Chapter #34: Wait, is the Black Knight the one I think he is? pt4

My entire body trembles, my eyes water, and my pupils dilate. I immediately feel the hotness of my body taking place, my heart racing, and my brain being on fire. The agony is so intense that sweat starts trickling down my neck and I'm about to explode. I cannot move, I'm frozen and terrified, nothing can make my tense body relax. This is what true fear is! I think that the creators of this world have gone a little overboard with realism. This is far from enjoyable and someone should tell them that there's a limit to how realistic a game should be.

It seems that several other adventurers have fallen prey to the legendary action of our great opponent. It will be impossible at the current Threat Level I am to defeat this creature.

My NCI informs me that Elektra, Alexander, Zoe, and the rest of the team have been affected and they are unable to move as well. I want to scream and shout and tell them to move, but it seems I'm unable to do so. Command as I might, this body-avatar of mine won't move. Only a handful of adventurers are still able to fight like Cadmus, the Black Knight, and his warlock sidekick.

The battle is lost and I'm not the only one having noticed. The Black Knight and his aide seem to have the same idea as me and decide to leave this place, leaving behind the artificer with five high-level adventurers.

Ambrosia immediately takes action and pulls me on her back with Elektra. For a normal person, it would have been impossible to carry two people at the same time, but my strong vampire ally is an exception. She tries to follow the Black Knight ignoring the onslaught that takes place. Alexander, Zoe, and his team are left behind and all I can do is observe their HP bars diminishing, as each and every one of them perishes. Soon none of them will remain and I wonder if there's some kind of respawning mechanism that I could make use of if I escape to bring them back. I feel bad for abandoning them but there's nothing I can do for now.

When we are about to reach the iron-wrought gate, the Black Knight blocks Ambrosia's path and kicks her in the stomach, forcing her to backpedal a few steps back.

"Are you mad?" She shouts, her eyes narrowing as she tries to keep her balance.

I barely manage to lift my head and ask, "Why did you do that?"

"Stop playing it dumb Athanasios. You're the one responsible for Leda and me being cast into the real world," he shouts at me with his booming voice, his words shaking me to my core.

"Smeme, is that you?" Is all I'm able to ask, before his sidekick casts a spell that makes the whole gate crumble, leaving us trapped inside.

"You know the shithead?" Ambrosia demands to know. "How is it that all the time you're getting into trouble? And I'm dragged down as well."

"It's a long story," is all I'm able to say in my current state, but I feel that the effects of frightening gaze are diminishing and I'm at least able to stand and move. "Put me down, I can pull my weight."

Ambrosia does as she's commanded. Elektra is back on her feet as well, although not fully capable as I want her to.

Inspecting the place around, I see that Alexander and Zoe are still alive but barely; the undead have overwhelmed them and I know it will be impossible for me to help them. Damn! I try to figure out how to save them and get us out of here alive.

"They are lost," Ambrosia tells me in a stern voice, unlike her character.

Elektra falls on her knees crying, desperate, and resigned.

Then, something unforeseen happens, something I would never have expected. The artificer takes out from his pocket a legendary item. The scarlet gemstone has a tooltip notification above it that reads Time Stop Stone. The lich glowers and screeches something inaudible, forcing all his minions to rush at the artificer as he does the same.

With a sinister smile, the artificer activates the Time Stop Stone and the 9th Tier transmutation spell starts taking control, making this cruel battle to stop. Everything's frozen, the flow of time is disrupted for everyone but the Artificer who can move as normal as before. With swift, elegant movements, he approaches the wavering lich. Taking his time, he removes a glowing gold ring with a crimson pearl from the lich's left hand.

"Hahaha, I did it, I finally did it!" He monologues exhilarated as he wears the ring on his index finger.

Time starts flowing again but I fear that things will not be the same as before, now that our old leader has fulfilled his own agenda. His power has exploded and now boasts a terrifying Threat Level 45, making him even stronger than any other creature I've encountered so far in my brief life here. Even Ambrosia is no match for him. I hope our former leader still remembers us. Also, it became evident to me that with certain items you can buff yourself and even gain several Threat Levels, so I should keep that in mind when I raid dungeons. Our former leader is a testament to this.

The undead minions have stopped rushing and stand at attention. Even the lich stands still, casting his dead gaze on the now powerful artificer.