a hundred times faster and stronger than I am. I have no doubt she can take care of herself," I answer.

"Oh, your partner is a woman? Interesting," Immenithes says putting his hand to his chin and looking over toward his daughter and me again.

Esteri doesn't even flinch at the mention of my partner being a woman. Of course, I never got the sense that Esteri wanted anything more since she had never asked my name.

"Hero... I must ask," Immenithes starts.

"My name is Athanasios. You don't have to keep calling me a hero," I insist.

"Hero," Immenithes coughs, "Athanasios, I am sorry we have little to give you as a reward."

Esteri giggles. Her father looks at her with almost a glare. I wonder if he knows the things his daughter stands up to. He was hesitant to let us go off on our own back then.

"It's fine, I didn't do this for any reward," I smile. I can't help but look over at Esteri who is taking a bite from her rabbit. She is tearing up and mourns for some inexplicable reason.

"Esteri, now is not the time nor the place," Immenithes insists.

"But father, he can help, he can save Estis," Esteri says, her eyes almost completely covered in tears.

"Daughter, I know, I would like to believe it too but..." Immenithes pauses and sighs.

"Who is Estis?" I ask, feeling like a complete outsider.

"Estis is my twin sister," Esteri wipes the tears from her eyes.

I can feel my crotch harden. Twins. I now feel the urge to know what happened to her.

"Estis was taken by the new local landlord, the same one that seized all of our merchandise," Esteri cries again.

"I'm sorry, Athanasios. This has been a hard time for all of us. This is all because of our new king, Alastor. The king recently appointed the new Lord of the fort we came from, and he performs all kinds of dastardly demonic deeds. He took my daughter Estis for god knows what purpose. My girls... they know nothing but innocence," Immenithes says and I almost choke on my meal. "I fear what will become of her locked in the new Lord's dungeon. Without her, I fear our family will never be complete."

"I swear I will kill the new Lord and free Estis," I say proudly.

Esteri reaches over and wraps her arm around me. She whispers into my ear, "You should know my sister and I share everything together."

"It is settled then! We shall set out tomorrow and lead you to the lord's castle. We'll watch as you unleash your magic on the Order of the Black Knights and rescue Estis from the horrors of being a dungeon slave!" Immenithes raises his drink, some kind of foul-smelling mead and drinks.

Esteri whispers in my ear again, "My father is a heavy sleeper. When he passes out I will thank you personally." I feel her hand brushing against my crotch again as I start to swell.

"Not so fast," Ambrosia's voice says from the darkness behind us.

Oh fuck... I think to myself facepalming.