Nova and Sofia with Damon and Theo

I woke up Sofia so she can get ready to go to school it was late I decided that Sofia can just stay home and have a sister day so this is what we going to do "Nova what are we going to do first" Sofia ask me as we walk around the town I smile "How about we go to the beach and after that we go find a place to eat in the park" I said Sofia look sad "Okay" she said I look and smile "And then go to moms grave" I said Sofia look and hug me extra tight "Yes please I got a lot to tell her" Sofia said so I took her to the beach Sofia was building a sand castle when a young boy came by her I look and see them playing I smile if only they could stay this way all the way till they grow up not like how men are now Sofia came running with the boy next to me "You gotta help me hid him his brother is trying to take him home" I look at Sofia and then at the boy he look like a mini version of Damon "Sofia I can't do that plus you know that if I hid him his brother going to freak out just vice versa as I would if if this was you in this situation" I said Sofia look and hug me and smile "Okay fine your right" Sofia said I smile I look up to see the little boy getting into the car with Damon so he do got a little brother I took Sofia hand and we walk to the food court outside and the little boy was here to god I hope I don't see this Damon again just the the little boy "Hi I'm Theo" Theo said Sofia smile "Hey Theo I'm Sofia sorry we didn't get to introduce ourselves at the beach" Sofia said Theo smile as I sat down watching Sofia somebody stood blocking my view I look up to see Damon "I thought she had school" Damon said sitting next to me I look and rolled my eyes "I gave her a day off" I said in the most attitude way to make sure he knows that I don't want to talk to him "Listen you don't like me and I'm not found of you but you the only girl who seems to not be attractive by me I want to get know you that all" Damon said "Is every girl supposed to be found of you" I said annoyed Damon laugh and I got up Sofia was running towards me "Can we go see moms grave now" Sofia said I nod "I drive y'all me and my brother Theo is going to see our grandparents anyways" Damon said standing up I look and was about to say no but Sofia bet me to it "Okay come on Nova" Sofia said as I was walking I noticed someone that I thought I never see again in my life my dad "Nova" my dad said Sofia stop at her tracks and ran to my side the reason why my mother died was from stress and more and Sofia blame herself then blame our father from it as I look at him with a child and a new wife I hated him more "I'm sorry do I know you" I said Sofia look and hug my waist Damon was behind me touching my shoulder and Theo was in on the other side of me holding my hand "Nova it me dad" my dad said Sofia look at me and then at him "WE DON'T HAVE A DAD HE LEFT HE DO NOT WANT US" Sofia said and ran away I look and ran to chase her I can't believe this all this time I'm been trying to protect her but I'm been broken myself shutting all men down when they get to close and Damon I hope he just took his brother to the graveyard I can handle Sofia myself but I was wrong Damon and Theo follow me they saw me hugging Sofia and holding her I was soothing her when I was about to breakdown myself but Damon came and hug both of us and Theo came to hug us why is he being so nice I to me he even said he wasn't founded of me after a hour we put the kids in the car and we made our way to the graveyard they was sleep on the way "Why did you follow me you even said you wasn't found of me" I said Damon look at me and smile "And eyes on the road" I said Damon laugh "Okay my eyes are on the road but the reason why I follow you was because well I don't know you seem like you got everything figured out until you saw your father and then everything shatters Nova you ain't no broken girl that you think you are you taking care of a 11 year old girl also you sister you mother who died Nova I give you credit and finish school you don't pay attention to boys because you think they all like your father but some men out in this world is good and is looking to heal girls like you" Damon said I jump once he said that to me and my heart drop once he said my name "So you do now my name and thanks" I said Damon laugh "You welcome Cherry the reason why I call you that is because you blossom like a Cherry and plus your red hair" Damon said I look back at Sofia where see was still sleep "I promise my mom I will protect her" I said still looking at Sofia then turn to see Damon looking at me "Well both of my parents are still alive and in my life I just took him on a brothers day" Damon said I look back at Sofia "Lucky you" I said whispering hoping he heard me he chuckle "We here Cherry" Damon said I look at him "Don't call me that" I said while getting out the car as I was getting out Damon was too "What is your problem you first was nice then rude then nice then back rude like what did I do to you I apologize and everything" Damon said as I was trying to get Sofia out "Damon it nothing okay" I said but it was so much more I don't want to get hurt I have to worry about Sofia I can't bring a men into our life's not after what happened with dad "Cherry like I said not every men is out to hurt you" Damon said getting Theo up out the car I look as I get Sofia out the car and Sofia ran to hug Theo "Bye hopefully I see you again" Sofia said "Same hopefully" Theo said hugging her back she ran back to my holding my hand after we saw our mother Damon was standing by the car yelling at a men and Theo was in the car on his phone me and Sofia walk past them "Hello sexy" The guy said "Fuck off" I said holding Sofia next to me Sofia laugh in my shirt "Hey Chris" Damon said Chris look and rolled his eyes "What is it Damon you need some more time for when your father gave you the family work what you scared what happened to your grandparents happen to you" Chris said Damon look and chuckle "Chris fuck you" Damon said Chris walk away and Damon was looking at me " Come girls get in I'll take you home" Damon said Sofia run to get into the car I went into the front they was playing it was weird "Nova I don't want to go home yet" Sofia said I look at my phone it only 7 "I don't know Sof you got school" I said "Yeah your right" Sofia said I smile "If you come straight home after school we can go to see a movie or something" I said "Yay okay" Sofia said Damon smile and then look at me Sofia and Theo was playing with each other in the back "You know your mother would of been proud" Damon said I look at him "Damon I'm sorry about how was acting but I don't know if you can ever get to know me" I said Damon smile "I bet you I can" Damon said "So is this a betting game now" I said Damon laugh "Maybe" Damon said he parked the car and Me and Sofia got out Damon and Theo followed us upstairs "Sofia ran inside to her room and Theo follow "Who was that guy you was talking to at the graveyard" I said Damon look "Just a guy who my family is not really cool with mine and his families hasn't been for a while" Damon said I turn and look "Right Damon Black" I said Damon look up "So you do know me" Damon said I laugh "You was on the news last night I watch the news every night" I said Damon look smile "Theo is going to be upset that he leaving" Damon said "Yeah well I guess we got to do something about that" I said Damon laugh "How old is Theo" I said Damon smirked "He is 11 going on smart mouth age" Damon said rolling his eyes I laughed "So you have a little brother both parents are in your life and you take care of your family business 29 years old but love to sleep with different women every night scared of commit" I said Damon laugh walk over to the balcony "It not that I just feel like every girl is trying to be with me for my money it weird" Damon said I walk by him "Well not every girl is out to hurt you Damon" I said Damon laugh "I know that you just need to" Damon said pushing my hair out of my face "I'm going to check on Sofia" I said walking away "Yeah and I should get Theo home before my mom freaks out and my dad have to save me" Damon said I smile "Come on Theo" Damon said Theo and Sofia ran down stairs "Can we do this again some day" Sofia and Theo said Damon look at me and I shrug my shoulders "Yeah I don't see why not" Damon said I smile "You ready for bed" I said Sofia nod "Can I sleep with you tonight" Sofia said I nod Sofia and Theo hug each other bye Damon was at the door looking at me "So till next time" Damon said I smile "Bye Damon" I said he smirk and left "Can you guys please get together so I don't have to worry about you growing up alone because I swear I'm going to scream" Sofia said I look and laugh "To bed" I said Sofia was sleep when I heard a knock at the door I look to see who it was "Damon it 3 o'clock in the morning what are you doing here" I said Damon came in "You got license" Damon ask I nod I have license but not a car "Well I know it going to be to much but here" Damon hold out car keys "I can't take this Damon" I said "Take it I was giving out some of my cars and wondered why not try and give one to Cherry" Damon said with a smirk I took the keys and hug him "Thank you" I said he hug me back "You see not every guy is trying to hurt you Cherry" Damon said I look and push him he laugh "How are you getting home" I ask he rolled his eyes "I chose Prince to follow me here out of all people" Damon said I laugh "Well beat it I got to wake up early to take Sofia to school" I said Damon smile and kiss my check "Nova I don't know what your doing to me" Damon said I look and smile "And there the door" I said Damon laugh "See ya later Cherry" Damon said as I go back upstairs Sofia was up "Was that Damon" Sofia ask I nod "What did he want" Sofia ask getting back into bed "He was giving out cars and he gave me one" I said Sofia jump on me "Can we take it for a ride" Sofia said I laugh "Yeah once we get up for school" I said Sofia smile and went back to sleep I look on the back of my keys and found his number I knew there was a trick I program his number to mine phone I text in the morning